Real Name: Howard Hawkins IV

Class: Human

Occupation: Heir

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Howard Hawkins III (father, deceased), Mrs. Howard Hawkins (mother, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, formerly West Mesa, 1940s era

First Appearance: Green Lantern I #14 (Winter, 1944-1945)

Powers: Cave Boy was a savage fighter and possessed survival skills including tracking and animal communication.

History: (Green Lantern I #14) - Young Howard Hawkin's parents and his nurse went on vacation to West Mesa, and the nurse killed the parents, abandoning the boy in a cave. She returned to their Gotham City home, living it up by pretending to be Mrs. Howard Hawkins III. The boy lived in the cave for 12 years, becoming feral, and learning to survive in the wild. Green Lantern and Doiby Dickles were in West Mesa on vacation when they discovered the boy, still living in the same cave with the skeletons of his parents. They returned him to Gotham, and GL, in his civilian identity as radio broadcaster Alan Scott, made a plea to the public to find the family of Cave Kid, as he dubbed him. Crooks pulled guns on them, and Cave Kid helped run them off, proving to be a savage fighter who had to be pulled off the criminals. They got Cave Kid proper clothes and tried to wrangle him as he attacked a street car, stole food, and drank paint. The nurse, posing as Cave Kid's mother came to claim him, but GL knew something was off because she mentioned the kidnapping attempt that just happened, and followed her. She'd hired the goons to kill Cave Kid so she could continue her ruse, but GL helped Cave Boy shut her down. He told Cave Kid to enjoy his new inheritance, but they were both sad in parting. Doiby sniffled, and GL said they were not the ones to raise a boy.

Comments: Created by Henry Kuttner & Martin Nodell

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Cave Kid lived on Earth-2.

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