Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Mr. Bandler (brother)

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsNYC, NY, 1940s era

First AppearanceLeading Comics #2 (March, 1942)

PowersThe Brain was a skilled criminal strategist, and possessed an abnormally large cranium.

History(Leading Comics #2) - The Black Star contacted notorious criminals Captain Bigg, Brain, Falseface, Hopper and Rattler, only communicating through pre-recorded movie reels, and provided them with a flawless plan to rob a bank. They posed as city workers, and broke a water main. The hydraulic pressure wrecked the bank's wall, and they robbed it, affording their escape by changing clothes and impersonating police officers. They collected another set of movie reels, and Black Star told them he was splitting them up for their crime wave. He assured them that if they followed his instructions to the letter they'd succeed, but if they failed he would track them down and have his vengeance. The hardened criminals all agreed that they were glad they didn't have to meet Black Star face to face, because he gave them the willies. The Seven Soldiers of Victory became interested in the case, and discovered the film detailing Black Star's plans. The Brain went to Twin City during a twins convention. His brother had been suffering for years from helium poisoning, and needed an iron lung to keep him alive. The Brain delighted in torturing and extorting his brother, and the Black Star sent him to the Twin City to keep him from finding a cure for his condition. Chandler had his men use a gas on the twin condition that temporarily made twins stop resembling each other, except for special sets of twins that had a unique pituitary condition that could cure his condition through a blood transfusion. The Brain foiled him from kidnapping the twin he needed, Bobby Leeds, and when the Crimson Avenger interfered he manipulated him into helping him find Bandler's secret infirmary. Brain showed up with the twin, and demanded a million dollars from his brother for access to him. The Avenger and Wing foiled him, but unknown to everyone, Black Star had planned for his henchmen to fail for his own plan to succeed.

Comments: Created by Mort Weisinger & Mort Meskin.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DC Universe Brain lived on Earth-2.

Brain's appearance in Leading Comics #2 was reprinted in Justice League of America #111 and #112

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