Real Name: Sam Simeon

Class: Gorilla City gorilla

Occupation: Private investigator, cartoonist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Baka (grandmother), Gorbul Mammit (uncle), Gorilla Grodd (grandfather), unnamed mother

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, NY, formerly Gorilla City

First Appearance: Showcase #77 (September, 1968)

Powers: Sam was a skilled artist and detective. He had minimal fighting skills but possessed the strength and endurance of a healthy gorilla. He had limited mental powers, allowing him to cloud the minds of others and convince others of whatever he wanted. he usually used his ability to keep people from realizing he was a gorilla.

History: Angel and her father Professor O'Day went on an expedition to Africa, where they found Sam Simeon, an intelligent ape from Gorilla City, who left his fellow gorillas because the Force of Mind he inherited from his grandfather made them nervous. They brought him to their home in the states, and Sam's promise to his people not to follow in Grodd's footsteps made them willing to accept his transition to Man's world. Angel busted up a smuggling ring while working as translator for a shipping company, and used the reward money to open up a detective agency. She offered Sam a position, and they both excelled in their new niches. Sam would also become a renowned comic artist at DZ Comics, most famous for his creation of Deus Ex Machina Man. 

Comments: Created by John Albano & Bob Oksner

Ape received profiles in Who's Who in the DC Universe #10 & Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #26.

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