Real Name: Raymond Palmer
Class: Human technology-user
Occupation: Superhero, physicist
Group Affiliation: formerly Justice League of America
Known Relatives: David Palmer (father, deceased), Jean Loring (ex-wife), Susan Taylor (mother, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile, formerly Morlaidh, Amazon Jungle
First Appearance: Showcase #34 (September-October, 1961)
Powers: Atom used hand controls that allowed him complete control over his size and weight At his smallest size he could travel along phone lies or through subatomic particles. He wore a suit that only appeared when he shrunk down to 6" or less.
History: Ray Palmer created a reducing ray using a fragment of a white dwarf star, but found that any matter shrunk with the ray soon exploded. When a group of children got trapped in a cave-in, Ray shrunk himself down to rescue them, putting his own life on the line. After the rescue Ray was pleasantly surprised to find that he did not explode. Knowing that he could safely shrink himself he converted the ray into hand controls and adopted the costumed identity of the Atom.
(Atom #1) - Jean Loring was trying to clear Henry Chalmers, who claimed he saw Dryads and plants robbing a bank, but was charged with the robbery himself. Atom knew that once Jean was a successful lawyer she'd marry his civilian identity, so he helped her on the case. the real culprit was Jason Woodrue, who had a mastery of plants and kept the flower-spirit queen Maya as his prisoner. Atom freed Maya while Woodrue used his plant army to march on Washington, and planned on taking over the U.S.A. With Maya's help Atom defeated Woodrue and sent him to prison.
(Atom #2) - Atom put out a fire in the Ivy Town farm-belt when, as Ray he met Mr. Odd, who thought he was responsible. Odd described how probability went out the window because of his lucky silver dollar. He proved his point when Ray honked his car-horn, causing a jewelry store window to shatter. As Atom he caught the thugs robbing the store. Crook Bart Tranter overheard Odd talking to Ray, and when Odd emptied his pockets and handed over his silver dollar to Ray, Bart knocked out Ray. Atom confronted Bart, kept from being washed down a sink by the crook, and defeated him. Atom noticed a fragment of the white dwarf star he discovered months ago in Odd's possession. He realized it was the white dwarf fragment's contact with the silver dollar that shattered probability laws. As he examined the fragment with spectroscope probability went wild again, as it became anti-gravitic and shot into space, ending the threat.
(Atom #2) - Atom investigated robbers who were imprisoned and then vanished from prison. This lead to Carl Ballard, who'd been released from prison, and was using Kulan Dar's Europium to give his stooges the ability to teleport out of jail. He knocked out Atom, fed him Europoium, which also made people vulnerable to hypnotic suggestion, and commanded Atom to teleport to Africa every time he saw Ballard until Thursday. After pursuing Ballard, and twice being teleported to Africa, Atom teleported to China, where it was Thursday. No longer vulnerable to the hypnotic suggestion, Atom captured Ballard and his gang.
(Atom #3) - Ray presented Jean with a watch, and was about to propose to her when it broke. He brought it to watchmaker David Clinton, and Ray was impressed with his collection of timepieces and mentioned the atomic clock at Ivy U. Clinton was the super-thief Chronos, and broke into Ivy U to steal the clock. Ray changed to Atom, but Chronos defeated him, and believing his presence at the university was not a coincidence he deduced Ray's secret identity. After another battle with Atom he trapped the hero in a watch and placed it on his wrist, eager to have the hero watch him commit robberies before he exposed his secret identity. Atom shrank down further, changed into Ray Palmer, and knocked out Chronos. Chronos figured his assumption about Atom's identity were wrong when he saw Atom, who'd slipped back into his watch.
(Atom #3) - Retired professor Alpheus V. Hyatt showed his former student Ray his time-pool, a small opening in spacetime that he put a magnet on a line into in order to retrieve objects from the past. As Atom he jumped into the time-pool to explore the past, and landed in an Arabian bazaar in the year 850. The thief Abdul stole the legendary Lamp of Sinbad from Sinbad's grandson Hassan, and Atom was inside the lamp. Abdul brought the lamp to the location of inbad's treasure, and commanded the genie that supposedly resided in the lamp to unearth it. When nothing happened he threw away the lamp. Hassan recovered it, and Atom emerged, introducing himself as the genie "Al Atom" and helped Hassan get the treasure that was rightfully his, and later helped capture Abdul. Atom returned to the present with a gold dinar from Aladdin's treasure trove for Hyatt. Atom speculated that "Al Atom's" lamp became known as Aladdin's lamp over time.
(Justice League of America I #15) - Stone giant Untouchable Aliens stole military weapons and tried to eradicate Brasilia, Tokyo and Central City, but were foiled by Atom and the JLofA. Green Lantern probed their minds and brought the League to their world, an Earth separated from ours because it existed one minute into the future. The Aliens set off a cobalt bomb at the same time our Earth tested a nuclear bomb, weakening the barrier between world. The Alien's cities were going to merge with the three Earth cities they tried to destroy, because two objects occupying the same time and space would be disastrous. They could not move their own cities because the cities were rigged to explode if tampered with, a failsafe against invasion. Green Lantern used his ring to completely separate the Alien's Earth from ours, preventing catastrophe.
