Real Name: Roy Harper

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Superhero, former government agent

Group Affiliation: formerly Justice League of America II, Outsiders III, Teen Titans I, Titans II

Known Relatives: Lian (daughter, deceased), Roy Harper (Guardian, uncle), Will Harper (father, deceased)

Aliases: Speedy, Red Arrow

Base of Operations: Mobile, formerly Titans Compound, NYC

First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #250 (July, 1958)

Powers: Arsenal was a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and a world-class archer. As Speedy, he used a number of explosive arrows, including explosive arrows, arrows with arrowlines or nets, and arrows containing knockout gas. Arsenal added a number of projectile weapons to his repertoire, including firearms.

History: Will Harper saved the Sioux Indian Brave Bow from a forest fire, so when he died in an avalanche Brave Bow became the guardian of his infant son Roy. Brave Bow was a renowned archer, and taught Roy everything he knew. Roy took to archery, and surpassed his master. When Brave Bow was near the end of his life he sent Roy out to find a new guardian. Roy sought out Green Arrow, hoping to become his sidekick. He impressed the hero by foiling a bank robbery, and earned himself the nickname Speedy for his skills. He became Green Arrow's trusted companion.

(Adventure Comics I #250) - The Green Arrows of the World were an international team of crimefighting archers all inspired by Green Arrow. GA and Speedy invited them to america to celebrate their accomplishments, and the Arrows were happy to show off the trick arrows that made them famous crimebusters. Crook "Counterfeit" Carson, who'd promised to get back at GA for sending him to jail, got wind of the meeting, and knocked out the Bowman of Britain, took his costume, and crashed the party. He told GA he wanted him to try out his Big Ben arrow, which had a timer attached. GA feigned interest, but knew the Bowman was an imposter because he carried a wanted poster of a criminal he claimed to be after, and the reward was in dollars, not pounds. GA disarmed the Big Ben, which was rigged to blow, and the Green Arrows captured the imposter.

(Adventure Comics I #251) - On the anniversary of the start of their crimefighting career Green Arrow and Speedy received a number of gifts, including a plaque from the FBI and a Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe from Scotland Yard.. Men from the year 3000 acknowledged their importance by sending them a bundle of futuristic arrows. GA tried them out, a cloud-seed arrow broke the heatwave on the city, and a sonar shaft picked up the sounds of a robbery happening miles away. Ga and Speedy, but GA dropped a hypnotic arrow, paralyzing the heroes. "Cougar" Cain, leader of the robbers, snatched up the arrows and went on a futuristic crime spree. During an armored truck robbery he threatened security with a paralyzing arrow, but GA was determined that his wits could beat Cain, and when he shot his arrow GA snapped it half with an arrow from the Battle of Hastings. GA and Speedy caught the crooks, and sent their new arrows back to the future, because they were too dangerous in the wrong hands.

(Teen Titans III #32 (fb)) - Superman gave the Teen Titans a tour of the Fortress of Solitude. Unbeknownst to him Speedy, delinquent as always, stole a piece of a Phantom Zone Projector that he would make into a Phantom Zone arrow.

(Titans II #23 (fb)) - Wonder Girl went on a date with Speedy, but he blew it with her, and she returned to Titans hq furious and in no mood to talk to her teammates. Kid Flash punched Speedy, and wanted to know what he did to Wonder Girl. Aqualad broke up the fight, and Robin told Speedy that he was having enough of a hard time convincing Batman to let him stay on the team without the kid parents didn’t want their children hanging around with. He told Speedy the Titans were better off without him, and Speedy left. Days later Wonder Girl found Speedy in Star City; Green Aroow thought the bruises he’d received from Kid Flash were from a villain, and wanted him to stick to stakeouts. He told Wonder Girl he’d blown it because he was afraid oif strong women, but she decided to give him another chance.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #5) - Hawk and Dove chased a thief and ran into Speedy and the Teen Titans.

(Titans II #23 (fb)) - Robin and Speedy fought Dragon Fly. Speedy was preoccupied, because he was planning on proposing to Wonder Girl with an engagement arrow. Lilith had a premonition that Wonder Girl would marry a red head, and he would later die. She told Wonder Girl, and when Speedy proposed to her she rejected him, fearing Lilith’s prophecy.

(Titans II #23 (fb)) - Robin and Kid Flash investigated when someone set off the alarm in their old Teen Titans hq, and found Speedy, strung out on heroin. Robin told Speedy to get help, or he’d get it for him.

(Titans II #23 (fb)) - Speedy met Wonder Girl after being clean for a month, and she said his place was with the Titans. Speedy said the Titans hated him, and he could care less about them. He admitted that he still loved her, and she said that she knew that. Kid Flash visited Speedy at home, and told him to stay away from Wonder Girl and the Titans. Speedy told him that he knew Wonder Girl deserved better, so he’d get his wish.

(Green Arrow III #33 (fb)) - Green Arrow and Speedy foiled a Kobra arms deal. Speedy still hadn't forgiven Arrow for how he'd treated him when he was hooked on drugs, and made it clear he'd no longer work with Arrow. As a sign of their split Green Arrow used the Arrowcar's remote control to seemingly blow up the car.

(Hawk and Dove III #11, 12) - Hawk and Dove reached out to Speedy and the Titans to provide back up in defeating the robot thieves Andromeda, Gauntlet and M.A.C. The Titans weren't surprised that Hawk only came to see them because he wanted something, but they agreed and flew the T-Jet to the remote island where the robots were. They fought back the robots and their creator Professor Douglas Strange. The technorganic alien Scarab had been Strange to do his bidding, stealing gold so it could feed. The heroes injured Scarab and it fled. During the battle Andromeda, an android imprinted with the memories of Strange's wife Andromeda, was destroyed by Jericho. Hawk hated a victory that wasn't clear-cut and blamed the Titans, who doubted they'd work with him again.

(Damage #5, 6) - The governor of Georgia called in some favors in Washington to get Arsenal and the New Titans to reunite and come to his state to deal with an outbreak of superhuman violence. The Titans interrupted a battle between Damage and Steelhawk and told Damage they were there to stop his rampage across Georgia. They didn’t realize he was new to his destructive powers and had been forced to use them to defend himself against supervillains. They didn’t realize he was new to his destructive powers and had been forced to use them to defend himself against supervillains. Iron Munro convinced them he was a hero and they all turned their attention to Steelhawk. The fight ended when Munro, Damage and Steelhawk were caught in a temporal distortion field caused by Zero Hour and sent into the past. The Titans still functioned poorly as a team, and decided to stay disbanded.

