Membership: Little Boy Blue, Toughy, Tubby

Base of Operations: Big City, 1940s era

First Appearance: Sensation Comics I #1 (January, 1942)

History: Tommy Rogers' D.A. father Dan Rogers was unable to prosecute gangland boss Wolf Lupo, but Tommy was inspired by reading about the exploits of mysterymen to find a way to help his father and nail Lupo. Tommy created the mysteryman identity of Little Boy Blue and had his pals Toughy and Tubby join him to form the mysteryman team the Blue Boys. The Blue Boys caught Lupo in the act of threatening a witness, and after sending him to jail they began a prosperous career as heroes.

(Sensation Comics I #14) - Tommy Rogers’ D.A. father Dan Rogers received threats from a pinball racket, culminating in Tommy being kidnapped by the racketeers. The Blue Boys rescued him and after Tommy changed into his Little Boy Blue identity he gave a beating to racket leader Quincy Winbetter. The beating convinced Winbetter to confess to the D.A. and dissolve his racket.

(Sensation Comics I #18) - Little Boy Blue’s father made a passing comment about a criminal he recently convicted, Trigger Tony, saying that if he had a better upbringing he probably wouldn’t have been a criminal. Boy Blue and the Blue Boys were inspired to find someone with a rough life and put them on a law-abiding path. In their civilian identities they met Butch, a starving boy stealing to eat, and offered to have him stay at Tommy Rogers’ home. Butch was grateful for the charity, but he soon ran into his brother Trigger Tony, who’d busted out of jail and vowed to kill Dan Rogers for convicting him. Trigger marched Butch to the Rogers house, but The Blue Boys defeated Trigger with some help from Butch, and Butch swore that from that day forward he would try to be heroic like they were.

(Sensation Comics I #21) - In their civilian identities the Blue Boys heard the troubles of their friend Ginger, a gas station attendants. Crooks scammed him into spending $100 of his boss’ money on fake gas capsules they claimed would keep cars fueled longer than gas, which was in short-supply during WWII. Ginger’s boss Mr. Johnson was threatening to fire him, and Tommy Rogers told him to call his D.A. father, who’d surely get to the bottom of the scam. Tommy got suspicious when his father told him Johnson never contacted him, so the Blue Boys investigated and found that Johnson was the leader of the crooks pulling the scam. The Blue Boys captured Johnson and his gang and with Dan Rogers’ help they got Ginger a new job.

(Sensation Comics I #22) - The Blue Boys met Harold, a new student at their school. His guardians the Carstairs wanted to get their hands on Harold’s money, so they sent thugs to the school to kill him. The Blue Boys saved him, then went to the Carstairs’ home and brought them to justice. They also made sure Harold would be placed in the care of a non-criminal family.

(Sensation Comics I #26) - The Blue Boys celebrated Christmas in Big City, but were unnerved to meet three very unhappy people during the season of joy. They met a department store Santa that was an out of work truck driver, Mrs. Van Gates, a wealthy but very lonely heiress, and Jimmy, a boy forced to beg by his grifter uncle Mike. The Blue Boys put a stop to Mike abusing Jimmy and got wind that Mike was Mrs. Van Gates chauffer, and was planning to steal the Christmas gifts she was giving to her friends. The Blue Boys caught Mike in the act, then suggested Mrs. Van Gates hire the out of work truck driver as her new chauffer. Lastly they convinced Gates to adopt Jimmy. The Blue Boys were pleased with themselves for having given three down on their luck people a happy Holliday.

(Sensation Comics I #27) - The Blue Boys were at the library when Spatts Grogan’s goons tried to abduct librarian Miss Gale. The Boys defeated the goons, but Gale told the Boys to leave them alone. She was willing to meet Spatts to try to get him to call of a hit on her old boyfriend Chick Riley. Later Little Boy Blue learned from D.A. Rogers that Gale had been arrested for Spatts murder. The evidence was a gun wrapped in her handkerchief, but the Blue Boys remembered seeing Gale giving away her handkerchief to an old man at the library. The Boys learned that the killer was the old man, actually Chick Riley in disguise, and brought him to justice and cleared Miss Gale.

