Real Name: Baytor

Class: Demon

Occupation: Patron demon of the criminally insane, bartender, former ruler of Hell

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, formerly Hell

First Appearance: Demon III #43 (January, 1994)

Powers: Like all demons Baytor was virtually immortal and possessed powerful magical abilities. He could projectile vomit a substance that encrusted enemies.

History: (Demon III #43) - Baytor was a demon who only spoke to scream "I am Baytor!" Etrigan threw a hottub party in the firepits of Hell to celebrate his new job as hitman of Hell with his friends Morax, Baytor, Lord Kakk, Bloodklott and Poppinjay, promising to use his newfound clout to kill any of their enemies. Etrigan hooked up with his ex Lady Smegma, and she was pleased to announce that she was pregnant. Etrigan was overjoyed, telling her they'd use their child to utterly destroy his human host Jason Blood.

(Demon III #49, 51, 52, 54) - Etrigan entrusted Lady Smegma's care during pregnancy to Baytor. Baytor's underlings contacted Etrigan when she was ready to give birth, and as Baytor stood screaming out a window at the plains of Hell one of his men wondered what nightmares tormented his soul. Etrigan replied that he was just completely mental. Lady Smega gave birth, although the strain killed her. Etrigan couldn't care less, and held up his monstrous newborn Golgotha, who Etrigan looked forward to unleashing on Earth. Most of Baytor's staff quit because newborn Golgotha kept devouring them. The captain of the guard remained, telling Etrigan he feared for Baytor's mental state and Etrigan reiterated that Baytor would be mad for a long a he lived. Baytor responded by screaming his name. Etrigan rewarded the captain's loyalty by feeding him to Golgotha. Etrigan was ready to use Golgotha to make life Hell for his human host Jason Blood, and bid farewell to Baytor, who just screamed his head off.- Etrigan tried to bind Golgotha to the soul of Jason's newborn daughter, but Jason stepped in and bound the demon child to himself. Golgotha turned on his father for full control of Jason. Their battle reached Hell, and they passed Baytor's castle, but he paid them no mind.

(Demon III #55) - Etrigan, feeling utterly defeated after Jason Blood's victory over him, moped around Hell, not even bothering to rhyme. Morax, Poppinjay, Bloodklott, Baytor and Kakk approached him, telling him that Karrien Excalibris, the archangel of war had entered Hell with an army of angels, declaring himself the new ruler of Hell and demanding fealty from the demons. Etrigan said he didn't care, o his friends attacked him. Etrigan fought back savagely, and the violence reinvigorated him. He agreed to rally the denizens of Hell to fight back againt Excalibris, giving a speech about how Hell was all about freedom and rejecting the rigid rules of Heaven. The assembled demons responded with cheers, willing to fight to the death to preserve their liberty.

(Demon III #56-58) - Etrigan and his army met Karrien in all out war, with Kakk's Hell soldiers Sleazy Co. and Poppinjay's Flying Tigers, a squadron of flying sharks inflicting many casualties. The angels shot Poppinjay down, and he radioed to Etrigan that it had been a hoot to know him. Thie tide turned against Etrigan, and he was forced to retreat. Kakk told him the Crown of Thorns was lost somewhere in the city of Dis, and they could use it against Karrien unless he found it first, in which case he'd have an actual claim on Hell. Etrigan resolved to take on Karrien's army by himself, telling Kakk that if he perished he hoped to serve a a martyr to his men. Baytor greatly appreciated his insanity. Etrigan tore a number of angels to shreds before being captured and told Karrien God had not allowed him and his followers to storm Hell because He believed Karrien would be a proper ruler, but because he belonged in Hell for being a warmonger. Karrien told Etrigan he was going to die, but would not sully himself by doing it himself. He'd recruited Etrigan's old foes General von Raddel and Captain Scumm, who'd become demon lords after Etrigan sent them to Hell to have their way with him. Raddel raved that once he returned to Earth he'd continue to spread Nazism and continue his Fourth Reich. Scumm felt comfortable that there'd be a place for sociopathic pirates in the new world order. Raddel ran over Etrigan, who was chained to a rock, with his Hellpanzer numerous times until Etrigan's left side was virtually destroyed, but Baytor and Bloodklott came looking for Etrigan and freed him. He knocked Scumm's head off with one punch while Baytor and Bloodklott dragged Raddel from his tank. He pleaded that all he ever wanted was peace, and that it was the political climate of Germany that turned him into a Nazi, but his plea fell deaf ear and Etrigan ran him over with his own tank. The angel Muriel wanted to withdraw his squadron, worried that Etrigan had a point about the angels being damned if they continued to blindly follow Karrien, so Karrien stabbed him with his flaming sword and warned the other angel against any treasonous ideas. Bloodklott informed Etrigan that Karrien was mounting an assault on Dis to reclaim the Crown of Thorns, so they drove the Hellpanzer to the battle. Bloodklott admitted he was ashamed of his poor rhyming and broke down crying. Etrigan assured him that his rhyme skills didn't matter because he was a brave and loyal comrade. Bloodklott mowed down a number of angels with the tank's firepower, and found himself rhyming properly. He rejoiced, but hi triumph was short lived a Karrien incinerated him with his flaming sword. Etrigan vowed to avenge him and make Dis his last stand. Morax fell in combat, beheaded by Karrien, goading Etrigan into single combat with Karrien, who mutilated him with his sword and tossed him into a pit. Etrigan had a vision of the spirits of Morax, Poppinjay and Bloodklott cheering him on, and they helped him find the Crown of Horns. With the Crown in his possession Etrigan easily bested Karrien, roasting him with hellfire. Karrien begged God to save him, and Etrigan gloated that there'd be no reprieve for him, because as he said before God never condoned his mission. Etrigan made him beg for his life before gutting him with his own sword. Etrigan cast down the Crown, not seeking rulership of Hell, and all his demon followers agreed only a lunatic would claim the responsibility. Baytor crowned himself, to the approval of the masses, and vomited on the remaining angel forces, killing them. Etrigan was happy this chapter of his life was over.

