Real Name: George "Digger" Harkness

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Professional villain

Group Affiliation: formerly Flash's Rogues Gallery, Secret Society of Super-Villains, Suicide Squad

Known Relatives: Betty Harkness (mother, deceased), Ian Harkness (step-father), Tom Harkness (half-brother), Owen Mercer (Captain Boomerang, son), W.W. "Walt" Wiggins (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Central City, Missouri, formerly Kurrumnurra, Australia

First Appearance: Flash I #117 (December, 1960)

Powers: Captain Boomerang was an unparalleled master of the boomerang. He used a number of trick boomerangs, including sonic boomerangs, remote-controlled fleets of boomerangs, exploding boomerangs and grappling hook boomerangs. In the past he has also used gigantic rocket-powered boomerangs to launch his enemies into outer space.

History: George Harkness was born after his mother had an affair with an American soldier named W.W. Wiggins. George was raised to believe her husband Ian Harkness was his father, but Ian knew the truth and resented the illegitimate child. George became a juvenile delinquent, as well as a master of the boomerang. When he was eighteen George stole some cigars and knocked out a police officer with his boomerang. Ian was determined to turn the boy over to the authorities, so his mother gave him a one-way ticket to Central City, U.S.A. She also got him a job as "Captain Boomerang," a mascot for W.W. Wiggin's toy company. Upset by an unreceptive audience at a fair, Captain Boomerang tried to pick the pocket of an audience member. Flash II spotted him, but the Captain caught the speedster by surprise with a boomerang to the noggin. Captain Boomerang was so impressed with his fluke victory that he began his long long life of crime then and there.

Captain Boomerang fought Flash II many times over the years, even becoming a member in godd standing of Flash's Rogues Gallery.

(Flash II #224) - Captain Boomerang committed a robbery an was trying to evade capture by the Elongated Man. The time-traveling Flash Wally West and Zoom were battling through the timestream, and a bolt of energy from the cosmic treadmill they were riding struck Boomerang, causing him to disappear into the future. He had amnesia when he arrived in the 30th Century, and was taken in by Meloni Thawne. They had an affair, and Meloni gave birth to his son Owen Mercer.

(Flash I #243, 244) - Captain Boomerang and the Rogues Gallery mourned the death of the Top. They listened to a tape he made shortly before his death, detailing a plan of vengeance on Central City. The Top had planted bombs in six locations he robbed in the past week, and it was up to the Rogues Gallery to break into those places and retrieve the explosives. The Captain recovered the first bomb from a bank vault and managed to elude Flash II. Once all the bombs were collected the Rogues still couldn't figure out how to disarm them. Thankfully Flash II learned of the Top's plot and deactivated the top-bombs.

(Flash II #215 (fb)) - Boomerang, Cold and Weather Wizard tried to steal gold bars, but were foiled by Flash and the reincarnated and reformed Top. Top soon lost his mind, and brutally attacked the Rogues. Flash subdued him, and Top once again passed away.

(Batman I #322) - Captain Boomerang decided to try a semi-legit way of making money, and invested the stolen money he’d saved up for a retirement fund in Connoisseur Corporation stocks. The company’s owner, Gotham City business magnate Gregorian Falstaff, shorted the stock and Boomerang lost all his money. He was furious, and felt cheated, so he headed to Gotham City to threaten newspaper men who distributed Falstaff’s tabloid the Gotham Guardian. Batman showed up and Boomerang launched an explosive boomerang at a nearby building, sending rubble down on one of the newspaper men. Batman saved the man’s life, but the distraction enabled Boomerang to slip away. Batman told Alfred Pennyworth about Boomerang’s arrival in Gotham, and Alfred asked if he should call in the Flash. Batman said the day he couldn’t beat one of Flash’s castoffs was the day he’d retire. Boomerang showed up at Gregorian’s office, knocked out Falstaff’s bodyguard Karlyle Kruggerand with a boomerang, and demanded his money back. Falstaff was shaken and said he’d happily give Boomerang all the money he wanted.

(Flash I #325) - Captain Boomerang and the Rogues stole Reverse-Flash's body from Central City Morgue. Outraged at Reverse-Flash for being the only Flash villain to die at the hero's hands, they blew up his corpse.

(Flash I #338, 339) - Captain Boomerang watched news coverage of the Pied Piper being taken to a mental hospital. Deeming Flash II to be out of control the Rogues kidnapped Dufus. P. Ratchet from the mental institution and outfitted him with a battle-suit provided by the Monitor. They tricked this Big Sir into believing that Flash II was his mortal enemy.

After Flash II's death Captain Boomerang joined the Suicide Squad.

(Suicide Squad I #1, 2) -Boomerang and the Suicide Squad were assigned to stage a pre-emptive attack on Quarac’s super-powered terrorists the Jihad. Before the mission began Boomerang delighted in alternately hitting on and bullying new recruit Plastique. Fellow Squadder Mindboggler got fed up with how he was acting so she used her illusion casting powers to frighten Boomerang and make him back off. Once the Squad infiltrated Jihad hq they successfully dismantled the terrorist team, and Boomerang killed Jihad member Jaculi. As the Squad fled Jihad hq, Rustam snuck up behind Mindboggler with a gun. Boomerang was the only other Squad member present, and could have warned her of the imminent attack, but he was still bitter about Mindboggler embarrassing him in front of the Squad, so he watched on as she was gunned down and killed.

