Real Name: Unrevealed, possibly Bruce Wayne

Class: Parallel Earth (Earth-Batman Year 100) human technology-user

Occupation: Vigilante

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, 2039, Earth-Batman Year 100

First Appearance: Batman: Year 100 #1 (2006)

Powers: Batman was in peak physical condition, and a master hand-to-hand combatant. He wore kevlar body armor and rode a hi-tech motorcycle whose exhaust could shoot flames.

History:  (Batman: Year 100 #1, 2) - America was ruled by the totalitarian FCP, and Batman appeared in order to combat them. Batman was a mysteryman who debuted in 1939, a full hundred years ago, and the current Batman may or may not have been the original. Batman was the last of the masked heroes to be taken out by the tyrannical government, and the populace only remembered him as a myth. Like his predecessor, this new Batman lurked in the underbelly of Gotham City, but his existence remained unconfirmed. An AAPC officer was shot in the subway, and Batman was nearby, so the federal police force shot him. Although wounded he managed to evade them, leaping across a roof and striking back as the opportunity presented. The Heads in Washington were disturbed to see someone donning Batman's cowl, and wanted him apprehended for being undocumented. Batman ambushed the AAPC, and after a vicious attack made his getaway. He called his GCPD contact Goss, who met him at his safehouse, and performed surgery on him to save his life. Batman awoke, having been cared for by Goss' daughter Tora and his assistant Robin. Tora said his name was all over the police bands, but all media coverage had been suppressed, as had coverage of the fed's death. Batman said he was having trouble remembering the night's events due to traumatic injury, so he decided to meditate. He gained details about the murder victim, and his shooter, but determined that he had to inspect the victim's body at the FPC morgue. He broke in, found the victim, and extracted a gold filling from his tooth as a clue. The AAPC arrived, and Batman fought them off, fleeing and hiding in an elevator shaft. Tora informed him that the FPC had a blood sample taken from the blood he shed the night before, and he absolutely couldn't risk having his identity exposed, so he went to collect it.

(Batman: Year 100 #3, 4) - Batman couldn't identify which sample was his in the FPC lab, so he set off a bomb, destroying them all. Telepath Agent Mercer cornered Batman, and tried to get him to reveal his identity, but Batman resisted his mind control through pure force of will and escaped back to his safehouse. Robin reported that the FPC finally admitted his existence, called him a terrorist, and had Gotham cordoned off so he couldn't escape the city. Batman learned that the shooting victim was impersonating a fed, and his gold filling was actually a superprocessor. Tora extracted the data it contained, a recipe for a biochemical weapon called Fleshkiller that could kill millions. Goss arrived and was furious at Batman for being so reckless as to set off explosives in a federal building. Goss changed her tune a bit when she saw the Fleshkiller blueprints, and Batman suspected it was part of a military coup, since thee AAPC had killed the smuggler themselves. Batman said he needed someone on the inside with a grudge, and Goss mentioned Detective Gordon, whose grandfather had worked with the Batman of 1939. Gordon found the erased tape of the night the AAPC smuggler died, and realized they were trying to frame Batman. He reported to fed Agent Tibble, who was meeting him at the state park at dawn, demanding he hand over the GCPD files on Batman, and told Batman to meet him there. Robin geared up as Batman, and with his mentor they both rode their motorcycles into the city, confusing the AAPC. Robin evaded the authorities and went to a safehouse outside Gotham while Batman made his way to the park. Gordon met with Tibble, Mercer, and their boss Agent Pravdzka. Gordon gave them the official GCPD files, but not his grandfather's computer files that documented Batman's activities from 1939 to 1986. Mercer used his telepathy to uncover Gordon's deception, and nearly forced him to reveal Batman's identity when the vigilante busted in. He easily beat down Tibble and Mercer, and showed Pravdzka that he'd uploaded portions of the Fleshkiller recipe online, so everyone could see what the FPC was up to, as well as the antidote to the doomsday weapon. He deduced that Mercer had tried to steal it from under his nose, and Agent Pravdzka told Mercer he'd hang. Batman said he expected all of them to be jailed, and when Agent Pravdzka asked who he was he replied that he was the thing that went bump in the night. Gordon handed over his grandfather's files to Batman, and said he wanted to fight the FPC as much as he did. Batman was surprised when Gordon called him Bruce and fled into the night before the press and military arrived.

Comments: Created by Paul Pope.

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