(Arsenal Special #1) - Sarge Steel approached Arsenal, knowing he was light on funds after the Titans disbanded. He wanted Arsenal to retrieve Sing Lu, a former drug ruunner he said was involved in dealing weapons of mass destruction, from Hong Kong. Arsenal agreed,, and on the flight to Hong Kong he stared at a picture of Lian, hoping the money he was earning would allow him to spend more time with her. Customs was very thorough with him, and made it clear he was more famous for being a former heroin addict than anything else. Armed men followed him from the airport, but he quickly dispatched them, before meeting his contact Feng, who gave him Lu's address, and asked Arsenal to tell Sarge Steel to forget he existed. He found he was expected at Lu's compound, and overpowered by Lu's men. Lu said he was retired from the drug game, and certainly not a weapons dealer. He was told Arsenal had come to kill his daughters, so he injected Arsenal with heroin, and when he woke up days later he was in Sa-Qua Prison, and because of Hong Kong laws, destined to be executed. Withdrawal felt like Hell, and he cursed LU for what he did. During feeding time he played dead, and when the guards opened the cell he spit a bone he'd chewed into a sharp projectile at them. He fled, escaping the prison through the sewer system, and snuck into Lu's compound. After fighting off a group of his men he saw that Lu's children were terrified of him. Lu and Arsenal agreed they'd both been played, and Lu said Steel wanted him on trial for purely political reasons, not justice. Arsenal handed over a trenchcoated man to Steel and after received his paycheck he revealed that he'd brought his contact Feng back from Hong Kong for a life in the states. He put a knife to Sarge Steel's throat and said he didn't like being treated like a puppet.

(Batman Plus #1) - Arsenal approached Nightwing when he learned that KGBeast had Cheshire, and was going to sell her to a group of Quraci nationals. Arsenal said they'd surely kill her, and he couldn't allow the mother of his child to die. Nightwing said Batman was a more fitting chouice to take on KGBeast, and set up a meeting despite Arsenal's objections that Batman was creepy. Batman ran computer checks on KGBeast, and together they entered one of Gotham's federal building to get schematics on Eagle Airfield, where the dropoff was going to take place. Checkmate was using the building as command center, intending on arresting both Cheshire and KGBeast, and Kostmeyer had orders to keep Arsenal away from the operation. Checkmate Knights pursued the heroes, but they eluded them. Batman learned tha Gotham arms dealer Gustave Erhard recently received a shipment of cybernetic parts that KGBeast would need to maintain his body, so they went to see him. KGBeats was there, ready to kill Erhard to keep his presence secret, but he eagerly shot at Batman, looking forward to taking his life. A crane on Gustave's compound knocked out Arsenal, and Batman had to save him from a fall, allowing KGBeast to escape. At the airfield Checkmate made their move, but only resulted in slightly delaying KGBeats before he boarded the Quracui's plane. The plane exploded, but Batman suspected he'd blown it up himself, knowing his cyborg body could survive it. Arsenal had spotted "Cheshire," but she was wearing a wedding ring, and already dead, so he knew she wasn't the real deal. Batman suggested that Cheshire and KGBeast were working together, and Batman located KGBeast's bunker in the sewers. It was laced with explosives, but the heroes survived. Arsenal said Batman was treating him like the kid sidekick he used to be, and Batman realized what he was actually upset about was no longer being able to work with Green Arrow, and he told Arsenal he missed Ollie too. Cheshire deposited the money KGBeast received in her Zurich account, and Batman and Arsenal found her there. Arsenal took out KGBeast with a taser when he stepped in a puddle, and Cheshire revealed that KGBeast was forcing her to work with him; KGBeast's men were holding Lian Harper and her babysitters hostage, so Cheshire was forced to cooperate. Nightwing saved Lian and the Santos, and Arsenal thanked Cheshire for keeping Lian alive, but he still had to arrest her.

(DC One Million #1-3) - Arsenal tried to resurrect the Titans, recruiting Tempest, Supergirl and jesse Quick to go with him to Mongolia to stop Vandal Savage from acquiring nuclear Rocket red suits. Savage defeated them and strapped them inside his newly-purchased Rocket Red suits. He launched Tempest’s Rocket Red suit at Washington, D.C. Tempest escaped the suit, but it misfired and decimated Montevideo. Savage then sent the other three warsuits and captive heroes into orbit, but they were rescued. They confronted Savage in Egypt, where he’d begun his war against the nations of Earth, defeated him and forced him to flee.

(JLA #40) - Arsenal was among the legion of heroes summoned by the JLA to quell worldwide outbreaks of warfare that were incited by Mageddon.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1) - Arsenal and the Titans were among the superteams that attended Young Justice’s Justice for All rally in Washington. It was interrupted by Klarion, who magically de-aged most of the heroes into children. Arsenal and the other founding Titans were unaffected by Klarion’s spell.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2) - Arsenal assured a news crew that other heroes were hard at work to find a way to return the de-aged superheroes back to normal.

(Titans I #15, 16) - Troia, Arsenal and the founding Titans went away on a camping trip to a deserted island to work out their differences. The team kept butting heads, Nightwing accused Arsenal of not being committed to the team or to his daughter, and Tempest told Arsenal he was sick of being his whipping boy. Arsenal stormed off, but Troia caught up with him. She alienated him too when she told him she didn't see their budding relationship as a long-term thing. A monsoon hit the island, causing tempers to flare as the Titans sought shelter. They came to a cave, where they discovered the Gargoyle, who'd been exacerbating their negative feelings. The Titans were taken to Limbo, where they were de-aged to their thirteen year old selves from when they first became Teen Titans. After reliving some of their childhood memories they battled the Gargoyle, but the Gargoyle took a fall, he wanted them to stay angry at each other, which would ensue their imprisonment in Limbo. While the rest of the Titans worked out their problems Arsenal told them Limbo was about stagnation, and that sometimes friends had to disagree to make each other better. To make an example he told Nightwing he was sick of hearing about Batman all the time and decked him. With that they were transported out of Limbo.

(Titans I #17-19) - Starfire and most of the Titans went to the Vegan System to help Starfire's brother Ryand'r. She told Arsenal to stay behind, and he guessed it was because he was irresponsible. He went on a camping trip to Arizona with Lian and invited Damage along because he knew Damage was having personal problems. On the trip Damage admitted to him that he was abused by his father, and the repressed memory made Damage's powers go critical. Arsenal helped talk him down and let him vent his pain and anger. Damage knew he had to take a leave of absence from the Titans, so Arsenal took him to the Oljato reservation where he grew up, and Damage was welcomed to begin his sabbatical there.