(Sensation Comics I #28) - In their civilian identities the Blue Boys spearheaded a wartime paper drive, but took a break to listen to the Lonely Stranger radio program. The program was interrupted by an announcement of a hurricane and a warning for civilians to get in their homes, but the Boys suspected something was fishy because they heard an S.O.S. tapped in the program’s background. They changed into the Blue Boys, and at the radio station they saw the Lonely Stranger radio actor tied up and surrounded by Knuckles O’Grady’s goons. After defeating the goons they learned the hurricane was a hoax to occupy the public while O’Grady robbed the Tasty Taffy Candy Factory, and it was the radio actor that tapped out the S.O.S. that alerted the Blue Boys to the phony announcement. The Boys captured O’Grady and the rest of his gang at the Factory, and they told him how angry they were because their paper drive got interrupted. They explained the importance of scrap paper to the war effort, and won a convert in O’Grady, who made sure he conserved paper during his stay in jail.

(Sensation Comics I #30) - The Blue Boys were approached by Mr. Moore who wanted protection from Pete Crowley’s mob because he was going to testifty to D.A. Rogers against Crowley. Little Boy Blue was busy helping the D.A. so Toughy and Tubby were on their own, and failed to keep Moore safe. Moore was shot as he entered the D.A. building, and the Crowley mob created an alibi by meeting D.A. Rogers after placing a balloon over a gas lamp. The balloon popped, and it sounded enough like a gunshot to convince D.A. Rogers that Moore was shot while he was talking to the Crowley mob. The Blue Boys uncovered the ruse and forced a confession from Crowley.

(Sensation Comics I #33) - The Blue Boys learned about a counterfeiting ring from their newsie buddy Freddy and tried to break it up. The counterfeiters were ready to gun down the Blue Boys when Freddy dropkicked a football at the gunman, enabling the Blue Boys to win the fight. The Boys knew Freddy loved football despite being shrimpy, so to thank him they let him join the South Side Wildcats, the team they played on in the civilian identities.

(Sensation Comics I #38) - The Blue Boys were suspicious when pickpocket “Fingers” Fogerty bought a tail-light sparkler off of Tubby for ten dollars. Tubby purchased the sparkler from Tyler’s dime store, and the Boys learned that Tyler was working with “Fingers” and Spider, who’d steal jewelry and hide it among the dime store's goods. They recovered the “sparkler,” actually the valuable star ruby, and apprehended the gang.

(Sensation Comics I #40) - When gangboss Lucky Malone was locked up on drunk-driving charges, D.A. Rogers disguised himself as Lucky to get Lucky’s gang to give him incriminating evidence. The Blue Boys learned the real Lucky broke out of jail, and arrived at Lucky’s hq just as he confronted the disguised Rogers. The gang beat up Rogers and the Blue Boys, then discovered Rogers’ recorded his conversation with the gang and used a short-wave set to send it to the D.A. office. The gang went to the office to destroy the evidence, but the Blue Boys followed them, trounced them, and saved the evidence.

(Sensation Comics I #44) - The Blue Boys pursued sugar thieves who were forcing the price of sugar higher than most people could afford by raiding warehouse full of the sweet stuff. Little Boy Blue and Toughy had to nab the thieves without Tubby, who kept lagging behind. They chided Tubby for his recent rapid weight gain, not realizing he’d been put in perilous situations where the only solution was to eat lots of food.

(Sensation Comics I #45) - The Blue Boys listened to aged fisherman Cap’n Blupp tell a rousing tale of dealing with a mutinous crew. The story was interrupted by Mr. Grounder, a racketeer who was putting pressure on Blupp to hand over a share of his catch. The Blue Boys were determined to hear the end of Blupp’s tale, so they defeated Grounders and handed him over to the police. Blupp finished his story, telling the Boys he was outnumbered so badly by the crew that despite his efforts they killed him.

(Sensation Comics I #46) - Little Boy Blue discovered that his new neighbor scriptwriter Julius Hack was being held captive by escaped convicts, and called the Blue Boys into action. They defeated the crooks with Hack’s help, and Hack was inspired to create a radio drama based on the adventures of the Blue Boys.

(Sensation Comics I #47) - Toughy took up painting and entered an art contest. Miss Campell, the judge, raved about his painting, not realizing the pigments were an egg sandwich Tubby accidentally smooshed onto the canvas. Johnny Rackett’s mob, overhearing her, thought Toughy’s painting was valuable and tried to steal it. Toughy and the Blue Boys made short work of them. Toughy won the art contest, but when the egg sandwich peeled off the painting he was disqualified.

(Sensation Comics I #48) – The Blue Boys were invited to a Halloween masquerade at a haunted house, and all the partygoers were dressed as their heroes, namely the Blue Boys. A fake ghost spooked the children, but the Blue Boys went to investigate and learned the haunted house was a hideout for criminals who stashed their loot there and wanted to keep people away. The Blue Boys defeated the criminals, but then their fans got overexcited and tried to rip off their masks to uncover their secret identities. They didn’t want to fight their fans, so they fled.

