Real Name: Arnold Corbin

Class: Human

Occupation: Criminal mastermind, VP of Jeffers Loan Company

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, 1940s era

First Appearance: Green Lantern I #2 (Winter, 1941-42)

Powers: Baldy was a criminal mastermind armed with a gun, tear gas capsules, and a vial of nitroglycerine.

History: (Green Lantern I #2) - Arnold Corbin was VP of Jeffers Loan Company, and he learned that his boss Paul Sloane was a former convict hiding his identity, so he blackmailed him into allowing Corbin to steal company funds. Corbin took the identity of Baldy with a mask and bald cap, and recruited a gang of thugs to kill people who took out big loans from Jeffers so the company could repossess their houses and other expensive property. When Mr. Jeffers died he left his wealth to his favorite worker Joe Stromboli, and Baldy got a hold of the company lawyer to destroy the will, and Corbin testified in court that Stromboli was a madman, getting him committed. The money went to Jeffers nephew Lester Vane, and Baldy had him killed so the money would revert to the company before killing the lawyer to make sure he didn't talk. Green Lantern helped Stromboli, breaking him out, so Baldy's goons kidnapped his niece Martha. GL came to the rescue, and got in a confrontation with Baldy, but the villain escaped after GL bumped his head on a wooden door. When GL learned the full extent of his scheming he set up a law clinic for the survivors of those who'd taken out loans with Jeffers. GL suspected that Sloane was Baldy because he was bald, so Corbin shot him, dumped his body, and claimed that Sloane was Baldy and had fled the city. GL had been shadowing Sloan, and rescued him, exposing Corbin as the villain.

Comments: Created by Bill Finger & Martin Nodell.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Baldy lived on Earth-2.

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