Real Name: Casey (last name unrevealed)
Class: Human
Occupation: Police officer
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: unnamed son
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: ?
Powers: Casey was a bumbling, dim-witted police officer.
(Action Comics I #147) - The neighborhood kids told the new boy they could get free candy from Casey The cop by pretending to be lost. The new kid said he couldn't pull of that scam because he was Casey's son.
(Superman s Pal Jimmy Olsen #30) - Casey s car was being repaired, so he commandeered a civilian s car to get to the annual police and fire picnic.
(Superman s Pal Jimmy Olsen #31) - Casey responded to a robbery at a clothing store, but the only description the store owner could give was the thief s measurements, because he d stolen the clothes off a mannequin.
(Adventure Comics I #304) - Casey the Cop kept a crowd away from a building fire, but one man demanded to run inside to save loved ones, which turned out to be his golf clubs.
(Adventure Comics I #306) -Casey walked his birst beat after buying a new uniform. He spotted wanted robber Spike Sayles and pursued him until it started raining. Casey thought about giving up the chase when he spotted an umbrella shop, and purchased one to preserve his uniform.
(Adventure Comics I #307) - Casey walked his beat looking for litterbugs, and confronted a man he saw toss a banana peel. The man denied his crime, but he’d tossed the peel into an open manhole cover, and an angry sewer worker who’d gotten hit in the head with the peel confronted him as well.
(Batman I #179) - Casey got a call about an old woman scared of burglars at her house. The burglars turned out to be on television, and she wanted Casey to watch the mystery program with her because it frightened her.
(Detective Comics I #241) - Casey couldn't get anything out of a suspect so he told officer Reilly to do his best. Reilly put the man in a barber chair, because as a former barber he knew men talked while getting a shave.
Comments: Created by Henry Boltinoff.
Casey's appearance in Action Comics I #147 was reprinted in Adventure Comics I #251.
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