Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Enforcer

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Greenwich, Connecticut

First Appearance: Vigilante I #1 (November, 1983)

Powers: Brand was a skilled hand-to-hand combatant armed with brands that he used to torture his opponents.

History: (Vigilante I #1) - Brand was the bodyguard of corrupt businessman Mr. Quilt. Eppie Reynolds was blackmailing him so he'd stay away from ehr son Tommy, who, unknown to her husband Al, was Quilt's biological son. Al broke into Quilt's mansion, threatening him with a shotgun, and Brand killed him. Eppie reached out to Vigilante for justice, and he fought Brand and confronted Quilt. He didn't know about the blackmail angle, and left to question Eppie, promising he'd be back. Eppie told him the whole story, and Brand arrived to kill her. Vigilante foiled him, and chased Brand him to Coney Island. They fought on the Cyclone, and Brand fell to his death. Vigilante later returned to visit his boss and gunned Quilt down.

Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman & Keith Pollard.

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