(Titans I #20) - Arsenal and the Titans welcomed Jesse Quick as their newest member. They said their goodbyes to Cyborg and Flash, who were both leaving the team.

(Titans I #21) - Arsenal watched news coverage of Cheshire's extradition hearing for the bombing of Quarac. He knew she deserved to be punished, but realized he still had feelings for her, and he didn't want Lian to grow up never seeing her mother because she was in jail. Troia felt neglected while he was worrying about Cheshire, and some of the Titans didn't sympathize with his feelings for a mass-murderer. Arsenal and the Titans saved Chandra and Lian from the Hangmen, who were trying to abduct Liam in order to keep Cheshire quiet at her trial. Quaraqi survivors wanted to assassinate Cheshire before her trial, so Arsenal convinced the Titans to go to the Netherlands to protect Cheshire.

(Titans I #23, 24) - Arsenal recovered in Titans infirmary from the injuries Deathstroke gave him. Troia came to speak to Arsenal about where their relationship was going, but Arsenal and the Titans no longer remembered her because of the manipulations of Dark Angel. Troia was overwhelmed and left them. Chandra left the Titans after Nightwing raised suspicions that she'd sold them out to Deathstroke because he'd uncovered her searches for information about Cheshire in their computer logs. She told Arsenal she never betrayed them, but sent Quaraci terrorists after Cheshire, and since the terrorists knew of her involvement with the team she'd only be a danger to them and to Liam. Troia returned with the Titans of the Earth-Kingdom-Come hypertimeline. After a brief misunderstanding and fight between the two teams of Titans they started working together to go after Dark Angel. After a heated argument Nightwing benched Arsenal, because he was in no shape to go on the mission. The Titans of Kingdom Come were risking damaging the fabric of reality by leaving their own hypertimeline, so they had limited time to work, and made up a cover story of being top-secret military agents. Arsenal thought Titan Red Hood looked very familiar, not realizing he was her father in her hypertimeline.

(Green Arrow III #1) - Arsenal waited to break up a drug bust, and reflected on the lessons of patience that Green Arrow taught him, recalling a time as Speedy when Arrow had him shoot drops of water from a faucet. Arsenal busted up the pushers, and was thankful for what Arrow had taught him.

(Green Arrow III #5, 6, 8, 9) -Arsenal learned that Green Arrow was back from the dead, so he and Black Canary traveled to the home of Green Arrow in Star City, where they met his youthful aide Mia Dearden. They found Green Arrow and had a wonderful reunion, but learned that he couldn't remember the last ten years of his life before his death. They joined Batman in taking Arrow to the safe house of Jason Blood, who promised to find out how Arrow returned from the dead. Blood summoned Abortives, demons from Hell that needed a hollow, a man without a soul, to walk the Earth, and noted that they wanted to get at Arrow. Determining that Arrow was a hollow and a danger as long as he lived because he could be easily possessed, Blood changed into the Demon and shot hellfire at Arrow. Spectre saved Arrow, and took him away to the afterlife to meet his soul. He sent Deadman to possess and neutralize the Demon, and Deadman told the heroes how Spectre resurrected Green Arrow. Demon changed into Jason Blood and when he learned Arrow was staying with occultist Stanley Dover he told them they had to take down Dover. Dover's house was protected with a blood seal, forbidding anyone not blood related to the residence from entering, but fortunately Arrow's son Conner Hawke arrived to save his father from Dover.

(Action Comics #781) - On President Luthor's request Arsenal and the Titans went to Zaire, Africa to battle an Imperiex Probe that had landed on Earth to hollow out the planet, but the battle went badly for the heroes. More Probes arrived and the heroes were only saved by Superman, who destroyed the Probes.

(JLA #58) - Arsenal was among the number of heroes defeated by the White Martians invading Earth. The Martians were eventually driven off by the JLA.

(Green Arrow III #16-21) - Green Arrow was distressed to learn that Cat-Man attended his funeral, so Arsenal called in favors at Checkmate to locate the villain, who was in witness protection. They pinned him to a wall with arrows and asked him why he was at the funeral. He was there under the direction of Shade, who carried out Arrow's last will and testament, and Shade appeared to them. Arrow had entrusted Shade with the duty of taking care of his personal effects after his death, thus preserving his secret identity, because he knew Shade was immortal and would always be around to take care of his will. Shade told him he couldn't locate some of the effects in the Arrowcave, nor find the Arrowcar, so Arrow and Arsenal went off to find the mementos. Arrow apologized to Arsenal for not entrusting him with the job of carrying out his will, but Arsenal knew how important their secret identities were to their loved ones. They went into the Arrowcave and found Solomon Grundy squatting in it, and the monster attacked them. Arsenal was taken out of the fight early, but Arrow managed to kill Grundy. The Arrowcave was demolished, but Arrow retrieved his framed Justice League of America membership. Arrow went to the Flash Museum to retrieve the GA ring costume Barry Allen gave him, but Flash barred his way. Arsenal snuck past them and retrieved the ring. Arrow told Arsenal he could have asked for it, but it wasn't Flash's place to give it to him. Arrow and Arsenal stopped at a diner and ran into Cat-Man, who was about to strike his girlfriend. Cat-Man threatened the heroes, but was teleported away by Warp, who was under orders from Monsieur Mallah to find Cat-Man. They broke into a Ferris Aircraft hangar and Arrow found the truck he'd driven cross-country with Green lantern there. Arsenal and Arrow returned home, and Arsenal told him their road trip was an adventure just like old times.

(Outsiders III #1-3) - Arsenal wanted to be a part of a superteam again, and after Optitron agreed to fund the team so he assembled Grace, Thunder, Metamorpho, Indigo and Nightwing as the Outsiders. The idea of his team was that they would be strictly professional superheroes, with no attempt at building a family like the Teen Titans and Titans did. He blamed that attitude for the downfall of the Titans and the death of their teammate Troia. He bought a 1950s' era bomb shelter in Brooklyn as the team's headquarters, and moments after the team members introduced themselves to each other they had their first case. Gorilla Grodd and an army of apes were assaulting New York City. The Outsiders defeated Grodd's army and learned they were only there as a distraction so that Joker could kidnap President Luthor, who was staying in the city. The Outsiders then saved Luthor and took Joker into custody.