(Suicide Squad I #3) - Boomerang demanded that Amanda Waller set him up in an apartment away from the Suicide Squad’s Belle Reve prison hq. The Female Furies attacked Belle Reve prison, and Boomerang decided to make himself scarce for the duration of the fight.

(Suicide Squad I #4) - Boomerang and the Suicide Squad discredited James Heller (William Hell) and the Aryan Nation in the public eye.

The Captain finally learned that Wiggins was his father during his mother's funeral. The Captain felt Wiggins had abandoned him, and returned to the Suicide Squad.

(Flash II #134) - Boomerang attacked downtown Keystone with a fleet of flying boomerangs, but Flash I defeated him before he could elaborate on the purpose of the attack.

(Rogues #1) - On a tip from the Trickster, Boomerang and the Rogues went to the kingdom of Zhutan to steal the Sun Disk of Meshta, an artifact that could supposedly keep their souls safe from Neron. In truth Trickster only brought them to Zhutan so they could directly confront Neron. The Rogues defeated Neron with some help from Trickster’s son Billy Hong, and Neron promised to never again go after the Rogue’s souls.

(Flash II #140) - Boomerang and the Rogues attended Linda Park's funeral and paid their respects after she was apparently killed by the Black Flash. They later held Keystone hostage, threatening to open a canister of anthrax into the water supply, but were defeated by Flash Jay Garrick and Jesse Quick.

(JSA #28) - Nevada; Boomerang and the Rogues went to Roulette's House to attend one of her gladiatorial contests. He was among the crowd of villains that watched members of the JSA forced to fight each other.

(Flash II #179) - Keystone City Jail; Captain Boomerang was in critical condition after one of his gimmicked boomerangs exploded. Deadshot arrived at the jail and Jokerized Boomerang. The Joker Juice restored Boomerang to full health, but he was quickly defeated when Flash III showed up.

(Flash II #183) - Boomerang attended one of the Network’s sales of black-market merchandise.

(Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004) - Maxwell Lord, impersonating Sarge Steel, hired Captain Boomerang, Double Down, King Shark and Killer Frost II to break into Belle Reve prison and kill Amanda Waller. The villains were defeated by Superman.

(Flash II #213, Identity Crisis #2) - Boomerang hit Heat Wave up for some money so he could make the trip to the Injustice Gang’s satellite headquarters, where one of the supervillain community’s semi-regular gatherings was taking place. Once there Boomerang tried to find buyers for what he claimed were genuine Miraclo pills.

(Identity Crisis #3, 4) - The National Inquisitor broke a story about Captain Boomerang and Golden Glider having a baby and leaving him up for adoption. With the help of Calculator, Boomerang learned of the whereabouts of his son Owen Mercer, and Boomerang and Owen had a joyful reunion.

(Flash II #215, Identity Crisis #7 (fb, BTS), 5, 6) - Boomerang started training his son in the ways of villainy. Boomerang learned that his son had the power of superspeed, and admitted to Owen that Golden Glider was not his mother. Jean Loring had Calculator hire Boomerang to break into the home of Jack Drake, father of Robin III. Jean had killed Sue Dibny and threatened the life of Lois Lane, so she wanted to throw the superhero community off her trail by making them think it was Boomerang who was the threat to their loved ones. Jean also sent Jack Drake a gun and a note saying “Protect Yourself” in hopes that he would kill Boomerang. Jack Drake shot Boomerang after he entered his house, but with his dying breath Boomerang killed Drake with one of his razor boomerangs. Afterwards Batman and Robin discovered their bodies.

(Flash II #217) - Boomerang’s body was sent to James Jesse’s F.B.I. program because Jesse planned to use the corpse to take down the Rogues.

(Flash II #220-223) - James Jesse used newfound technology to bring Boomerang back to life long enough to talk to Rogue profiler Ashley Zoloman about the Rogues. Ashley objected to the process, but Boomerang wanted to tell her something. He loved his son and knew the Rogues would kill him if they knew who his mother was. He also asked her to warn Owen about his brother before returning to death. Boomerang’s body was recovered by the Rogues and buried in Avernus.

Comments: Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino

Captain Boomerang received profiles in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #4, Who's Who in the DC Universe #2 and The DC Comics Encyclopedia. He received a profile in Who's Who in the DC Universe #12 under the Suicide Squad entry. He received a profile in Flash Secret Files #1 under the Rogues Gallery entry. He received a profile in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #20 under the Secret Society of Super-Villains entry.

Flash II #190 had a flashback of Boomerang and the Rogues playing cards. Boomerang was featured in a flashback sequence in Flash II #218.

Flash II #195 an #204 showed pictures of at-large Rogues, including Boomerang, in the KCPD squadroom. A mugshot of Boomerang was seen in Flash II #207.

Flash II #186 showed a picture of Captain Boomerang in the Flash Museum. A statue of Captain Boomerang was seen in the New Flash Museum in Flash II #210, 211 and 230.

Flash II #207 showed a mugshot of Captain Boomerang in Iron Heights.

Boomerang had cameos in Firestorm II #13, Flash II #216, Hawk & Dove III #22, JLA #119, Spectre III #31.

In Impulse #46 Impulse dreamed about fighting alongside Flash and battling their respective rogue's galleries including Captain Boomerang.

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