Real Name: Clifford Grimm

Class: Extradimensional (Eastwind) magic-user

Occupation: Despot

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed ancestor

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Eastwind, formerly Central City

First Appearance: Flash II #166 (November, 2000)

Powers: Brother Grimm had an army of dragons and goblins at his disposal. Hem wielded an enchanted sword and used glamour to change his appearance.


(Flash II #179-181) - Grimm traveled to Earth and disguised himself as a human. He enrolled in Central City Medical School under the name Cliff to get close to Flash s wife Linda Park. He hung around her at campus and started calling her at home.

(Flash II #191) - Linda told Cliff they'd been spending too much time together as study buddies and worried he had a crush on her. He revealed himself as Flash's old enemy Brother Grimm, told Linda he was in love with her, and demanded she be his princess. Grimm grew a giant beanstalk in Keystone, and brought an army of dragons and goblins in order to take over the city; wanting the people to stop looking up to Flash and accept him as their ruler. Flash and Hawkman defeated Grimm by destroying the beanstalk, returning him to his home dimension of Eastwind.

Comments: Created by Geoff Johns & Angel Unzueta.

Brother Grimm had a cameo in Flash II #210.

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