(Green Arrow III #32) - Arsenal visited Arrow, and he asked him to get Connor Hawke out of the house for a while. Connor kept trying to get Arrow to open up about Joanna Pierce's death, and Arrow just needed time to be angry. Connor and Arsenal went for a boy's night out, with Connor choosing to go to a used bookstore. Arsenal wasn't enjoying himself and took him to an exotic dance club where he was on a first-name basis with the dancers. Afterwards they foiled a convenience store holdup, and noted the difference in their methods. Connor tried to get one of the robbers to hand over his gun, but Arsenal had no patience and knocked the criminal out. Their attitude about fun and women and crimefighting were different, but they both realized they had a lot in common under the surface because they were both their father's sons.

(Outsiders III #4-7) -Acting on tips from his source, Arsenal and the Outsiders battled and captured Calendar Man, Calculator, Plasmus, Punch and Jewlee and the Bug Eyed Bandit. Arsenal and the Outsiders shut down a gunrunning operation headed by Brain and Monsieur Mallah in Kwajalein. Arsenal resumed an intimate relationship with Grace. Arsenal's source gave him a hint that the villains they had recently captured were working for Brother Blood, so Arsenal sent the team to House of St. Francis Monastery where Blood was living as a monk. Blood set off a bomb that destroyed the monastery and fled. The Outsiders found Blood cult sleeper agents and learned Blood was going to steal one million babies to start a new race raised loyal only to him. One sleeper shot Arsenal several times in the chest. He was placed on critical condition in the Terenceville General Hospital.

(Outsiders III #8) - From his hospital bed Arsenal recruited Huntress as the newest member of the Outsiders. Nightwing strongly objected to his choice, but Arsenal was adamant.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Arsenal was among the number of heroes who attended Sue Dibny’s funeral. Afterwards heroes broke into teams to look for suspects in Sue’s murder, and Arsenal and the Outsiders went looking for Heatstroke.

(Flash II #214) - Arsenal, Nightwing and the Teen Titans interrogated the Brain and Monsieur Mallah at Striker’s Island to see if Warp or Plasmus had anything to do with the death of Sue Dibny because they suspected a teleporter and someone with flame-based powers. They got no useful information and realized they were grasping at straws.

(Superman / Batman #13) - Arsenal and the Outsiders were among the heroes invited to Paradise Island to welcome Superman's cousin Supergirl into the superhero community.

(Green Arrow III #47-50) - Green Arrow chipped away at Brick’s empire, taking down drug rings, his skin trade and weapons shipments, prompting Brick to call in outside help. Arsenal found out that Mia was now the new Speedy, and told Arrow he couldn’t believe he let her engage in such dangerous activity, even though he started his career earlier he noted that the world was a more dangerous place. He changed his tune when he learned she had H.I.V., and thought that with his history of drug use he could just as easily have been in that situation. Team Arrow went to apprehend Brick’s man the Duke of Oil, who’d just robbed a bank. Arsenal was trapped inside the bank when Drakon shut the windows and doors with a trip-wire. After a wild fight Arrow disabled the Duke by shooting an arrow at the base of his android skull, the one chink in his armor. Arsenal discovered a massive bomb in the bank and went to work disabling it. Once Arrow defeated the Duke, Drakon released the bank doors, allowing the patrons to leave, but Arsenal was still determined to defuse the bomb. Drakon set off the charge, seemingly killing Arsenal, but in reality he’d kidnapped the hero before the explosion. Arrow frantically searched the wreckage for Arsenal, and was joined by the Outsiders when they learned their teammate was in distress. After a full search they found no body, but they did discover Riddler’s calling card. Arsenal was being driven to Riddler’s safehouse, but escaped by using a hidden detonator on his person. He fought Drakon, who slit his throat to subdue him. Arsenal was forced to clamp his hands over his throat to keep from bleeding out and walked the rest of the way to Riddler’s. Team Arrow and the Outsiders stormed Riddler’s safehouse, Puertas al Infierno, a former prison, and fought off the hi-tech armored mercenaries that guarded it. Shift captured Drakon after Speedy and Connor fought him to a stalemate, and Green Arrow found Riddler, who shot him in the shoulder as revenge for Arrow’s past brutalization of him. He tied up Arrow next to Arsenal, but once Riddler learned his security had been breached he fled, noting that his act was a game, and a hint of things to come when he was serious about destroying Green Arrow. Green Arrow returned home just in time to witness his house demolished by an explosion set by Deathstroke, another of Brick’s contract men.

(Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1) - When the Society broke out virtually every incarcerated supervillain around the world Oracle sent Arsenal and a number of other heroes to quell the breakout at the Slab, but a number of villains got past the heroes. The Society massed in Metropolis, and Arsenal and an army of virtually every hero on Earth confronted the villains and engaged in an epic battle with them.

(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1)  - <Week 50, Day 7> Black Adam arrived in China, and prepared to destroy the entire country. He defeated China's superhero team the Great Ten before China allowed Arsenal and the American superhero community to square off against him. Black Adam was a god with nothing left to lose, and each punch he threw was intended to kill. His savagery was winning the day until Martian Manhunter reappeared and flooded his brain with his own loss, the death of the entire Martian species. Black Adam was distracted long enough for Captain Marvel to hurl a Shazam bolt at him. Theo Adam was powerless, and left with amnesia. He staggered away unnoticed from the end of WWIII.

(Justice League of America II #1-6) - Hal met up with Roy Harper to watch amateur boxing, and Hal was amazed at how fast Roy's daughter Lian was growing up when Roy showed him pictures. Hal told Roy he and Ollie had honed their fighting skills boxing each other, and challenged Roy to step into the ring. Before Roy could accept Black Canary contacted them, alerting them to the fact that Red Tornado's android body had been stolen. They traced Red Tornado's energy signature to the Rocky Mountains, and while they traveled there Arsenal tried to convince Hal he was every bit the archer Ollie was, and had him set up targets using his power ring. They arrived in the Rocky Mountains, and confronted Professor Ivo, who was taking his Red Tornado apart. He unleashed a number of Tornado robots on the heroes, and fled to a sublevel to continue assembling a super armor from Tornado's body for his boss Solomon Grundy. The heros showed their excellent teamwork in dismantling the army of Tornado robots. They confronted Ivo again, but he'd finished his work, transforming Tornado into a new Amazo which would serve as an immortal body for Grudy. The heroes were joined by the new Justice League of America in battling the villains. Grundy allowed Amazo to fly off, and told the heroes they needed his help to beat Amazo, and proposed that after helping them defeat the android they should fight over who got possession of him. Amazo still retained vestiges of Red Tornado's memories, and going on pure instinct he went to the house of Tornado's wife Kathy and his daughter Traya. He frightened them, and the heroes caught up to him and attacked. Amazo used his Parasite powers to drain the League of their powers, but they still managed to rupture the control rods that kept his powers in check. His body self-destructed, and after destroying Grundy the League stripped out the Amazo software and returned Red Tornado to his proper body.

