Real Name: Karen Beecher-Duncan

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Superhero, research engineer, science fiction / fantasy writer

Group Affiliation: Doom Patrol, formerly Titans West

Known Relatives: Malcolm Arnold Duncan (Herald, husband)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Oolong Island, formerly San Francisco, California

First Appearance: Teen Titans I #45 (December, 1976)

Powers: Bumblebee wore wings that let her fly and create sonic vibrations, and wore a cybernetic helmet that transformed solar energy into energy "stings" she shot from her eyes.

History: When Karen's boyfriend joined the Teen Titans she created sonic weaponry and the Herald identity for him so he'd feel more at home with his new superhero friends. She also created the Bumblebee identity for herself and was an on-again, off-again member of Titans West. After marrying Mal she got a job at S.T.A.R. Labs and went into semi-retirement as a superheroine.

(Hawk and Dove Annual #1) - When times got tough Golden Eagle moved in with Mal and Bumblebee, claiming he only needed to crash for a few days, but spending months. Mal and Bumblebee were working at S.T.A.R., analyzing the powers of metahumans, with Chris King being their most recent test subject. When the Washington S.T.A.R. Labs opened a portal to Limbo Flamebird, influenced by Lilith, decided to reunite the Titans West. Hawk, the new Dove, Mal, Golden Eagle, Bumblebee and Chris King joined together to enter Limbo to find Director Simons, the creator of the portal, and the rescue team that's been sent in after him. Deceased villains Iron Major, Top, Clayface, El Papagayo, Electrocutioner and Icicle were seeking to escape the underworld and return to Earth through the portal. They'd already taken the rescue team hostage to appease their demon jailer, a devil impersonating Etrigan. Hawk, Dove and the Titans battled them, and the tide turned when General Jeb Stuart came from Heaven to give Hawk his Haunted Tank. Bumblebee's suit was destroyed during the battle. The false Etrigan was merely toying with the dead villains, and when he sent them through a portal, it turned out to be an entrance to Hell. The heroes returned to Earth with the rescue squad, and S.T.A.R. shut down the portal. Flamebird wanted the Titans West to reform, but no one was that interested.

(Firestorm II #20) - Troia’s team, including Bumblebee and Mal, headed to the center of the universe, and they came across a Rannian ship sitting dead in space, and being attacked by Thanagarians. After some debate the heroes decided to intervene. Getting involved in the Rann-Thanagar war turned out to be a pointless endeavor, the Rannians had stolen a revered Thanagarian Ca’arra hawk and killed it, so the Thanagarians retaliated by blowing up their ship. The heroes were taken aback by the senselessness of war.

(52 / WWIII Part Two: The Valiant #1) - <Week 50, Day 4> Black Adam declared war on humanity, starting WWIII. Bumblebee and the Doom Patrol confronted Black Adam in Pisa, but were unable to stop his rampage and thoroughly defeated.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including Bumblebee and the Doom Patrol appeared to take Superboy down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible for boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

(Titans II #2) - Trigon was bent on destroying every Titan, past and present, and the Titans asked their mentors for help. Superman saved Mal and Bumblebee from being killed by Trigon’s minions.

(Doom Patrol V #1) - Bumblebee, still stuck at miniature size, stayed with the Doom Patrol when they relocated to Oolong island. She became Elasti-Girl's roommate, living in a doll house in her room. She started to worry about the stability of Elasti-Girl and her team after their teammate Nudge was killed and no one seemed to care.

(Doom Patrol V #2) - Doom Patrol chaplain Father Davis checked in with Bumblebee to see if her roommate's nosedive into narcissism interspersed with self-loathing was continuing. Bumblebee got the chance to talk about her marriage with Mal falling apart. She said he was no longer the man she married, and the bad times had long ago started outweighing the good.

