Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Big game hunter

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Batman I #174 (September, 1965)

Powers: B.G. Hunter was a master big game hunter.

History: (Batman I #174) - Big Game Hunter, or B.G. made a reputation bagging game from Africa to the Himalayas before he set his sights on Batman, the most dangerous game of all. He didn't have any criminal experience, so he broke the Getaway Genius out of prison to come up with a plan. The Genius said he was wasting his time trying to trap Batman, but B.G. kept him in a cage, saying he'd only free him once he came up with some tricks to lure in Batman, so Genius said he didn't have much choice. Hunter sent his men to rob the Riverside Museum, and after a fistfight with Batman, they fled into the woods, and they hit a switch that caught Batman in a leaf-storm and activated the sprinkler, making Batman lose his footing. Batman noted that the criminals ran through a butterfly bush, so he borrowed a florameter from the Alfred Foundation, and it tracked the criminals floral scent to their headquarters. A trapdoor opened under his feet, and he found himself in a super-plastic bag with his oxygen running out. B.G. crowed over having bagged Batman, who appeared unconscious, but when Hunter released him he sprung into action, knocking him out. The florameter also respired like a plant, keeping Batman conscious. The Getaway Genius wanted nothing to do with fighting Batman, and peaceably went back to prison.

Comments: Created by Gardner Fox & Sheldon Moldoff.

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