(Justice League of America II #7) - Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman decided to form their new Justice League of America from Arsenal and the other heroes present during their battle with Solomon Grundy. They built a Hall of Justice in Washington, D.C. on the former site of JSA hq. The Hall also had a teleport to the new JLA Satellite. The new members all accepted their invitations, and the group took a team photo. Green Arrow made a Red Arrow costume for Arsenal when he was inducted into the Justice League, wanting to officially pass the torch to him, but he had Green Lantern give Arsenal his reward because he wanted Arsenal to feel like he'd really earned it himself. Green Arrow also knew he resisted his approval because he still blamed Arrow for not being there for him when he was hooked on heroin.

(Titans II #23 (fb)) - Red Arrow showed Flash his new identity, and got his approval. Flash was impressed that he had grown up, taking his mentor’s legacy, and taking the responsibility of raising his daughter Lian.

(Green Lantern IV #15-17) - Red Arrow and the Justice League traveled to Russia to bring Green Lantern Hal Jordan back to America. Hal had violated the Freedom of Powers Act, which forbid superheroes from operating outside American soil, so they told Hal he was coming with them for his own good. Alan Scott was also present, and demanded an explanation, so Hal told him that his friend Cowgirl had been captured by Chechnyan terrorists. The League held off the Rocket Red Brigade, who wanted to arrest Hal, while Hal finished his rescue mission. Alan Scott used his Checkmate connections to clear Hal, but Russia demanded a formal apology from the League to the Rocket Red Brigade.

(Green Arrow III #75) - Red Arrow and the Justice League arrived in Star City in time to save Green Arrow and his family from being killed by Deathstroke and Drakon. The villains set off an expolosive filled with kryptonite, making the decision to run away and fight another day. The league watched as Mayor Ollie Queen (Green Arrow) resigned from office.

(Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1) - Green Lantern was investigating the newly formed Sinestro Corps, and recruited Arrow and the JlofA to help huim track down leads. They confronted Zoom, a former Society teammate of Sinestro, but he had no information for them and managed to flee. Green Lantern admitted that there was little evidence of the Corps presence on Earth at the present.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg-Superman #1, Green Lantern IV #24) – The Sinestro Corps planned their invasion of Earth, and intended to take out the JlofA. Cyborg-Superman and his Manhunters disabled the JlofA satellite’s defense systems, rendering the satellite inoperable, and the Sinestro Corps battered Red Arrow and the League, allowing their Warworld to enter Earth’s orbit. The Sinestro Corps invaded Earth, intended to conquer the planet, making it a symbol of the Sinestro Corp’s power and their ability to control any planet. Red Arrow and the Justice Leage were among the heroes who helped stave off the invasion.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including Red Arrow and he Justice Leage appeared to take Superboy down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible foir boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

(Green Lantern IV #25) - The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Red Arrow and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth’s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor’s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. GL Hgal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage the Sinestro Corps did.

(Nightwing II #140) - Red Arrow was on monitor duty when Nightwing contacted him, requesting JLA satellite images of Dr. Kendall’s African island base.

(Titans East Special #1, Titans II #1-4) - Cyborg recruited a new roster of young heroes and contacted his old friends to reform the Titans and train them. Red Arrow said no, and it seemed like no one was interested in Cyborg’s idea. Trigon decimated Cyborg’s team, he was out to destroy every Titan, past and present. After Trigon’s demons attacked Red Arrow he reunited with Starfire, Troia, Flash, Nightwing, Beast Boy and Raven to investigate The Titans saved Argent and a number of other former Titans from Trigon’’s horde, although they were adamant that they were not a team again. Cyborg was rebuilt, and wanted in on the case, to avenge the death of Power Boy. Raven contacted Trigon, and learned that although he had been decimated by demonic warfare he was still bent on destroying Earth, and he shared a secret with her, her brother would help him in his invasion. In an attempt to find Raven’s half-brother, Raven and the Titans tracked down Trigon’s other brides, only to find that they’d died years ago. Trigon’s three sons kept the Titans off balance by exposing them to the seven deadly sins, and then confronted them. They attacked the Titans and used Raven to open up a portal to Trigon’s dimension. The battle went for Trigon’s children and they used Beast Boy’s Trigon seed, the smallest spark of which was still in him, to finish the portal. Raven used her own ability to tap into the seven deadly sins, which greatly sickened her, to overcome her brothers with greed. They stole Trigon’s last vestiges of power, and then retreated to learn how to manipulate their newfound magic. Raven was pleased at having tricked them. In his dilapidated state Trigon could not have given them much of a magical boost. The Titans agreed that they still saw each other as family, and decided to remain a loose group in order to spend more time with each other.

(Titans II #5, 6) - Cyborg’s new body was finally finished, and Arsenal, Flash and Troia were present to support him. Beast Boy told the Titans that the Sons of Trigon had taken Raven, and that she’d been recruited to her father’s cause. Troia told the Titans that Raven had always planned for the worst, and given her a Ramat Stone that could locate magic-users. Beast Boy wanted to know why Troia was chosen to keep Raven’s secrets, and she replied that in addition to being the most magically adept Titan, she’d also proved that she’d never judge Raven. The Titans concentrated on the stone and Raven, and were transported to Trigon’s dimension. They met the rest of the Sons of Trigon, Greed, Gluttony, and Sloth, and were defeated. Raven turned against her brothers, proclaiming herself Pride, the sin from which all others sprung. She wanted to rule the Earth, but with the Titans at her side, and began imbuing them with the powers of the Seven Deadly Sins. This activated the Ramat Stone, Raven had given it a sliver of her pure essence, and the Raven that was loyal to the Titans emerged and merged herself with her demonic counterpart and returned the team to Titan’s Tower. Raven was starting to feel more like herself, ut told the Titans that the Ramat Stone wouldn’t work twice, and that she might me evil to the core. She presented her teammates with a set of magic talismans capable of ending her life if she wet to the dark side, and demanded that they learn to master them if she was to be comfortable on the team. Titan’s Tower security was breached, and the team responded, only to find that Superboy’s clone Match had broken in. The villain revealed that he was Jericho, trapped inside Match’s body.

