Real Name: Chthos-Chthas Chthasis
Class: Extraterrestrial (Chthistosian) technology-user
Occupation: Green Lantern
Group Affiliation: Green Lantern Corps
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Space Sector 73, Chthistos, Chthalonia system
First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps II #5 (December, 2006)
Powers: Like all members of his race Chthasis had superhuman vision, but a poor sense of smell. As a Green Lantern, Chthasis wielded a power ring capable of doing almost anything he could imagine as long as it was recharged by his emerald power battery once every 24 hours. Examples of its' powers include flight, phasing, creating giant objects formed of energy, and force fields.History: Green Lanterns Chthasis and Guy Gardner had a skirmish with the Children of the White Lobe.
(Green Lantern Corps II #15) - The sentient
planet Sinestro Corps soldier Ranx attacked Mogo, knowing the Corps would not
long survive without Mogo to direct power rings to worthy recipients and to
mentally train new recruits. Killowog and the Lanterns under his command,
including Chthos-Chthas Chthasis, arrived and rallied behind Mogo, but
Sinestro Corps drill sergeant Arkillo beat them back with his soldiers.
Despite the GLC’s efforts Ranx ripped a hole in Mogo’s surface and sent in
the Children of the White Lobe, the Sinestro Corps latest allies, so they could
explode and destroy the power ring at Mogo’s core. Killowog sent corpsmen Yat,
Kol, Stel and Chthatis off to Ranx to destroy the planet’s brain. Arisia
wanted to follow Salakk’s orders and stay with Yat, but Kilowog overruled
(Green Lantern Corps II #16) - Chthatis perished at Enkafos’ hands during the assault on Ranx. The Guardians rewrote the Book of Oa, allowing lethal force against the Sinestro Corps. Sodam Yat avenged Chthatis, killing Enkafos, destroying Ranx and saving Mogo.
(Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1) - Chthasis was memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps.Comments: Created by Dave Gibbons
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