Real Name: Ares

Class: God (Olympian Gods)

Occupation: God of War

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Artemis (half-sister), Children of Ares (children), Deimos (son), Eris (sister), Harmoia (daughter), Hephaestus (brother), Hera (mother), Lyta (daughter), Phobos (son), Zeus (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Areopagus, Olympus

First Appearance: Wonder Woman II #1 (February,1987)

Powers: Ares was an immortal possessed with vast superhuman strength and stamina. He was an unrivaled military strategist, manipulator and armed combatant, and the armor he wore was virtually indestructible. Mortal warfare increased his power, and he had the ability to spur mortals into combat. As with all gods his existence was dependant on belief and worship from mortals.

History: (Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #1 (fb)) - The destruction of the Old Gods sent a godwave from the source that struck Earth. The gods of the Greeks would be born from this godwave and usher in the Third World.

Ares, the Greek god of war, opposed his half-sister Artemis' plan to create the Amazons. He feared they would bring peace to Earth, and he vowed to be their sworn enemy. One of the primary reasons the Amazons created Wonder Woman was to oppose the mad god.

Ares was ready to spark nuclear war between the U.S. and Soviets but Wonder Woman convinced him that such a war would leave no survivors, and Ares would fade away if there were no mortals to worship him.

(War of the Gods #2-4) -

(Wonder Woman II #126 (fb)) -

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #8) - The Source Wall crumbled, and Highfather and Metron called Odin, Zeus, and Jove to the Source. The gods had come to respect Highfather’s wisdom, and listened when he explained that the godwave that created them was collapsing, and the Source was buckling under the pressure. Ares showed up unannounced, but Highfather had expected him. The gods consented to his plan to save the Source by using his wonder staff to fuse them all into one ultimate deity, simply called the One. With their newfound power they penetrated a crack in the Source Wall, and sought the Source itself. The Source defended itself, and each obstacle they met made them split off one of the gods. Odin was first removed from the One, and then Zeus. As the One entered the Source, he realized Ares had expelled Jove too. They separated, and Ares revealed that he had tricked him. He was glad to gamble the fate of the universe if he could have access to the ultimate power of the Source. Highfather and Ares clashed, and the god of war ran him through with a sword. The New Gods, alongside Earth’s heroes, continued to fight the Parademons, but sensed something was amiss. Only Takion knew Highfather was gone, but at the advice of the last of the Old Gods, chose to keep that a secret, so the heroes wouldn’t lose hope.

(Spectre III #58) - When God disappeared form Heaven, Spectre sought information from other pantheons, including the Olympians. Zeus thought he was hubristic to see the Olympians as less than the Judeo-Christian creator, and told him that all divinity was the manifestation of the godwave after the passing of the Old Gods. Zeus told him their was a disturbance in the Source, the creative power all gods acknowledged. Ares told Spectre to be gone, and Spectre warned him his mission of vengeance could one day see him calling Ares to task for the blood he'd spilled.

(Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #14) - Desaad and Metron ventured into outer space to ask a Promethean Giant, Prodigian, to help them free Darkseid from the Source Wall. An enormous being hidden in robes appeared, and expressed his own interest in the situation. Metron and Desaad visited the Source Wall with Prodigian, and Desaad was surprised to find the wall once again keeping Promethean Giants prisoner. Metron explained that he had to warp time to talk to Prodigian, and in their breif conversation, billions of years past, and new giants sought the wall and fell short. Metron made a trans-phasic inversion using the Mobius Chair, slipping the giants into parallel dimensions briefly so he could dig through the wall to Darkseid. Metron still questioned the hooded stranger, who only replied that he was invested in freeing those trapped in the Source Wall. Metron noticed how carefully he phrased himself, and wondered if their objectives were truly the same. The stranger and Metron created a dimensional intersect so they existed at all points in time, because Darkseid and the others trapped after Genesis were too much a part of the Source to be freed in the present. Back in the time they started they freed Darkseid, with Prodigian agreeing to take his place for a while. The stranger revealed himself as Mars, and freed Ares, undoing the schism Uxas created so long ago, and making them one god. Takion investigated, but the immense energies from the Source Wall buffeted him. Mars / Ares promised to make the New Gods pay for their separation.

Comments: Adapted to comics by George Perez.

Ares received profiles in Who's Who Update '87 #1, Who's Who in the DC Universe #8, Wonder Woman Secret Files #1 and The DC Comics Encyclopedia. Ares was featured in the War of the Gods entry in JLA in Crisis Secret Files #1.

Ares had a cameo appearance in Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War #1

Swamp Thing II #75 showed an image of Ares when Swamp Thing contemplated the nature of immortals.

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