(Titans II #7-9) - The Titans examined Match in hopes of freeing their friend. Cyborg isolated Jericho’s neuron patterns from Match, and prepared a radio-ectoplasmic pulse to free his astral form. Flash confided in Red Arrow that although he considered Jericho family and friend, he still didn’t trust him, remembering his past betrayal of the Titans. Jericho then had Match run berserk and attack the Titans, claiming he couldn‘t control him. After battering the team, Cyborg used the ecltoplasmic pulse to separate them. Raven probed Jericho’s mind and realized he was up to no good, but before the team could respond Jericho vanished, possessing one of the Titans. The Titans went into lockdown to keep Jericho from escaping, and Cyborg went with protocol for just such a situation, each Titan would take a security clearance interview with the Titans computer. The Titans kept an updated log of secrets only they and the computer would know. The Titans shared their secrets with the computer, and Red Arrow admitted to it that he’d done heroin after he swore he quit. Everyone passed, so Cyborg decided to use the ectoplasmic pulse on the Titans, one at a time. Jericho revealed himself to Nightwing, and forced him to inject himself with an LSD compound that made his mind a battleground, enabling Jericho to overcome his will. He promised to reveal what he was planning to do, and why. The Titans used the ectoplasmic pulse on Cyborg and Red Arrow, and waited for them to recover before testing the rest of the team. Jericho made Nightwing feel his thoughts, and revealed that everyone he’d ever possessed had left their memories and a part of their mind in him. It was the vicious villains he’d had contact with, like Deathstroke, that were now making his decisions for him, and he begged for Nightwing to help him. The Titans contacted S.T.A.R. Labs and learned that before Jericho had come to them for help he’d possessed Green Lantern Hal Jordan and tried to kill the candidates for president. The Justice League were right outside of Titans’ headquarters, demanding that Jericho be released to them.

(Titans II #10) - Jericho panicked and jumped into Flash’s body and vibrated out of Titan headquarters, but he couldn’t evade the Justice League. The Titans joined the League in battling Jericho as he lept from body to body, until he ended up in Superman. Previously he would never have been able to enter Superman’s mind, but his power had grown immensely. He still wasn’t strong enough to take control of Superman, who expelled his astral form from his mind. Jericho’s astral form dissipated into the wind. The whole experience left Nightwing shaken, and he desperately wanted to find a way to help Jericho.

(Titans II #10) - Nightwing called a meeting with the Titans to announce his resignation from the team, saying he needed to spend more time with his family in Gotham.

(Titans II #11) - The Titans decided to take some time off from each other at Beast Boy’s suggestion. Troia met with Roy with a diner, and suggested he spend more time with Liam, and less time having one night stands with strangers. He stormed off, despite her protests of trying to be a good friend. Roy picked up a bartender that night, and brought her home after putting Liam to bed.

(Titans II #12) - Cyborg recovered from the injuries Jericho caused him, and revealed to the Titans that Jericho had uploaded himself into his OS, and then proceeded to use him to rig Titans Tower and try and kill the Teen Titans before fleeing his body. Troia took charge, and told the Titans they had to find a way to help Jericho. They contacted the Teen Titans, but they had no leads on either Jericho or his sister Ravager. The Titans decided to ask for Vigilante for help, because he was after Jericho as well, even though Changeling balked at the idea of working with a killer. Cyborg knew Vigilante had surveillance equipment monitoring Titans Compound, so if he thought Jericho was inside Cyborg that could work as bait to lure him in. Cyborg staged a fight against the Titans right outside the Compound, and Vigilante soon arrived. Before Cyborg could explain the situation Vigilante blasted him in the head with one of his firearms.

(Vigilante III #5) - The Titans restrained Vigilante, and he assured them Cyborg was alive, he’d used an EMP gun to force out Jericho. The Titans rushed Cyborg to his repair chamber, and revealed that Jericho was gone, and they’d used Cyborg as bait to bring Vigilante to them. They unmasked him, and fingerprinted him, telling him his short career was over. Vigilante set off concussive bombs attached to his security cameras in Titans Compound to create a diversion and free himself. Before the Titans could find him, Jericho, possessing a police officer, contacted them and asked for help with a hostage crisis at Union Federal. They headed to the bank, and Vigilante contacted his techie J.J. to wipe the memory banks of the Titans computer system containing his fingerprints. He knew the Titans would still eventually realize he was Adrian Chase’s brother since they’d seen him unmasked. The Titans disarmed mobsters armed with experimental government weaponry at Federal, and realized they’d been baited in. Vigilante was close behind them, and spied Jericho, who set off explosives inside the bank, killing his hired thugs and a number of police officers. Vigilante attacked Jericho, but Jericho kept jumping bodies, and then threw a grenade, damaging Vigilante’s suit, and made his escape. Vigilante reflected that it was no skin off his teeth if Jericho succeeded or failed in his maniacal plans, he wasn’t trying to save the world, only himself. Jericho called up the Teen Titans aboard their wing plane to tell them he was going to kill the Titans and use them to do it. They kept him on the phone to trace his call, and this allowed him to infect the wing ‘s computer system with a worm that gave him control over it. Jericho flew the wing to NYC and used it to attack the Titans.

(Teen Titans III #70) - The Titans and Teen Titans managed to disable the T-Wing and crash it into the East River without anyone getting injured. Ravager was stowed away on the T-Wing, and old he Titans she waned o help them stop her brother without him getting killed. Jericho possessed Raven and spirited away his sister. He told her he was trying to kill he Titans, but only because of the voices in his head. He asked for her help, and she turned him down. Jericho was disappointed in her, he thought she would always be on his side, and pointed out that she was working with heroes associated with Vigilante, who was trying to kill him. He returned her to the Titans and fled to Time Square. The Titans spotted Vigilante, who was following them, and subdued him, though Ravager wanted to keep beating him for trying to kill Jericho. Vigilante promised to not kill Jericho if they promised that Jericho’s killing days were over.

(Titans II #13) - Jericho entered the Hamilton Grande, prepared for a slaughter. He announced that he had rigged explosives throughout the restaurant, and every wealthy patron was his hostage. Using a cellphone video, he recorded himself shooting the hotel manager in the head, and promised to kill a patron every two minutes, unless the Titans arrived to stop him. The Titans confronted Jericho, and tried to reason with him, but he as having none of it, telling them he’d succeed in killing them here his father failed, finally allowing him to overshadow his dad. He’d strapped explosives to his hostages, and held the trigger, guaranteeing that the Titans would die trying to save them. He offered Ravager a chance to escape, but she wasn’t abandoning her teammates. They tussled, and Jericho set off the detonator, and escaped. Newscrews filmed what appeared to be the dead Titans. Cyborg heard the broadcasts, and ripped off his life-support system, vowing to make Jericho pay.