(Sensation Comics I #49) - Tommy Rogers had a crush on Lucille Browning, the new girl in his class, and was thrilled when she invited him to a party at her house. He didn’t know the Brownings were a family of criminals out to discredit Tommy, and by extension his D.A. father. They slipped jewels in his pocket, and then accused him of being a thief. The Blue Boys came to Tommy’s aid, and they took down the Brownings, and discovered that Lucille was actually a male midget.

(Sensation Comics I #51) - Tommy, Tubby and Toughy were doing football drills for their game against the Buffalos when Tommy kicked the ball through Old Higgs window. He discovered Higgs bound and gagged, so the Blue Boys leapt into action. Thugs were torturing Higgs and demanding to know where he stashed his money, despite his pleas that he had no money. The thugs made short work of the Blue Boys, but Little Boy Blue escaped and got the newly arrived remaining members of their football team to rush the thugs. Higgs was grateful to be saved, but had nothing to offer them. They just wanted their football back.

(Sensation Comics I #52) - While fishing the Blue Boys discovered a Nagobi voodoo charm that belonged to famed explorer Oswald Perry, who’d thrown it away because it made his entire family sick. They tried to return it to Perry, but when they met him he was accompanied by Nagobi tribesman who demanded their charm back. They incapacitated the Blue Boys by pinning them to a wall with spears and forced Perry to take them to the stream where he’d thrown away the charm. The Blue Boys freed themselves and restored the charm to the Nagobi. The Nagobi revealed that there was radium in the statue, which they were immune to, but which caused others to get radiation poisoning. With this knowledge Perry went to make sure his family would be properly treated.

(Sensation Comics I #53) - Tommy, Tubby and Toughy were on their way to a club meeting when they saw organ grinder Tony and his monkey Scamp. Scamp collected all sorts of shiny objects, and happened to steal Tommy’s club badge as they passed. Tommy learned that Mrs. Van Kleen’s diamond necklace had been stolen, and his club badge was found at the scene. The Blue Boys went to Tony’s house and found he’d trained Scamp to steal valuables, and was giving them over to gangsters. The Blue Boys attacked and were defeated by the hoods, but Scamp untied them, allowing them to get the drop on the criminals. They took Scamp away from Tony and returned Mrs. Kleen’s necklace.

(Sensation Comics I #55) - D.A. Rogers took Tommy, Tubby an Toughy on a vacation to Mexico. Visiting a museum they saw crooks trying to steal a recently uncovered Aztec treasure. The Blue Boys went into action but were captured by the crooks, tied up, and put in a cave. They escaped, and when the crooks returned the Blue Boys beat them an gave them over to the Mexican authorities.

(Sensation Comics I #56) - Tubby applied for membership in the Block-Busters club, and as an initiation he had to spend the night in an abandoned house. He found a counterfeiter ring in the house, and called the Blue Boys to action. The counterfeiters, distracting the crooks, and allowing the Blue Boys beat them.

(Sensation Comics I #58) - Tommy and his friends saw Harold Barnes ask Ginny Smith to the circus. A bully pushed him away, and Ginny went with the bully, telling Barnes he was a weakling. Tommy an pals asked Harold to go with them to the circus to cheer him up. Crooks let a lion loose so they could steal the circus payroll, and took Harold hostage. The Blue Boys went into action and defeated the crooks, but gave all the credit to Harold, who didn’t need any help finding a date after the ringing endorsement the Blue Boys gave him.

(Sensation Comics I #59) - The Blue Boys foiled a movie theatre robbery, and Toughy came home with a black eye, so his mother told him he couldn't hang around Tommy and Tubby anymore. Toughy overheard crooks planning a grocery store robbery, and tipped off his friends. His mother sent him to the grocery store to run an errand, and he helped the Blue Boys catch the crooks, getting another black eye in the process. He told his mom about helping the Blue Boys, and she was proud of his courage, so she told him he could be friends with Tommy and Tubby again.

(Sensation Comics I #60) - Tommy and his friends lost funding to their club when Percy Pringle left the club after being benched during a baseball game. They applied for a loan at the bank, but were turned down. They did arrive in time to change into the Blue Boys and stop a robbery. They planned to take Percy out for Halloween to get him to rejoin the club, but saw him being kidnapped by some criminals dressed as clowns. They saved Percy and convinced his father to keep funding their club.