(Atom #4) - Ray Ralmer gave a commencement speech at Hapy Harbor high school. Later he saw honorary JLAer Snapper Carr wish for a runabout boat, and it appeared. Across Happy Harbor wishes were coming true, and Snapper investigated, with Atom tagging along unbeknownst to Carr. Mrs. Adrian James wished her junk jewelry was real, and when her wish was granted two crooks stole her necklace. Snapper confronted them, and when he threw wild punches Atom, still at microscopic size, knocked out the bad guys, because he wanted Snapper to have a chance to be a hero. They located atom-world traveler Entron Kol, whose ship was damaged and was using telepathy and his moleculizor to grant wishes so someone would find him. Hobos stole Kol's ship, but Snapper, again with help from Atom, defeated them and helped Kol return to his atom-world. Snapper couldn't wait to tell the JLA, and Atom was happy for him, but didn't want him to get a swelled head, so he decided to tell the real story to his teammates.
(Atom #4) - Jean Loring took the case of Tom Parks, who confessed to a robbery even though witnesses saw him give a speech at a locksmith convention at the same time. She asked Atoim for help on the case, and he learned Elkinsm, the convention photog, was using a mesmerizing camera to have others commit crimes while he took their place during the robberies. Atom avoided the mesmerizing camera, first by shutting his eyes, and then by shrinking to a size at which he couldn't properly hear Elkin's hypnotic commands.
(Atom #5) - Ray's adventurer friend Ted Ralson invited him to view a crystal from ancient Atlantis that he'd uncovered. A beam shot out of the crystal and turned Ralston to crystal, so Ray changed to Atom and entered th diamond at microscopic size. He found Utolia, a microscopic universe, and met Moorn Jor and Karl Jat. They'd used a search beam to contact life outside Utolia, but the side effect was turning whatever it touched to crystal. Jor wanted to use the beam to conquer Earth, so Atom defeated him by removing the solar helmet that kept him strong. Two crooks tried to steal the diamond, so Atom returned to six inches of height and delt with them. He went one more round with Jat, and Jor undid the search beam's effects and promised to destroy it. Ray convinced Ralston to put the diamond away for safekeeping.
(Atom #5) - Ray and Jean were invited for a weekend at the lakeside residence of Don Morgan, a client of Jean's. His house was by the fabled 3000-Moons Lake, which was supposedly haunted by the ghost of Indian medicine man Tall Trees. Around the town there was evidence of the ghost wrecking havoc, but Ray changed to Atom and discovered it was a ruse by Fred Harris, who posed as the Specter to pull off robberies. Atom uncovered the charade and captured Harris.
(Justice League of America I #34) - Atom and the JLofA had dreams where parts of their teammates costumes attached themselves to them and gave them their teammates powers and weaknesses. In their dreams they overcame this and defeated a giant Italian statue, giant seashells and Joker and Chac. When they woke these dream adversaries became real, as did the objects that handicapped them. Their enemies had learned from their dream defeat, but by switching up tactics the league defeated them. They reasoned that Dr. Destiny was involved, and although he was in jail he'd built a Materioptikon in his dreams. The League had him sent to a psychiatrist in hopes of removing his dream powers.
(Batman I #177) - Batman needed to prove that Ed "Numbers" Garvy stole the Kimber Gems, and enlisted Atom and Elongated Man to help him. Batman got in Numbers head to the point where he thought about the Masked Manhunter all the time, and Batman set off a series of events that led Numbers to a cave. Inside were Atom and Elongated Man, dressed as Little Batman and Big Batman. They claimed to be clay a shaman endowed with life, and Numbers thought about Batman made them duplicates of the hero. They said he was their master, but when his first request was for them to kill Batman they said they couldn't commit crimes because they were modeled after a hero. Little Batman said his magic powers were fading, and needed a diamond touched to his head. Numbers complied, not knowing that Batman had his allies heads sprinkled with radioactive dust so he could find Numbers cache. Batman and Robin later tracked the diamond to a clock, but realized Numbers had individually hidden all his goods. Batman and Robin foiled Numbers' attempt to rob a carnival, and when he returned to his hideout Big batman said he needed a ruby touched to his head. Numbers thought something hinky was up, so he touched a false stone to Big Batman's head, and when he said his power was restored Numbers had his men knock out and unmask big and Little Batman. Batman and robin broke up the gang, but still needed to find out where the jewels were. He found the ruby in a telephone, and deduced that Numbers had his goods hidden in things with numbers, like a fake algebra textbook and a wall calendar.
He fought crime for years, and eventually married his girlfriend Jean Loring.
(Justice League
of America I #117) - The Equalizer infected Thanagar with microbes that made
everyone average, with no one smarter, stronger or more capable than anyone
else. Hawkman found he no longer had the power to be a law enforcement agent,
and pursued the Equalizer, who was heading towards Earth, in his Thanagarian
ship. Hawkman knew he’d need help, so he contacted Atom and the JlofA, and
they met him on Mars. The Equalizer’s microbes averaged out the JlofA’s
powers, and let Hawkman share in some of them. He didn’t have time to explain
his situation, and the JlofA were baffled and thought their loss of powers were
an attack by their former ally. Hawkman managed to defeat them, and left them on
Mars while he continued to chase the Equalizer. The League focused their reduced
willpower on Green Lantern’s ring, allowing them to catch up to Hawkman, who
was at a standstill with the Equalizer. After Hawkman explained the situation
the League aided him, but the Equalizer countered any attack they mustered. They
realized that he also equalized his emotions in response to theirs, so they
focused their thoughts on hate to make him give a loving response. The Equalizer
realized how much they despised him, so he cured the League of the microbes
infecting them and either self-destructed or returned to his home galaxy.
