Real Name: Charon

Class: God (Olympian gods)

Occupation: Boatsman of the River Styx

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Erebus (father), Hypnos (brother), Morpheus (nephew), Nemesis (sister), Nyx (mother), Thanatos (brother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Hades

First Appearance: More Fun Comics #56 (June, 1940)

Powers: Like all Olympian gods Charon was immortal. Charon ferried souls across the River Styx.


(Demon III #34) - Etrigan, promising to save Harry Matthews soul, recovered Merlin’s Eternity Book and arrived in Hell with Harry and Lobo, and they were soon joined by Morax on their quest to find Belial’s secret sanctum where Harry’s soul was located. They needed to cross the River Styx, and Charon objected to transporting their hotrod. Etrigan threatened him, but Charon was unimpressed, saying that he was immune to the Hell-Born, and none could keep him from his allotted task. Lobo started hitting him with his hook chain, to which Charon was not immune, and he agreed to take them and their transport across Styx. When Charon let them off he cursed them, telling them to never come back, and Lobo, not appreciating his attitude, tossed a frag grenade at him.

(Spectre III #31) - Spectre crossed the River Styx with Charon to reach Hades and save the soul of Clarissa Marchebank. Cerberus barred his way, but he grabbed the hound's chain, and flung it away.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Gardner Fox & Howard Sherman.

Charon was a character in Greek mythology. For more information see

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