(Sensation Comics I #61) - Tommy convinced his D.A. father to give the Blue Boys custody of juvenile delinquent Joey Smith. They brought Joey along on a case, and saved their neighbor Mr. Mosher from crooks looking for the loot hidden by Gunner Roubi, who used to live in Mosher’s house. Joey was convinced to change his ways, and started playing sports with Tommy and his friends.

(Sensation Comics I #65) - The Blue Boys learned the Matson Mob had escaped from prison, and deducing that they’d need a low-profile way to get out of town they found the gang leaving via freight train. The Blue Boys apprehended the gang, and D.A. Rogers congratulated them on tackling such dangerous criminals. Ironically the Boys changed into their civilian identities and asked Rogers for a motorcycle, but he told them no because it was too dangerous.

(Sensation Comics I #67) - The Blue Boys collected a number of books for a hospital charity. Toughy collected a book from the landlady of “Muscles” Lewis and “Frisky” Fallon and found a pearl necklace inside. The crooks came to get their book back, but the Blue Boys defeated them and gave the reward money to the hospital charity.

(Sensation Comics I #69) - The Blue Boys helped D.A. Rogers catch platinum thieves that melted down the valuables they stole and made them into car bumpers.

(Sensation Comics I #70) - Tommy and D.A. Rogers were carrying a briefcase of evidence against the Gimbo Gang when the Flare, a henchman of the Gimbos, set the briefcase on fire. Tommy threw the evidence into a fishpond to save it, and the Flare threatened to kill his father if he didn’t retrieve it. Tommy went underwater and changed into Little Boy Blue. He and the Blue Boys attacked the Flare, but the villain defeated them, threw them into an open sewer, and set it on fire. They escaped, caught up with Flare, and knocked him out with the pressure from a fire hose.

(Sensation Comics I #72) - Criminal Clipper used supersonic whistles to temporarily turn the Blue Boys to crime. The Blue Boys recovered, and with the help of mysterywoman Little Miss Redhead they escaped a deathtrap Clipper constructed and brought him and his gang to justice.

(Sensation Comics I #73) - D.A. Rogers wanted Pinch Barkley’s gang caught, so during Pinch’s trial he faked a courtroom argument with Little Boy Blue and shot him with blanks from a gun. Pinch’s gang, feeling safe with Boy Blue and Rogers out of the way, met with Pinch, actually a disguised Rogers. Rogers unmasked and the Blue Boys captured the gang.

(Sensation Comics I #74) - The Blue Boys found a trick dog that led them to a second-story crook, who used the dog as a lookout when he committed crimes. The crook defeated the Blue Boys, but his dog turned against him after he kicked it, and the recovered Blue Boys captured him.

(Sensation Comics I #75) - The Blue Boys discussed a string of robberies that had the police baffled. They saw flying men committing a robbery, and investigated, joined by Little Miss Redhead. The crooks were shot out of a cannon to wherever they wanted to rob, and then picked up by a plane, leaving behind no evidence. After three fights the heroes defeated the flying men.

(Sensation Comics I #77) - The Blue Boys and Redhead investigated a gang that robbed people’s homes and always knew where valuables were kept. Redhead learned that the ringleader was the owner of a beauty parlor and got her customers to gossip about their prized possessions. The heroes defeated the gang and handed them over to the police.

(Sensation Comics I #80) - The Blue Boys thought they saw a man falling out a window, but when they investigated they found it was inventor Mr. Sheridan demonstrating a swinging workman’s crane, one of his latest time-saving inventions. His partner Prodd wanted to use the inventions for crime, so he summoned his goons and had them truss up Sheridan and the Blue Boys and stuffed them in a giant display model toaster. The heroes escaped and captured the criminals at an expo demonstrating the inventions.

(Sensation Comics I #82) - The Blue Boys and Little Miss Redhead investigated Plank and his gang, who used astounding inventions to commit crimes. They were defeated and brought to Plank’s headquarters, and tie to a windmill. Plank’s boss Tinker tried to double-cross the gang and was tied up alongside the mysterymen. Redhead, confident they would escape, gave Plank a tip about the Chanley Candy Corporation keeping its latest payroll in the factory. After escaping the heroes ambushed Plank and his gang in the factory and trapped them in a mixing vat.

The Blue Boys retired, married and had children of their own. Their children were inspired by their parents legacy to become the new Blue Boys.

Comments: Created by Bill Finger & John L. Blummer

Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #13.

In the pre-Crisis DCU the Blue Boys lived on Earth-2.

Little Boy Blue had a delirious dream about fighting a gigantic murderer alongside the Blue Blue in Sensation Comics I #41.

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