Hawkman realized he couldn’t return to Thanagar for fear of being reinfected
until he found a cure, and asked for readmission to the League. The JlofA voted
him back in, and he shed a single tear of gratitude.
(Justice League of America I #118, 119) - Hawkman hit the JlofaA emergency signal when the Adaptoids targeted Earth, but Atom was busy acting as lead speaker for the Society of Physics Convention.When the Adaptoids decided that the entire human race was viral, spreading too fast and destroying the planet Earth, they promised to exterminate the human race to save the planet, and broadcast their intentions on a TV transmission. Batman, Atom, Elongated Man and Green Arrow tried to defeat hem, but were bested and teleported back to the JlofA satellite alongside their fellow beaten Leaguers. The Adaptoids started toppling world governments when Hawkman arrived from Thanagar, along with Hawkgirl, and teleported the Adaptoids to their satellite. The League questioned his motivations, but his plan soon became clear. Hawkgirl’s Equalizer Disease that made everyone around her equal gave the JlofA the edge over the aliens, enabling them to defeat the Adaptoids and imprison them on an abandoned planet halfway between Earth and Thanagar. The Adaptoids settled into their new home, building cities and prospering, while Hawkman and Hawkgirl vowed to monitor them.
(Justice League
of America I #120, 121) - The JlofA foiled a mad scientist on New Guinea who
tried to wipe out the southern hemisphere with an aqua-bomb. Batman, Atom and
Green Arrow tried to contact their teammates from the JlofA satellite after the
case, but couldn’t find them. Their teammates had been transported to Rann by
Kanjar Ro, who was manipulating Adam Strange and reviving old Rannian threats in
order to destroy the League. When the Leaguers on Rann were seemingly
disintegrated by the robot Borg, Adam Strange traveled to the JlofA satellite to
gather the rest of the League to avenge their comrades and deal with the
mastermind behind the attacks. Before the League could form a plan of action
they were alerted to a freak electric storm in Long Island, and left their
satellite to respond, with Adam staying behind because Earth’s surface was
poisonous to him. The storm turned out to be a Cloud Creature, another revamped
threat from Rann, and it defeated the League. Kanjar confrontred Adam Strange
and explained his schemes, but Adam responded by stealing the energi-rod he’d
used to recreate the Rannian menaces and zeta-beamed back to Rann. Sardath used
the brain waves on file from Kanjar Ro’s time as a prisoner on Rann to allow
Adam control over the energi-rod. Adam correctly reasoned that Kanjar’s ego
demanded that he destroy the entire JlofA in one fell swoop, so the seemingly
murdered Leaguers must have been in captivity on Rann. In an ice cave he found
the five black spheres that Kanjar had turned the League into, and undid the
transformation with the energi-rod. He found an additional black sphere, and it
turned out to be Alanna. She told Adam that Kanjar kept her alive as insurance
to have leverage against Adam if his plan failed. The JlofA returned to Earth
and defeated the Cloud Creature. Without his energi-rod Kanjar was easy
pickings, and Black Canary knocked him out with a karate chop. The League went
to Rann with Adam and attended his wedding to Alanna.
(Identity Crisis #2 (fb) - Atom and the JLA defeated Hector Hammond, and then received a distress call from Sue Dibny from the JLA satellite. They found Sue being savaged by Dr. Light and quickly defeated him. Elongated Man took Sue to the hospital, but Light threatened the rest of the JLA, telling them he’d find their loved ones and do to them what he did to Sue. Hawkman proposed that they mindwipe Dr. Light and make him less of the threat, and Atom sided with him. After the deciding vote was cast Zatanna used her magic to erase Light’s memory, but in trying to alter his personality she magically lobotomized him, making him a minimal threat.
(Flash II #215 (fb)) - Flash came to Atom and the JLA and asked Zatanna to brainwash Top, one of his most dangerous foes, and make him into a hero. The League debated the morality of once again having Zatanna alter someone’s mind, but Zatanna agreed to help Flash because she thought it would be to Top’s benefit to be reformed.
(DC Comics Presents #15) - Atom had a horrific dream about shrinking that he blocked out, and when he later tried to stop muggers he found that a psychological block prevented him from using his powers. He confided in Superman, who took Ray to his Fortress of Solitude, where he told him he’d use Kryptonian hypno-equipment to probe his mind. As Superman readied the machine the Fortress was attacked by the Sabromians, an alien race with a grudge against the Man of Steel, who’d foiled one of their invasions. The Sabromians trapped Superman in an energy field, cutting him off from his solar-deried powers, and made him and Ray their prisoners, telling them they’d witness their destruction of the Fortress. Superman told Ray it was up to him to save the day, and he defeated the aliens using his shrinking powers. Superman revealed that he’d used his micro-wave beamer to secretly shrink himself and Ray, and feigned vulnerability so Atom could get his confidence back.
Jean and the Atom were separated and later divorced. Together with author Norman Brawler they wrote a tell-all book about their years together
Atom spent time as a self-imposed exile in the Amazon Jungle.
(Green Arrow III #16 (fb)) - Atom attended Oliver Queen's funeral in his civilian identity.
(Green Lantern III #81) - Coast City; Atom was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan.