(Vigilante III #6) - Raven had actually created the illusion of the Titans’ death, and Miss Martian disguised herself as Deathstroke to confront and confuse Jericho. The Titans reached out to Jericho, and Raven tried to enter his mind to heal him, but all she found was darkness. They defeated him, but Vigilante made his presence known, and drew his guns, saying Jericho would kill again if not stopped. Ravager reminded him of his promise, and he slipped away. He later ambushed Jericho’s police convoy, and cut out his eyes so he could never use his power again. The Titans realized too late what Vigilante was up to, and they found Jericho in the back of his transport, bleeding and babbling that he was cured.

(Titans II #16 (fb)) - Intergang got their hands on a number of Justifier helmets, so Mon-El called in the Titans to deal with them. The heroes prevailed, but Starfire lost control and went berserk, still upset that she had once again been made a slave thanks to the Justifiers.

(Titans II #14) - The Titans took some more time off from each other, so Roy and Liam went camping upstate.

(Titans II #17) - The Titans had breakfast together, and Red Arrow asked Beast Boy why he changed his codename back from Changeling, which he deemed “less dumb.” Beast Boy told him that when he forgot to re-register another guy got the domain, which he used to sell old Changeling merchandise, and Gar wasn’t about to give him free publicity. Flash and Red Arrow decided to razz him by buying Changeling shirts from this entrepreneur.

(Titans II #18) - The Titans had a picnic, and although they acted as a family unit, Raven sensed their conflicts. Red Arrow was happy to spend time with Lian, but was still trying to make sense out of his past regrets.

(Titans II #19) - Roy felt apartment life didn’t suit him and Lian, so he moved from NYC to a house in Star City. He gave Lian archery lessons, and although she couldn’t hit her target, he told her to be proud that she was now strong enough to pull back the arrow. Lian was having a hard time adjusting to her new situation, and Roy promised to paint her room with her and make her living arrangements more comfortable. Roy unpacked his boxes, and reflected that even though the move gave him a chance to start over, he was still affected by his past. He had mixed feelings about looking through his old pictures of his band Great Frog and his junkie friend Corey. Roy took Lian to school, and although Mia was supposed to pick her up, she insisted that he be the one to meet her after school. Red Arrow went on patrol and foiled Lady Vic from assassinating a witness in the Demidov trial. Red Arrow thought about how Vic was from a long line of killers, and that no matter what he’d never see Lian follow in her mother’s footsteps. Vic gave Arrow the slip, so he spent hours following her to her hideout. They fought, and he was so distracted thinking about Lian that she almost choked him to death with a chain. When he recovered and bested her he felt murderous rage, thinking about Lian growing up without him, but he calmed himself down, remembering that he was a father, not a killer. Back home Mia was watching Lian, who was asleep. He was upset at himself for breaking promises to his daughter, but Mia assured him Lian understood. Nonetheless, Roy stayed up late to paint Lian’s room.

(Titans II #20) - Arrow called Troia in an attempt to reconnect with her after she distanced herself from the Titans.

(Titans II #21) - Troia visited Roy in the hospital with Black Canary, and realized Roy would never be the care-free boy who showed her that feeling was okay after he recovered.

(Titans II #23) -Raven used her psychic powers to take away Red Arrow’s pain, allowing him to rest. Cyborg called the Titans, and told them that as Arrow’s oldest friends it would be nice if they visited him in case he didn’t make it. Troia remembered her troubled past with Red Arrow, but refused to accept that he could die, and held tight to her memories of the sensitive side he’d only shown her before he became a father and grew up.

(Titans II #26, 27) - Cheshire visited Lian’s grave, promising that the world would pay for her daughter’s death, and met with Arsenal, telling him he owed her for letting their daughter die on his watch. She was ashamed that he’d relapsed into drug addiction, but he didn’t want to hear what she had to say. She told him she planned on killing Deathstroke, and to further her goal she had him join the Titans. Arsenal was interested in accomplishing something his Titans never could because of their morals. The Titans took a job to rescue the son of millionaire Christopher Bockman. His son had been kidnapped by Elijah, who used the innocence of children to manufacture the drug Bliss. Jade and Tattooed Man posed as investors, and Elijah showed them his facility where he processed Bliss. The Titans made their move, and Elijah defended himself with his hired met humans, the Dominators. Arsenal found the harvesting chamber where Elijah kerpt the children, but also discovered that it contained a fail-safe that killed any child he tried to free. Arsenal cut the power to the harvesting pods, saving most of the children, and the Titans defeated the Dominatora. Osiris lost control of his power and killed Elijah. Deathstroke furthered his master plan by stealing a sample of Bliss and abducting the Dominator DJ Molecule. Arsenal was strung out after the fight with the Doiminators, and Cheshire hid his heroin. She took his mind off drugs by making love to him.

(Titans II #28-30) -Deathstroke was hired to liberate Allegra Garcia from Arkham Asylum, and he bribed a guard to allow his Titans the run of the asylum for the night. Arsenal wanted to find the Joker and kill him, but his idea was nixed. Cheshire realized he was high on the job, and was furious with him. Osiris satyed with the guard, and was convinced he needed to keep killing to save Isis. The guard warned him that he was no stranger to a double-cross, and had a device that would release every prisoner from their cell. Osiris killed him anyway, but the guard hit the switch before dying, and the rest of the Titans had to fight off Arkham’s lunatics. Osiris decided not to help them because they hadn’t shown him the proper respect. Deathstroke entered Allegra’s cell, but was halted by Batman. Allegra suddenly decided she didn’t want to go with Deathstroke and unleashed her electromagnetic powers. Deathstroke had convinced Allegra he was on her side, and had her use her electromagnetic powers to disable the Arkham inmates security collars. Deathstroke told them they were free to play with Batman, and they allowed the Titans and Allegra to leave. Batman was shocked that Arsenal had become a villain, and told him it wasn’t too late to turn back, but Arsenal, in his heroin-induced haze, refused to listen. Deathstroke reunited Allegra with her father in the Amazon, but she resented her dad for abandoning her, and used her powers to kill him. She told Deathstroke she wanted to join the Titans, but he told her to grow up first. At Titans Labyrinth the team grumbled about losing Osiris. Deathstroke admitted that he understood that they were getting impatient in him holding up his end pof the bargain to help them. He revealed that he’d kidnapped Slipknot, the man that killed Tattooed Man’s son Leon, and had him bound so Tattooed Man could do whatever he wanted to him.

