Real Name:
Class: Extraterrestrial
Occupation: Conqueror
Group Affiliation: formerly High Vanguard, Black Lantern Corps
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Maltus
First Appearance: R.E.B.E.L.S. #4 (July, 2009)
Powers: Blackfang was an enormous wolflike extraterrestrial armed with fangs and claws.
History: (R.E.B.E.L.S. #4) - The High Vanguard were Starro the Conqueror's most loyal and powerful slaves, allowed to keep a degree of free will after the Starro spore was attached to their chest. Starro opened up a subspace rift in the Dominator controlled Xylon expanse, releasing a fleet of warships and the High Vanguard. The Vanguard, soon joined by Starro the Conqueror, started a massacre on the Dominator homeworld, and Starro begged them for more of a challenge. Starro the Conqueror and his High Vanguard returned to Maltus after conquering the Dominator homeworld, and Vril used Silica's failsafe programming to regain control of his L.E.G.I.O.N. peacekeepers. They left their client planets, flying to Maltus, forming a forcefield around the planet, effectively trapping Starro and his legions. Starro was in a fury, warning Vril he had no idea what a powerful enemy he'd made.
(R.E.B.E.L.S. Annual #1) - Starro's High Vanguard invaded Kalanor, and Despero fought them in a pitched battle, demanding single combat with Starro. Starro agreed to his demand, and while Despero blustered about his power he entered Starro's mind and found a will he could not break down. Starro beheaded Despero, saying he would have wished Despero to serve in his High Vanguard, but his peek at Despero's mind made it clear Despero would serve no man. Starro made it clear to Astrild and the Vanguard that he wanted Vril as his slave pet for his defiance, for his thoughts to belong to Starro. The Vanguard realized it was personal because Starro only recruited the very good or very bad into the Vanguard, yet he'd offered a place to the morally ambiguous Dox. They could find no one he cared about enough to gain leverage against him, so Starro decided they'd kidnap his son Lyrl, saying family did strange things to a man.
(R.E.B.E.L.S. #9-12) - The High Vanguard conquered Dhor, and Smite humbled their dictator Kanjar Ro. Vril Dox had a plan to defeat Starro, and sent Adam Strange and captain comet to rescue Kanjar Ro. The Vanguard arrived on Voorl to kidnap Lyrl Dox. On Maltus Starro said he was going to restore his 12th-level intelligence, and would give him the honor of becoming one of the Vanguard. Before Lyrl could give his answer a Starro spore was attached to his chest. He said he would serve willingly because he hated his father, and said Starro could call him Brainiac 3. Lyrl used his super-intelligence to remove the forcefield around Maltus, freeing Starro. The Vanguard ran afoul of Black Lantern Corps member Stealth, who killed Limina, ripping out her heart. She proceeded to murder Acarinus, Blackfang, Brunt and Chronar, who also became Black Lanterns. Lyrl created a transmatter portal so Starro could travel anywhere in the universe in a second, but when he opened the portal the High Vanguard Lanterns poured out and attacked Smite and Starro, who relished the combat. They all poured through the portal to Kanador, where Vril and the R.E.B.E.L.S. were. Vril tried to remove Lyrl's Starro spore, but his son told him to get away, and asked Vril to save his master Starro, shocking his father. Lyrl said he would be referred to only as Brainiac 3, and Vril used his power ring to push the Black Lantern's Vril, and Starro back through the portal to Maltus. The ring demanded Vril go to Korugar to join the rest of the Corps, and when he refused the ring flew off his finger for insubordination. Vril told the R.E.B.E.L.S. he was tired of waiting for Starro to slip up, and it was time to take the fight to him. It was clear he was taking it personally that his son had chosen a monster over his flesh and blood. Starro battled the Black Lanterns for three days until Lyrl Dox lured them into his transmatter device, and sent them to an event horizon. Starro was angered at having his glorious fight interrupted, but he needed Lyrl to coordinate his troop movements with the High Vanguard decimated, and set his sights on Earth to test the mettle of that planet's heroes.
Comments: Created by Tony Bedard & Clair St. Aubin.
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