(Impulse / Atom Double-Shot #1) - Atom reconstructed his time pool at Ivy University, hoping to travel back in time and save Joto’s life. The time pool proved unstable, and Atom and Impulse, who was being forced to tour Ivy by his mentor Max Mercury, reverted to infancy. Waverider took Atom and Impulse to the Vanishing Point to figure out a cure for their condition. At Vanishing Point Atom and Impulse caused havoc, pulling dinosaurs from the past into the Vanishing Point, and traveling through time to battle Khunds. Waverider had his fill of their childish antics, so he went back in time, merged them with their older counterparts, and prevented the time pool from going haywire. Atom was devastated that the time pool stopped working, and admitted to Max Mercury that he felt like a failure for allowing Joto to die. Max told him that training new heroes was important work, and Atom agreed to keep at teaching the next generation of heroes.
(JLA #19) - The JLA destroyed Julian September’s Engine of Chance, which manipulated probability to bring him luck. The universe fought against the probability cancer Julian unleashed, with disastrous results associated with the number seven. Atom, the seventh hero to join the Justice League met with the JLA by coincidence, and Oracle unlocked September’s research notes. He split seven photons to create the Engine of Chance, so Atom shrunk the team to subatomic height and repaired the photons, undoing all the Engine’s effects.
(Flash II #140) - Atom and the Teen Titans attended Linda Park's funeral.
(DC One Million #2, 3) - Vandal Savage of the 853rd century unleashed the Hourman Virus on Earth, causing machines to go haywire and humans to lose their minds and become filled with rage. Oracle contacted Atom, and he studied the virus by shrinking and exploring her body, and he figured out how to rewrite its programming. The virus was looking for a system to inhabit, so the Justice Legion created the intelligent sun Solaris to contain it.
(JLA #27) - Ray Palmer added superheroics to the Ivy Town syllabus and created a micro-lab in his office when the college told him they didn’t have money for an extension. Green Lantern and Flash offered him a spot on the JLA, but he refused it, telling them the life of a full-time superhero went at too fast a pace, and it would be a step backwards for him. Amazo, who had the powers of every JLA member, nearly destroyed the team, but Ray suggested Superman temporarily disband the JLA, and this caused Amazo to lose his powers. Atom accepted a part-time gig as the JLA’s science consultant.
(Day of Judgment #1-5) - Atom was called in as a JLA reservist when Asmodel / Spectre unleashed Hell on Earth. Atom continued tutoring Firestorm during the fight, and tried to help him seal the hole to Hell, but the chains of Hell imprisoned the heroes. They were freed by the Sentinels of Magic, and Atom, Firestorm and a small team of heroes went to Hell to reignite its' fires that Asmodel put out so the demon army on Earth would return home. They defeated Cerberus to gain entry to Hell, but once there they fell into the River Styx. Their souls were assaulted by their worst nightmares, but Faust, who had no soul, saved them. The heroes were ready to reignite the hellfire pits when they were attack by Nebiros. Firestorm destroyed Nebiros, and Faust reignited the pits, returning the demons to Hell. Atom and the others returned to Earth to confront Asmodel. The soul of Green Lantern Hal Jordan took over the Spectre-Force from Asmodel, who was taken to Heaven to be imprisoned for his crimes. Atom convinced Firestorm to sign up for some chemistry classes at Ivy U.
(JLA #40) - Atom was among the legion of heroes summoned by the JLA to quell worldwide outbreaks of warfare that were incited by Mageddon.
(JLA #42) - Atom shrunk himself down to participate in a brain surgery operation on a young boy. He discovered that the brain tumor the boy had was actually a microscopic society of intelligent bacteria that were mining the boy’s dendrite to power their cities. Atom shrunk down the JLA to visit the bacteria leaders and convince them to find an alternative energy source and stop harming the boy. The bacteria leaders refused to listen to reason and imprisoned the JLA. The JLA escaped in time to witness bacteria rebels destroy the power station that was mining dendrite. At this point the boy’s doctors removed the tumor, and the JLA rescued as many of the bacteria as they could. Once they left the boy’s brain the surviving bacteria were killed off by the boy’s immune system.
(Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1) - Ivy University; Atom tutored Roy Raymond in the proper use of his Firestorm powers, since Raymond no longer had Professor Stein to guide him. Adam Strange arrived at Ivy to warn Atom that a villain named Oblivion had devastated Rann and was headed towards Earth. Atom, Firestorm and Strange briefed the JLA about the situation, and while the JLA went to intercept Oblivion, Atom stayed behind at the JLA Watchtower to care for Adam Strange, who was still reeling from injuries Oblivion inflicted on him. The JLA were defeated, only Green Lantern managed to escape Oblivion and return to the Watchtower. Lantern gathered a rag-tag group of heroes, including several Green Lanterns that he subconsciously created with his power ring, and assembled them at the Watchtrower so they could work out a plan to defeat Oblivion. Green Lantern put Atom and the Teen Lanterns in charge of the JLA Watchtower; they would be a last line of defense if everyone else failed against Oblivion.
(Green Lantern / Atom #1, Green Lantern / Green Lantern #1) - After a short debate the Teen Lanterns convinced Atom that they should take a more pro-active role in defeating Oblivion, so Atom planned on investigating Oblivion’s origins. Since Green Lantern claimed Oblivion exactly resembled a comic book villain he created as a youth, Atom reasoned that some other villain created Oblivion as a hoax. Atom and the Teen Lanterns made a suspect list, then tracked down and defeated Scarecrow, Dr. Psycho and Professor Ivo, but none of the villains had anything to do with Oblivion. Atom and the Teen Lanterns received orders from Green Lantern to come immediately to the planet Oa, where Oblivion had been found.
(Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #2) - Atom joined Green Lantern and the other heroes on Oa, where they battled Oblivion, who revealed that he was a creation of Green Lantern’s subconscious. Oblivion created an unstable quasar, then retreated to Earth with Green Lantern in pursuit. The quasar threatened to collapse the universe, so Atom came up with a plan to use Zeta radiation provided by Adam Strange and manipulated by Firestorm to teleport the quasar’s ergosphere into it’s dark matter core, causing the quasar to implode. Atom and the other heroes returned to Earth, and found that Green Lantern had defeated Oblivion by reabsorbing him into his own subconscious.
(JLA #57, 58) - Atom explored the subatomic world and learned that the White Martians introduced viral subatomic particles into the atmosphere that inhibited oxidation and prevented combustion, eliminating their weakness to fire. The JLA battled the Martians at Superman’s Fortress of Solitude, and tricked them into sending the team into the Phantom Zone, where they were able to come up with a plan todefeat the Martians without being found out by the Martian’s telepathy. Atom had accompanied the JLA to the Fortress; hidden at microscopic size, and freed the JLA sothey could follow through on their plan and defeat the villains.
(Superman II #173) - President Luthor, the Atom and Doc Magnus devised a plan to crack Imperiex Prime's armor and channel the energies back to the galaxies he stole them from using a Boom Tube provided by Darkseid. Superman, Strange Visitor and the Blackhawks were responsible for delivering a payload of 30 hydrogen bombs to drop on Imperiex Prime. Strange Visitor absorbed Superman's energy and left him behind while she bombed Imperiex, sacrificing herself to crack his shell. Brainiac-13 stole the released energy using Warworld and used the LexCorp Towers, actually a temporal displacement cannon, to bombard Apokolips with the energy. Darkseid used this attack as a reason to declare war on Earth.
(JLA #63) - When Wonder Woman’s lasso, the embodiment of truth, broke because she doubted it, the truth became subjective, altering the world. Atom found basic numbers failing to add up, driving him slightly mad. He shrunk to microscopic size for comfort, and manged to give the JLA a consult on the situation Wonder Woman caused.
(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - Atom attended the first annual JLA and JSA Thanksgiving celebration when the teams were called to Arusha, Tanzania to stop Doctor Bedlam from disrupting the Pan-African Conference on World Hunger. The JLA and JSA defeated Bedlam, but the attack was a ruse on the part of Johnny Sorrow to give him the opportunity to have Despero possess President Luthor, who was at the conference, and to have the Seven Deadly Sins possess members of the JLA and JSA. The possessed heroes destroyed JSA headquarters and incapacitated the unpossessed JLA and JSA members. Atom was among the heroes banished to Odin’s Ragnarok in Limbo by the possessed Mr. Terrific. Atom figured out a way to turn Surter of Limbo into a living black hole that shunted the heroes back to Earth. The JLA and JSA then helped Shazam re-chain the Deadly Sins in the Rock of Eternity, defeated Johnny Sorrow and freed Luthor from Despero.
(JSA #37) - Atom was among the crowd of heroes that attended Johnny Thunder’s funeral.
(JLA #68, 69, 71, 73, 75) - Atlantis, ancient and in ruins, appeared on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Atom and other scientists investigated, but the causes turned out to be mystic. Mystics sent the JLA to 1,000 B.C. and determine the fate of the Atlantis that Tempest had sent back in time during the Imperiex War. The JLA were gone for a month when Batman's contingency plan for a new JLA was activated. JLA-Spheres located Atom and other heroes hand picked by Batman and brought them to the Watchtower, where a video recording of Batman told them they would have to carry on as Earth's protectors in case the JLA never returned. They were instructed not to go looking for the JLA, and were kept busy by a worldwide drought. The drought caused tectonic plate shifting in Japan, resulting in earthquakes and lava flows that the JLA had to deal with. Atom discovered that Eartrh’s water was being drained to Atlantis. He got a video feed of Atlantis, where the team saw a skeleton dressed in Superman’s costume. Atom coordinated the JLA’s return to Atlantis, where they found Gamemnae, an ancient Atlantean sorceress bent on bringing new glory to her land. They warned her that the waters shifted to Atlantis threatened to pull Earth from its orbit, but she refused to listen. The JLA couldn’t defeat her, and President Luthor ordered muon bombs to be dropped on Atlantis to destroy the sorceress. The bombs had no effect on her, and the JLA was brought to safety by a ring-image of Green Lantern, who explained that the JLA in ancient Atlantis made a plan in the past to save the future. Manitou Raven, the sole survivor of the Ancients, the superteam Gamemnae created and betrayed, had preserved the souls of the JLA that Gamemnae killed in 1,000 B.C. He tricked yher into resurrecting them, and then Zatanna and members of the new JLA went to 1,000 B.C. where they freed Aquaman, who’d been turned into a water elemental and imprisoned in a pool by Gamemnae. Aquaman merged with the ocean, sank Gamemnae’s Atlantis, and Zatanna cast a spell that returned Aquaman’s Atlantis to the present day. Gamemnae, weakened by this change in history, was easy prey for Manitou Raven, and he sacrificed himself to destroy her.
(JLA #76) - Atom and the JLA recovered the scattered atoms of Plas from across the Atlantic and pieced him back together. He explained the trauma of not being whole for over 3,000 years, and quit the JLA to spend more time with his son.
(JLA #77) - Mnemon, a synthetic lifeform that recorded history by draining the memories of others, landed on the moon and Atom and the JLA investigated. Atom entered Mnemon, who was quick to start eating the memories of the JLA. Mnemon’s actions always led to planetwide destruction, which it considered its’ own form of art. With Atom’s guidance Superman destroyed the magnetic field that kept it cohesive with his heat vision, but this freed the miniature black hole that powered Mnemon. Through great force of will Superman held Mnemon and the black hole in his hands long enough to fly into space and toss it into a wormhole.