(Titans II #31, 32) - Arsenal and the Titans faith was restored in Deathstroke after seeing him fulfill his promise to the Tattooed Man. Deathstroke told him to take his revenge, and directed him to one of the levels of the Labyrinth where Slipknot was. By the time he arrived Slipknot was no longer in captivity; Deathstroke knew he’d never forgive himself if he killed a defenseless man. The Titans asked Deathstroke what he’d do if Slipknot killed him, and he said he’d offer him a job. Arsenal declined to watch the confrontation on the Titans view screen, partially because he was disgusted, and partially because he was going through withdrawal and didn’t want his teammates to see. Tattooed Man and Slipknot fought, and Tattooed Man used a barbed wire tattoo to rip off Slipknot’s head, but with his vengeance complete he still didn’t feel like a hero. Tattooed Man told his team that he quit, and Slade warned him that he still owed him. Tattooed Man was sick of killing, and Cheshire encouraged him to walk out while he could, so he left. A disturbance in the Labyrinth led the team to Ositis’ quarters. Osiris had returned after stealing the thunder from Shazam, bringing Isis back to life.

(Titans II #33-36) - Deathstroke wanted to fulfill his promise to Cheshire, and the Titans traveled to the South Pacific to deal with Cheshire’s former employee Drago. Drago had actually coerced Cheshire into getting close to Deathstroke, and she and Arsenal took the opportunity to wound Deathstroke. Drago’s men restrained Titan Cinder, and brought Deathstroke to their master. Deathstroke recognized Drago as Daniel Rogers, a soldier he’d served with, and abandoned in Afghanistan. Drago had vowed revenge since that day, and plucked out Deathstroke’s one good eye. Cheshire and Arsenal felt they’d fulfilled their promise to Drago, but he decided to change the terms, putting Arsenal and Cheshire in captivity. Arsenal’s cell was next to Deathstroke’s, and he revealed to Arsenal that his withdrawal was so bad because he’d replaced his heroin with Bliss. Drago released Cheshire , telling her that he had everything a man could want except an heir, and demanding she give him one. Cheshire attacked Drago, and using his telepathy he realized she had a death wish, blaming herself for her daughter’s death and regretting the day she gave up Lian. She’d secretly hoped that Deathstroke would kill her before she killed him. Drago decided to make Deathstroke enlightened like he was. He dumped him in the caverns beneath his island, and told him to survive. The caves were filled with the failed experiments of his second-in-command Dr. Rainn. Arsenal escaped captivity and freed Cinder. She killed Dr. Rainn, and agreed to trust Arsenal until the mission was over. Deathstroke’s eye healed, and he overcame Rainn’s Subhumans, and the Titans united to defeat Drago. Deathstroke was about to kill Drago, when Drago reminded him that he’d broken his promise in Afghanistan to never leave a man behind. Deathstroke spared his life, but made him promise to leave Cheshire alove. Cheshire was furious, but Deathstroke told her she lost the right to expect him to fulfill his promise to her after she stabbed him in the back. He told Cheshire and Arsenal that he’d call things even. He was not a forgiving man, but the Titans were almost done with their true goal. Reviving Jericho using the Methuselah Device. Arsenal tried to quit, but Deathstroke kept him in line by threatening him, and offering him another hit of Bliss. Arsenal realized he’d hit rock bottom. The Titans flew out of Drago’s airspace, and were confronted by the Justice League of America, who wanted Deathstroke to answer for his role in Atom Ryan Choi’s death.

(Titans Annual II #1) - Deathstroke showed the Justice League that his plane was equipped with a nuclear self-destruct system, and he’d rather destroy himself and them than surrender. Deathstroke also told Arsenal he knew the League would never allow him to die, because they still considered him one of their own. This exact situation was the only reason Deathstroke allowed Arsenal to join his team. The League backed off temporarily, and allowed the Titans to fly off. The Titans landed in Kahndaq, and Deathstroke once again sought Osiris as an ally, promising to restore Black Adam. The League followed the Titans to Kahndaq, and a battle erupted, with Osiris gleefully joining in, loving the violence. Batman tried to get Arsenal to side with the League, but he refused, telling him that heroes never won when it counted. Atom got Deathstroke to himself, and nearly killed him by creating a controlled nuclear blast by expanding a molecular fractal charge. Tattooed Man rejoined the team, just as Deathstroke knew he would, and gave Slade the opportunity to stab Supergirl with a kryptonite sword created for him by Lex Luthor. The battle ravaged Kahndaq, and Isis had enough. She demonstrated her godlike powers, and banished the League from her country. She sent Osiris and the Titans off, telling her brother that he’d proved he was unfit to rule. The Titans returned to the Labyrinth, where Deathstroke showed them the Methuselah Device he‘d hired Sivana to build, capable of restoring health and youth. Supergirl’s blood was the last component, and Deathstroke hoped the device could restore Jericho to health.

(Titans II #37, 38) - Deathstroke regenerated Jericho with the Methuselah Device, and told the Titans it wa theoretically possible to resurrect their dead loved ones if they agreed to keep following him and help him kill superheroes whose superior DNA would form the templates for the Methuselah Device to work. They all agreed, except for Cinder, who saw resurrecting the dead as an abomination. Arsenal went against Cheshire, and told her he valued the memory of their daughter more than the idea of resurrecting her. Cinder tried to destroy the Device, and the Titans brawled. Jericho was horrified; he blamed himself for the mayhem Deathstroke committed to heal him, and decided it was time to finally take responsibility for both of their lives. He possessed Deathstroke, and vowed to destroy the Device, and then himself and Slade. Cheshire, desperate to have Lain back, attacked Jericho and broke his control over his father. Deathstroke and Arsenal squared off, and Deathstroke told him he was proud to ruin the legacy of the Titans by naming his team of villains after them. Cinder set off a chain reaction inside the Device, causing her apparent death, and destroying the machine. All the Titans except for Deathstroke and Osiris escaped, and Arsenal wanted to know if they’d be interested in being heroes. Cheshire told him she’d never forgive him, and Tattooed Man just wanted to go home, but Jericho and Arsenal decided to revive their friendship and take things one day at a time.

Comments: Created by .Ed Herron? / Dave Wood? & Jack Kirby.

Speedy received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #21. Arsenal received a profile in Teen Titans / Outsiders Secret Files 2003.

There was a pin-up of Arsenal in Legends of the DC Universe 3-D Gallery #1.

Arsenal had a cameo in Beast Boy #1, Damage #0, Green Arrow III #72, 73, JLA #121 and Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1.

Red Arrow had a cameo in Titans II #15, 22.

Speedy had a cameo in Aquaman Secret Files #1.

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