Real Name: Roscoe Chiara

Class: Human

Occupation: Painter, criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Batman: Gotham Knights #12 (February, 2001)

Powers: The Black and White Bandit had canisters that released chlorine gas, a device that blinded opponents with a spray of ink, and night vision glasses. He also had a trained Dalmatian and zebra at his disposal.

History: (Batman: Gotham Knights #12) - Acclaimed painter Roscoe Chiara was hired by Winsor Musell's chemical corporation to test out a new series of paints, but didn't tell Chiara that the paints were composed of untested chemicals. Chiara became colorblind after working with the paints. Chiara demanded vengeance, so he took on the identity of the Black and White Bandit and committed high profile thefts, stealing valuable black and white objects from Munsell's corporate holdings, such as an imperial chess set and a finely carved yin-yang symbol. The Black and White Bandit fought Batman twice, and escaped rwice, but was captured by the Dark Kight after their third battle.

Comments: Created by Dave Gibbons

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