(JLA #78, 79) - A large mass of Mirror Matter, previously thought to be only theoretical, was headed toward Earth, and Atom and the JLA disposed of it by having Firestorm transform it into marshmallow fluff. The JLA received an extraterrestrial video feed from Kylaq sent to them by Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, who was in deep space. The Peacemaker and his Paciforce deceed that Kylaq would join his forcesor perish. The JLA debated handling a political situation so far from Earth that they didn’t know all the details about. Wonder Woman said the JLA had a responsibility to nay innocents in danger, and Superman said that handling the Peacemaker was a preemptive measure, because he could eventually target Earth, so the JLA traveled to Kylaq, but Atom and other members staid behind to watch over Earth. On Kylaq the JLA defeated the Paciforce and arranged peace talks between the Kylaq and the Peacemaker.
(JLA #81-82) - The commune Safe Haven, an organization protected by metahumans, was at a standoff with government forces A.T.F. and D.E.O. that wanted to investigate the commune when the JLA intervened. The JLA heard the case of Shepherd, who ran the Haven, and wanted to act as intermediaries. This went south when tensions led Haven members and government agents to fire at each other. An explosion seemingly killed everyone at the Haven, and the JLA were blamed. Superman, Major Disaster and Faith were all convinced that they were responsible, but Atom, Firestorm and Batman later examined the scene and found that no one had died. Axis America, led by Shepherd, aka Ubermensch, appeared to battle the JLA and revealed themselves as agents of Mr. Manson, the government operative behind Safe Haven who sacrificed it and used the metahuman the Mouth to convince the JLA they were responsible for hundreds of deaths. All this was so Manson could reclaim Faith for the U.S. government. Faith recognized the setup and forced Manson to leave her alone for the time being, and Axis America retreated.
(JLA #83) - Superman entered Martian Manhunter’s transconsious articulator for subconscious therapy. He envisioned President Luthor going to war with Quarac because they supposedly had W.M.D.s, and the American public felt betrayed that the U.S. declared war before they had proof. Superman didn’t stop Luthor because he couldn’t make up his mind as to the justness of the war. In the end of his vision Luthor told him patriot don’t ask questions and killed him with kryptonite. Atom and the JLA woke Superman from the articulator, and he vowed never to use it again.
(JLA #84-89) - A wave of fear and remorse washed over the inmates of Arkham Asylum, the prisoners of Blackgate and President Luthor. Atom and the JLA investigated, and when Martian Manhunter, who’d rejoined the team after Scorch healed him of his fear of fire, tried to fix Luthor’s mind, he was assaulted by a powerful psychic force. Hostile nations and hate groups started feeling remorse and killing themselves. Firestorm’s powers were taken away, and realizing it was connected to world events, Manitou Raven guided the JLA to Vandal Savage’s mountain stronghold. Vandal recognized the world events as the attack of the Burning, a Martian he killed 20,000 years ago. He presented the Burning’s head to the JLA, and they brought Savage and the head to the Watchtower, only to discover Superman, who’d been attacked and bonded to the JLA meeting table. They freed Superman, but the revived Burning defeated the JLA and would have killed them if Major Disaster didn’t use evac protocols to teleport them to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. Superman suspected that the Burning was actually Martian Manhunter, and in preparation of combating him they entered the Phantom Zone to ask the White Martians for aid. The Burning was already in the Zone and had slaughtered the Martians. The Burning again defeated the JLA, but they were saved and spirited away by Green Lantern John Stewart, who’d been brief on the Burning and how to deal with it by the Guardians of the Universe. The Burning was a dangerous, chaotic race that the Guardians genetically modified to become Martians, and gave them an innate fear of fire so they couldn’t acess the powers of the Burning. When Manhunter overcame his fear of fire, his race memory turned him into the Burning, who needed fear and fire in multitude to asexually reproduce. Batman contacted the amnesiac Plas as his backup plan and convinced him to confront the Burning while Manitou contacted Martian Manhunter on the spiritual plane and found his soul dominated by the burning. Burning unleashed nuclear attack to create the chaos and flames he’d need to asexually reproduce, but the JLA stopped the bombs, except for one that hit Chongjin, North Korea, but Flash evacuated the population. Plas fought Burning to a deadlock because his mind was non-organic and not vulnerable to telepathy. Thanks to Manitou Martian Manhunter separated himself from the Burning, and Scorch sacrificed herself to sap the Burning’s flame. Manhunter confronted the Burning and destroyed him with his Martian-vision.
(JSA #54) - Atom, the JLA and JSA celebrated Thanksgiving at JSA hq. Kulak and the Warlord of Ys ruined the Thanksgiving meal, but were quickly defeated by the heroes. The JLA and JSA settled for ordering out, and had pizza for Thanksgiving.
