Class: Extraterrestrials

Known Representatives: Shras

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsAndoria (Earth-Star Trek)

First Appearance(television) Star Trek: The Original Series: “Journey To Babel” (November, 1967), (DC Comics) Star Trek I #16 (July, 1985)

PowersAndorians had enhanced hearing, and their organs of hearing were a single pair of antennae located on either their foreheads or on top of their heads. Andorians were masterful and fierce combatants, often armed with a flabjellah, a combination weapon and musical instrument.

History(Who’s Who in Star Trek #1) - Andorians lived in a caste society, with administrators at the bottom and warriors at the top. Family ties were indicated by the precious stones worn on their outfits, and caste was indicated by the color of their clothing. Music was second only to fighting prowess in Andorian culture, and in the distant past the Andorian language was based entirely on musical notes. As a member of the U.F.P. (United Federation of Planets), an Andorian delegation was sent to the USS Enterprise during the controversy over the admission of the Cordian System to the U.F.P. Tellerite Ambassador Gav was murdered aboard the Enterprise and when Science Officer Mr. Spock sought the logic in the crime Ambassador Shras told him to look for baser motivations for murder. Some time later a delegation of Andorian warriors served aboard the Enterprise during the V’ger Encounter.

Comments: Created by D.C. Fontana.

The Andorians, along with the rest of the characters from DC Comics run on Star Trek, were not part of the mainstream DC Universe. To simplify matters, I refer to these characters as inhabiting Earth-Star Trek. Surely, somewhere out there in the DC multiverse, there's a Star Trek universe, or there would be if DC still had the rights to make comics about Star Trek.

The Andorians received a profile in Who's Who in Star Trek #1, a summary of their television appearance.

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