(Hitman #17, 18) - Jason Blood sent Etrigan to retrieve the Ace of Winchesters from the Arkannone, the Lords of the Gun, because he needed the Ace to kill the demon Mawzir. Etrigan was greeted by Kakk, who wondered why he no longer rhymed. Etrigan revealed that his heart was gone, so he felt little pleasure in anything, let alone rhyming. Etrigan asked after Baytor, and Kakk was saddened to report that the Crown of Horns had only made his insanity worse, and he was incapable of ruling Hell in any meaningful way. Kakk accompanied Etrigan to Baytor’s castle, where Baytor unleashed his acid spew, disintegrating Kakk. Etrigan wrested the Crown away from Baytor, who was happy to be his normal level of insane again. Etrigan, with Baytor tagging along, confronted the Arkannone and demanded the Ace of Winchesters. The Arkannone responded by summoning a giant gun and shooting Etrigan, leaving him a smoldering pile of bones. Etrigan was healed by the Crown of Horns and forced the Arkannone into a confrontation. The Arkannone realized they were outmatched and contacted Mawzir, demanding he return to Hell and protect them. Mawzir told them no because all he cared about was vengeance on Hitman, and that he was tired of being their pawn anyway. Etrigan ripped the Arkannone to pieces, threw down the Crown of horns, and claimed the Ace. Jason Blood told Hitman and company he’d need a few more hours to transport the Ace from Hell. Hitman said they didn’t have that much time and told him to summon Etrigan. Blood refused, so Hitman restrained him, and used the spell needed to turn Blood into Etrigan that he’d found while reading Jason’s mind. Jason was furious, but events had gone beyond his control. Etrigan seemed pleased to see Hitman, who was already regretting his decision to summon him.

(Hitman #19, 20) - Etrigan threatened Hitman, who reminded him they were on sacred ground. Etrigan scoffed, saying he had no fear of bringing the wrath of angels down, and breathed fire, starting a fire in St. Joe’s. Etrigan told Hitman he’d give him the Ace in exchange for his heart, which Jason Blood kept in a box, but neither trusted the other to make the first transaction. The demonfire desecrated the church, enabling Mawzir and his men to storm it, so Tommy and his friends fled to the church’s crypt. Mawzir was surprised to see Etrigan, wo promised him he wasn’t there to interfere because he hated Hitman too. Mawzir was well aware Etrigan had destroyed his masters and said he knew what every demon in Hell knew, that Etrigan was never to be trusted. Sixpack reassembled his old superhero team, Section Eight, who made the scene, and despite their outward ridiculousness they held their own against the mobsters, brutalizing them in different ways. Etrigan realized Baytor had escaped Hell by stowing away in his cape and let the demon know he didn’t appreciate him messing with the possessions in his cowl. Mawzir got tired of the situation and detonated an explosive that blew up the church. Catwoman was injured and Mawzir took Deborah Tiegel hostage. Hitman, seeing no other choice, handed over Etrigan’s heart to the demon. Hitman aimed the Ace of Winchesters at Mawzir, who was terrified, but an empty click let him know the gun was unloaded. Mawzir started battering Hitman, promising to take him to Hell and torture him for eternity. Demon, with his hear6t back in his chest, was pleased that he was whole again and had betrayed someone he had a grudge against. Baytor had made off with the Ace’s ammunition and refused to give it back to Etrigan, hissing at him. Catwoman posed seductively, convincing Baytor to give her the ammo, which she tossed to Hitman. Hitman shot Mawzir with the Ace, and he was once again the group of damned Nazi soldier souls. The Nazis pleaded that they were only following orders, and Hitman executed every one of them with a handgun. Etrigan was tempted to attack Hitman, but knew he didn’t dare risk being shot by the Ace and changed back into Blood. Jason cursed Hitman for making the Demon whole again, saying he’d increased his burden a thousandfold. Catwoman mocked him, saying he should have paid Hitman the two million he owed him in the first place. Section Eight survived the church explosion, and even though they were all injured to some degree, with Defenestrator having lost his arm, Sixpack told Hitman they were still in fighting shape. Sixpack was proud of his team, and told them he’d bring them together again the next time evil and injustice needed avenging. Hitman, Natt, Catwoman and Deborah celebrated their victory at Noonan’s. Hitman asked Sean if Baytor could stay at Noonan's until he found his own place. Sean was hesitant, worried that he’d scare off customers. Hitman reminded him that a giant space monster ate the sun during final night, and people got used to weird things, so Sean let him stay. Hitman offered to give Catwoman the Ace, saying she could get a hefty price for it, but she said she had a feeling he might be in need of a gun that killed demons again, and told him he wasn’t a half bad person for a hired killer. Etrigan surprised Hitman, and admitted he liked huim because he always had an interesting time when they met, but warned him that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to kill him again one day, because he always held on to his grudges.