(JLA #91-93)- A meteor storm ripped holes in the JLA Watchtower, and Plas plugged the holes with his body as a stopgap until Atom and the JLA arrived to make repairs. The storm was caused by a rip in spacetime when an alien ship arrived near the moon. The JLA investigated and met the alien Pe-Paey, who told them he monitored Earth’s progress from time to time and needed to locate specimens of the silver-masked monkey. The JLA traveled with Pe-Paey to South America, but found a construction crew demolishing the monkey’s last habitat for grazing land. Superman spotted a silver-mask and tried to save it, but the crew’s explosives were already set and the blast killed the monkey, probably the last of its species. Pe-Paey was upset; his people’s Book of Lol predicted the silver-masks would become Earth’s dominant species. He asked to see all of Earth, and the JLA oblidged, taking him to monuments, museums, an in the interest of full disclosure, and at Superman’s request, strife ridden countries like Santa Prisca and Minglia. The JLA foiled insurgents and terrorists in Minglia, and asked Pe-Paey what he thought. Pe-Paey assured them the silver-masks should have been the dominant species, and that humanity was choosing to become extinct, so he would help. He used his ship to bring meteors crashing toward Earth, but the JLA stopped any damage and told him their race was confused, not suicidal. Disheartened by the inaccuracies in the Book of Lol, the only thing he believed in, Pe-Paey returned to his ship and blew it up, killing himself.
(JSA #57 (BTS), Hawkman IV #24, (BTS), JSA #58, Hawkman IV #25) - Hawkman sent Atom on a mission in Khandaq, which had been conquered by Black Adam and his team. Adam’s team was comprised of former JSA allies, and Atom was in Khandaq to find out if they were being mind-controlled. Atom was displeased to learn they were acting of their own free will, so he hid near Atom-Smasher and tried whispering in his ear, acting like a conscience for the hero turned murderer. When Atom-Smasher discovered his presence he didn’t report Atom to Black Adam. Atom then entered Brainwave’s head to perform neurosurgery, which would hopefully return his sanity and deprive him of his powers. He discovered Mr. Mind inside Brainwave’s head, and realized Mind was in control of Brainwave. Atom defeated Mr. Mind, and thanks to Atom-Smasher the JSA and Black Adam came to terms on a peace pact.
(JLA #94-99) - Batman investigated a number of child abductions and murders that seemed to have a common perpetrator, and got Atom and the JLA involved. Manitou Raven had already learned that the Tenth Circle was responsible, so they spirited him away with vampire bats. Atom examined his telling stones at microscopic size looking for clues about where Manitou went, but soon after disappeared. They learned that most of the missing children possessed the metagene and could be powerful as a collective. Superman found children being taken into a van in Metropolis, and intervened, but the metahuman Nudge took control of his mind, and took him to her master Crucifer. Crucifer bit Superman, bringing him under his control, and sent him after his teammates. After defeating and abducting Faith Crucifer sent him back to the JLA Watchtower. Wonder Woman, in her research of the amazon archives, matched a symbol found at the abductions to the Tenth Circle, a cult of vampires defeated by the Amazons in the early days of Greece. Superman surrepticiously destroyed the archives because they described how the Circle could be defeated, and lured Wonder Woman to Castle Crucifer. Superman attacked Wonder Woman, and Nudge, rebelling against Crucifer, tried to influence the battle, but when Superman briefly regained his senses Crucifer stabbed Wonder Woman with a sword. Crucifer dumped Wonder Woman on a highway, with the Tenth Circle calling card on her, a challenge for the JLA to oppose him. Batman didn’t want the team walking into a trap, and considered it misdirection. John Stewart had encountered the Doom Patrol while battling Tenth Circle members abducting more young metahumans, and the DP told him the Circle was their responsibility. Batman and the JLA went to the DP’s Key Mordaz hq to compare notes. Chief’s tech was able to find Atom in the telling stones, he’d found a side-door dimension that Crucifer used for transporting his cultists. The JLA and DP teamed up and confronted Crucifer in Barnes, Saskatchewan, where he prepared to transfer the souls of his vampire lords into the metahuman children he'd collected. The heroes drove him off, and Atom destroyed the vessel containing Crucifer’s heart he had stored in the side-door dimension. Crucifer was weakened enough for Superman to break Crucifer’s hold over him and destroy him.
(JSA #59) - Hourman came to Atom when he needed to return to Timepoint to switch places with his son Hourman II. Atom told him his time pool was too unstable and limited in function to be of use to him. Atom admitted that time travel was one of the few sciences that escaped him.
(JSA #60) - Atom and Mr. Terrific hooked up one of Terrific’s T-Sphere’s to the time pool, sending a distress signal across the past in future in hopes of locating the timelost Hourman II.
(Flash II #208, 209) - Atom and the JLA summoned Flash to the JLA Watchtower, demanding to know why they no longer remembered his secret identity. He initially refused to talk to team, and ran away, but after Superman talked to him he returned. He revealed that the Spectre erased the world’s knowledge of his secret identity to protect his family, but he was ready to reveal himself as Wally West to his friends.
(JLA #100) - Manitou Raven sensed a disturbance in the Earth, and there were several volcanic eruptions, the hole in the ozone layer opened further, and other geothermal events signaled an extinction level event. Gaea, speaking through the earth-powered Major Disaster damned humanity for their abuse of her and their failure to get along. Sister Superior of the Elite v.2 had also realized that Gaea was ready to destroy humanity, and proposed a plan to Atom and the JLA, and although they doubted her trustworthiness they agreed. The Elite stormed Washington, demanded all governments dissolve and declared themselves rulers of Earth because humanity had proved themselves unfit to rule. After UN meetings and a staged defeat of the JLA by the Elite, every nation on Earth put aside their differences to tackle the Elite. Gaea once again believed in humanity, seeing them unite against a common enemy, and held back her wrath.
(JLA #107) - On maintenance day Atom and the JLA monitored Krona’s cosmic egg and learned that a new universe was forming inside it. They agreed to not act, but just observe.
