Real Name: Minerva (last name unrevealed)

Class: Human

Occupation: Professional criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: five unnamed husbands (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Fawcett City, Earth-S

First Appearance: Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett) #59 (April, 1946)

PowersAunt Minerva was an elderly woman who was a cunning criminal, a surprisingly strong scrapper and skilled with handguns.

History(Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett) #59) - Aunt Minerva was an unassuming old woman and secretly a ruthless crimelord. She had respect and money, with every criminal in the city cutting her in on their action and paying her tribute, but was lonely because her previous five husbands had all passed away. She got a flyer for Shazam Inc. In the mail promising to solve anyone’s problems and visited Uncle Dudley’s office. Dudley was chatting with Billy Batson and she explained her dilemma. Criminal Handsome Harry was sick of giving a percentage of his earnings to Minerva, and came to Shazam Inc. To see if they could send her to prison. Harry was surprised to see Minerva, and a gunfight ensued. Dudley and Billy changed into Uncle Marvel and Captain Marvel and easily handled Harry and his men. Aunt Minerva was furious at Harry’s defiance, and after cutting the lights she kidnapped him and his men. She’d become enamored with Uncle Marvel and decided to abscond with him as well. Aunt Minerva informed him they’d be married as soon as possible, and a panicked Uncle phoned up Captain Marvel, asking him to save him. Aunt Minerva blasted Captain Marvel with her pistol, but he shrugged it off and spanked her to teach her a lesson. Aunt Minerva then developed a crush on Captain Marvel, and as she was dragged away by the police she promised to see him again.

(Shazam! I #10) - Aunt Minerva mused that she’d still be pleased to make Captain Marvel her sixth husband, but since he kept busting up her rackets she’d be better off with him dead. Minerva told her two henchmen Osky the Ox and Pretty-Puss Pete that they were going to compete for a fabulous prize, and all they had to do was destroy Captain Marvel. Her henchmen didn’t relish going one-on-one with Marvel, so Minerva slapped Osky around and fired bullets over Pete’s head until they complied. Osky kidnapped Billy, knowing his friend Captain Marvel would come looking for him. Billy changed into Marvel and let Osky wear himself out trying to use wrestling holds on him until he collapsed from exhaustion. Pete reasoned that since some of Marvel’s power came from Achilles he surely had an Achilles heel as a weakness, and tossed a grenade at his feet. Unfortunately for Pete Marvel got his courage from Achilles, but didn’t share his weakness. Marvel rounded up the henchmen and Minerva, bringing them to the police station. Minerva was disappointed in her boys, telling them they had a shot at winning her hand in marriage and they were both suddenly happy they failed and got arrested instead.

Comments: Created by William Woolfolk & an unnamed artist.

Aunt Minerva was originally published by Fawcett Comics, which DC obtained the rights to in 1972.

Aunt Minerva's appearance in Captain Marvel Adventures (Fawcett) #59 was reprinted in Shazam! I #12.

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