(Doom Patrol V #13, 14) - Elasti-Girl remembered that she was the one original DP member who actually died, and Chief grew an organic protoplasm version of her from a skull fragment left in Codsville. She shared her disassociation with Bumblebee, and realized how grateful she was to have another woman who accepted her and understood her plight. Bumblebee was brought to tears, and on impulse she called Mal just to hear his voice. Bumblebee and the DP convened to talk some more, and realized that even though they had some hard knocks, they had each other, and that was enough to keep them going.

(Doom Patrol V #17, 18) - President Cale reminded the Doom Patrol that they were nationalized, and that they’d act in the best interest of Oolong or be deported. Cliff bristled at their situation, but the Doom patrol, including Bumblebee who was present to give Rita moral support accompanied Cale on a diplomatic meeting to North Korea, whose interests were important in keeping Oolong sovereign. The DP were greeted at the party by General Immortus, who warned them that Cale was targeted for death. He still wanted the DP and all their allies to die at his hands. Cale was kidnapped by a family of sociopath immortals named the Aristocrats. Duke Byron Boswick explained that the leader of North Korea was his client, and he saw Oolong as a threat to him. The Doom Patrol managed to free Cale, and were forced to flee Korea in a helicopter.

(Secret Six III #30, Doom Patrol V #19) - The Doom Patrol got concerned when Cliff Steele went away by himself to go fishing, so they followed him. He explained that he was actually trying to catch one of Chief’s bio-experiments, a man made into a carnivorous fish that’d eaten a tourist. The fish surfaced and swallowed Bumblebee, but the Doom Patrol saved her. They were beset by the Secret Six, who’d been hired by the newly formed criminal organization C.R.U.S.H. to seize Oolong so they could have a secret hq. Robotman looked forward to tangling with the Six again, and they fought, but C.R.U.S.H. decided to double-cross the Six, and sent suicide bombers to ignite Oolong’s dormant volcano, and sent suicide bombers to ignite Oolong’s dormant volcano. The DP wanted to call off the fight, but Six member Bane insisted that the disaster meant nothing. Elasti-Woman diverted the lava, and President Cale uncloaked C.R.U.S.H.’s helicopter, which was observing the proceedings. C.R.U.S.H. fled, and the Six realized they wouldn’t be paid for the job, so the conflict ended, and the Six peacefully left Oolong, but Catman admitted he was itching to tussle with the DP again. Cale was sick of the property damage the DP was racking up, so she made a deal with Mr. Somebody to make the Front Men Oolong’s new protectors. The Front men arrived on Oolong to tell the DP they were being deported, and begged for them to resist.

(Doom Patrol V #20-22) - The DP were kicked out of Oolong, and with no one willing to harbor them they crashed with Robotman’s old friend Super-Hip in Las Vegas while looking for more permanent accommodations. The individual members were turned down by everyone they asked for safe haven. Bumblebee went looking for her ex Mal, knowing he’d never say no to her, but he’d been evicted from his home. General Immortus approached the DP, promising that he’d long ago given up his ambitions of world domination, and he’d recently decided to stop tyring to kill them. The DP were reluctant to listen, but he convinced them that M.S.E. in charge of Oolong was a horrible thing for the world, and they knew he must be desparate if he was coming to them. He advised them to invade Oolong and take it for themselves. After some soul-searching Robotman made the decicion to go along with Immortus. The DP stormed Ooolong, destroyed the M.S.E.’s security devices, and defeated the Front Men. Mr. Somebody, now in the body of Veronica Cale, and the M.S.E. confronted the Doom Patrol, but Ambush Bug let Somebody know, using his cosmic awareness, that DC was cancelling the Doom Patrol comic, and the DC Universe was being remade after the company wide crossover Flashpoint. Somebody accepted that there was no point in fighting, and abandoned Cale’s body, and left the dimensional plane with the M.S.E. President Cale repatriated the DP, but confided in Robotman that Somebody took the Chief from Oolong before he left.

Comments: Created by Bob Rozakis & Irv Novick

Bumblebee received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #23 under the Teen Titans entry.

Bumblebee had cameos in Beast Boy #1, Titans #24.

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