(Hitman #21) - Hitman, Natt, Ringo Chen, Hacken, Sixpack and Baytor spent down time at Noonan’s. It was a slow week, and the highlight for everyone was seeing Hacken spill scalding hot coffee on his crotch.

(Hitman #28) - Hitman and Natt visited Noonan’s and Sean told them that he was training a new bartender that he was sure was going to work out just fine and was happy to announce he’d booked an act for the night, Hank Cahill and the Blarney Rockers. Hitman detested the music, calling it fake shamrock junk. Baytor enjoyed the music and danced wildly while Sixpack went around the bar bragging about how he used to date Wonder Woman but had to dump her because she was too pushy.

(Hitman #29) - Baytor started his first day at work as Sean Noonan’s new bartender, and the barflies loved him because of the frenetic speed at which he worked.

(Hitman #38) - Darius was trying to establish himself as the new King of the Vampires, and decided the Cauldron section of Gotham would make a good kingdom. He trapped Hitman and Natt at St. Peter’s with his vampire army and offered them the opportunity to run the Cauldron for them, saying that if they proved themselves he might one day embrace them and make them into vampires. They were furious that Darius saw their neighbors as nothing but cattle and wanted nothing to do with the vampire lifestyle. Hitman tossed a grenade to the roof of St. Peter’s exposing Darius’ minions to sunlight. Darius was furious, and assured Hitman and Natt that one night fell he’d finish them off since they still had no way to escape the church. Hitman used his cell to phone Noonan’s but was disappointed to get Baytor on the line. He begged for back-up, and despite Baytor’s insanity he managed to pass on the message to Sean. Sean, Ringo, Hacken, Sixpack, and a number of bar patrons came in guns blazing. They gunned down the vampires and Hitman shot Darius in the neck, causing his head to come detached, though he still swore vengeance. Bar patron Pete Kranski brought a bulldozer and demolished the church, and the last rays of the sun obliterated the vampires. Everyone felt like celebrating at Noonan’s except for Hitman, who said he still had to tell Maggie Lorenzo what happened to her son, who’d been killed by one of Darius’ minions. As a warning to anyone else to dared threaten the Cauldron he posted a number of a vampire skulls on a pike warning visitors to play nice.

(Hitman #39) - Baytor was passed out at the bar at Noonan’s while Hitman and Ringo Chen decided to meet out and settle some recent differences.

(Hitman #43) - Baytor served drinks at Noonan’s and Hitman said he’d remember his name since it was the only thing he kept shouting. Hitman confessed to Sean Noonan that he’d cheated on his girlfriend Deborah Tiegel and Baytor tsk-tsked him.

(Hitman #46) - After a time traveling mishap at the Gotham research facility Hitman and Natt had accidentally brought back dinosaurs from 70 MYA. Scarback and his pack of T. rexes made their way to Gotham proper, where they wrecked havoc and feasted on humans. At Noonan’s Sixpack told Sean he saw dinosaurs rampaging and figured he was just hammered until one T. rex put his head through a window and swallowed Baytor. The T. rex couldn’t stand his demonic snack in his belly and vomited Bator up. Sean wouldn’t stand for his livelihood being ruined by a prehistoric creature, so he grabbed his Gatling gun and shot the T. rex’s head off. Because of No Man’s Land Noonan’s was running disparate short on food, so he had Baytor take out his chef equipment and butcher the dinosaur to make sandwiches.

Comments: Created by Garth Ennis & John McCrea.

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