(Identity Crisis #1-7, Flash II #214) - Jean Loring signed over Atom’s patents she’d gotten in their divorce settlement back to him as a way of showing her independence. Ray learned of Sue Dibny’s death and investigated the crime scene. Two days later he attended her funeral. Afterwards Atom, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Black Canary, Zatanna, and Elongated Man, the surviving Satellite Era JLA, met in a private chapel. They believed Sue’s murderer was Dr. Light, the man who savaged Sue years before, the man they mind-wiped. Flash and Green Lantern noticed they’d stayed behind and overheard their conversation, so they confessed what they did to Dr. Light. They confronted Dr. Light, but he was prepared for them, he’d hired Deathstroke as a bodyguard. They fought, and Dr. Light’s memories of what the JLA did to him returned. He unleashed his powers on the heroes, striking them unconscious, and fled. Atom and the JLA recovered from their fight against Deathstroke in the JLA Watchtower. Atom left the team to be at Jean’s side. Superman wanted to know why they were pursuing Light, and Flash told him Elongated Man had a run-in with him years back, but didn’t give details. Atom received a call from Jean saying she was being attacked. He found her hanging from her apartment’s ceiling and rescued her, unaware that she staged the attack to throw suspicion off her in Sue’s murder. Atom nursed her back to health, and they shared a moment and kissed. Jean and Atom once again became lovers. Jean was careless in her pillow talk with Atom, and he figured out that she killed Sue. She told him to be grateful; that she did it so they would get back together again. Atom had no choice but to commit her to Arkham Asylum. He felt immense guilt over Sue’s death, so he got rid of his JLA signal device and shrunk down to microscopic size.
(Titans II #28-30) - When the Atom Ryan Choi disappeared Ray Palmer came to Ivy Town to investigate. He met Ryan’s girlfriend Amanda, and told her that because Ryan was a legacy hero he felt close to him. They both feared he was dead, but Ray promised to find him. Ray investigated Ryan’s apartment, and at microscopic size he discovered red corpuscles. He ran lab tests, and determined them to be Ryan’s. He went to the JLA Satellite, and presented his findings to the Justice League. They, too, wanted to hope for the best, but the evidence was piling up that something had happened to Ryan.
(Titans II #31-34) - Atom reexamined Ryan Choi’s DNA, reverse engineering quantum decay to determine that the DNA had been left behind by a dead man. He came to grips with the fact that Ryan really had been murdered. Atom broke the news to Amanda, and told her he had a suspect, Ryan’s foe the serial killer Dwarfstar. Atom found Dwarfstar in the Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans after Ryan’s former lover Giganta broke almost every bone in his body. Atom interviewed him, and Dwarfstar bragged that he’d hired Deathstroke’s Titans to kill Ryan. Atom threatened to let Deathstroke know he’d given him up. Dwarfstar knew that would be a death sentence for him, and pleaded with Atom, who ignored him and walked out of his hospital room. Atom told Batman (Dick Grayson) what he’d learned, and asked for his help in bringing Deathstroke to justice.
(Titans II #36, Titans Annual II #1) - Atom, Batman, and the Justice League caught up with Deathstroke and his Titans, and demanded justice for Ryan Choi. Deathstroke showed the Justice League that his plane was equipped with a nuclear self-destruct system, and he’d rather destroy himself and them than surrender. Deathstroke also told Arsenal he knew the League would never allow him to die, because they still considered him one of their own. This exact situation was the only reason Deathstroke allowed Arsenal to join his team. The League backed off temporarily, and allowed the Titans to fly off. The League confronted the Titans again in Kahndaq, where the villains had enlisted the support of Kahndaq’s ruler Osiris. Batman tried to get Arsenal to side with the League, but he refused, telling him that heroes never won when it counted. Atom got Deathstroke to himself, and nearly killed him by creating a controlled nuclear blast by expanding a molecular fractal charge. Tatooed Man rejoined the team, just as Deathstroke knew he would, and gave Slade the opportunity to stab Supergirl with a kryptonite sword created for him by Lex Luthor. The battle ravaged Kahndaq, and Isis had enough. She demonstrated her godlike powers, and banished the League from her country. She sent Osiris and the Titans off, telling her brother that he’d proved he was unfit to rule. Atom was especially heart-broken that there’d be no justice for his successor.
(Titans II #37, 38) - Atom went back to his lab to mope, and plan the eulogy for Ryan Choi’s funeral. Superman visited him, and told him he made the right decision in not killing Deathstroke. Atom spoke at Ryan’s funeral, which was attended by the entire superhero community. He said he was honored that Ryan chose his legacy, and that everyone should be honored with a brilliant mind like his choosing to protect his fellow man.
Comments: Created by Gardner Fox and Gil Kane.
Atom received profiles in Who's Who: the Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #1, Who's Who Update '88 #1 and The DC Comics Encyclopedia. Atom received a profile in Silver Age Secret Files #1 under the Justice League of America entry. Atom received a profile in JLA-Z #2 under the JLA (“The Satellite” Era) entry.
Atom had a cameo in DC Comics Presents #26, Flash II #216, Green Arrow III #8, Hawkman V #5, Justice League of America II #1, 5, 7 and Titans: Villains For Hire Special #1.
Atom's appearance in Batman I #177 was reprinted in Batman I #259.
Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated comic books titled “First Contact” and “J’onn J’onzz Celebrity Roast,” both featuring Atom, in Bizarro Comics #1.
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