Real Name: Catherine Jane Grant
Class: Human
Occupation: Journalist, anchor, formerly White House press secretary
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: Adam Grant (son, deceased), Joe Morgan (ex-husband)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Metropolis, formerly Los Angeles, California
First Appearance: Adventures of Superman #424 (January, 1987)
Powers: Cat was a skilled and charismatic journalist.
History: (Adventures of Superman #429 (fb)) - Cat had a relationship with movie producer Joseph Morgan, and they had a son, Adam. After they broke up Cat had relations with numerous Hollywood actors, and Morgan sued for full custody and got it. Cat was not allowed any contact with her son.
(Adventures of Superman #424) - Cat Grant was a famous gossip columnist in Hollywood, and she got plenty of exclusive interviews, usually through using her feminine charms. Perry White hired her as a Daily Planet columnist and she moved to Metropolis. Perry put her on a story with Clark Kent and she was instantly attracted to him. They interviewed Professor Hamilton, whose government funding had been cut after he developed defense measures utilizing magnetics.
(Adventures of Superman #428) - Cat and Clark watched the opening of Jay Falk's trial. The evidence against Jay was mainly gathered by Perry White and the Daily Planet and they worried Falk's mob would retaliate.
(Adventures of Superman #429) - Clark went on a brief vacation with Cat Grant to a ski lodge and their relationship progressed. He learned that she hadn't seen her son Adam in years so as Superman he went to speak to Morgan. A battle with supervillain Concussion left Joseph and Adam hospitalized. In the hospital Morgan finally granted Cat permission to visit her son, and they had a reunion.
(Adventures of Superman #430) - Cat and Clark talked about his parents upcoming anniversary, and Cat told him they did quite a job raising a gentleman.
(Adventures of Superman #431) - Cat tried to make friends with Lois Lane, but Lois gave her the cold shoulder and told Cat she was a reporter while Cat only dealt in gossip. Cat did investigation of Morgan to be prepared for her next child custody hearing.
(Adventures of Superman #434) - Cat learned that she might have to move to NYC to gain partial custody of her son and tried to convince Clark to move with her. He told her she couldn't and she decided to be an adult about it and not get too upset.
(Adventures of Superman #435) - Cat, Jimmy Olsen and Clark covered a racecar event. Clark gave a racecar a spin but crashed due to a mental attack from the Circle.
(Superman II #13) - Cat and Jimmy ran into Clark, who didn't have time to talk because he'd just had a disturbing encounter with Lana Lang.
(Adventures of Superman #438) - Cat and her son accompanied Clark and Jimmy Olsen to Farnum and Beatty Circus. Vril Dox took over the mind of mentalist Brainiac, but Superman subdued the wayward alien.
(Adventures of Superman #439) - Jimmy was driving Cat and Adam back to NYC when their car broke down. They were captured by a paramilitary organization that thought they were snooping on them. A Superman robot tried to save them and failed, but brought Clark Kent and Lois, who defeated the survivalists and freed their friends.
(Adventures of Superman #441) - Adam told Cat he knew Jimmy was interested in her. She loved attention from men, even one ten years her junior and seriously considered talking to him about a relationship.
(Superman II #19) - At Cat s apartment she flirted with Jimmy and joked with him about still living with his mother. Before they could get physical they were interrupted by the arrival of Psi-Phon and Dreadnaught s starship in Metropolis harbor.
(Final Night #3) - The Sun-Eater engulfed Earth's sun freezing the planet. Cat's news station was interrupted by the Demon Entrigan, who offered to save Earth if every human being signed over their souls to him. Earth made a public rejection of his offer.
Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman & Jerry Ordway.
Cat Grant had a cameo in Adventures of Superman #527.
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