Real Name: Cole Burns

Class: Human

Occupation: Minuteman, former ice cream man

Group Affiliation: Minutemen

Known Relatives: unnamed grandmother (deceased)

Aliases: The Wolf

Base of Operations: NYC, NY

First Appearance: 100 Bullets #9 (April, 2000)

Powers: Cole was extremely skilled with firearms and stilettos.

History:  (100 Bullets #10 (fb), 35 (fb), 56 (fb), 69 (fb), 76-79 (fb)) - Cole Burns was a member of the Minutemen, the enforcers of the Trust, the 13 most rich and powerful families in America. The Minutemen took care of Roland Dietrich, covering him in gasoline and lighting a match. Graves planned this event to disband the Minutemen when the Trust approached him with a power play that would consolidate their control over the country. The Trust wanted the Minutemen gone, but Graves wanted them to view the Minutemen as having gone rogue. Afterwards he programmed the Minutemen, making them forget their lives, and giving them new one

(100 Bullets #9, 10) - Deactivated Minuteman Cole Burns lived a low-key life as an ice cream man, working on the side for gangster Goldy Petrovic selling stolen cigarettes. Agent Graves approached him, told him that Goldy set the nursing home fire that killed his grandmother, and gave him a briefcase with a dossier on Goldy, a gun, and 100 untraceable bullets. Graves said that if he chose to kill Goldy he'd be above the law. He mulled it over while blowing off steam with his girlfriend Sasha. She was pressuring him for marriage, but he said he wasn't in the right place in his life, especially financially. He chased rival ice cream man Lazlo away from his turf, and made up his mind to inform Goldy about Graves. He told Goldy about his conversation with Graves, and Goldy admitted he'd started the fire, but it was just business because he owned the property and wanted to put up condos. Burns was in shock, and watched Goldy cut off the hand of a musician whoi owed him money while they talked. Goldy's men pulled their guns on Cole, and his boss said he respected him, but he had to die. The musician spoke the trigger word "Croatoa," reactivating his programming. Cole's training took over, and he gunned down Goldy and all of his men. He went to the Empty Bottle to have a drink, and Mister Shepherd sat down next to him. His memory was coming back in bursts, but he knew he was a Minuteman. Shepherd asked him if he liked being an ice cream man, and he said he hated it. Shepherd was disappointed; Graves thought he'd like his new life making kids happy. His ice cream rival Lazlo blew up his truck, and Cole pulled a gun on him. Lazlo begged for his life, and he said he was retiring anyway, but demanded he be good to the kids in the neighborhood. Burns met with Graves for a drink, and Graves told him he'd paid off the musician to speak his trigger, telling him it might help him survive his encounter with Goldy, but he'd died in the crossfire. Graves said he deactivated Cole to keep him alive after Atlantic City, but the time was right to get the Minutemen back together. Burns believed him when he said he never lied.

(100 Bullets #14) - Mister Shepherd told Dizzy Cordova she should talk to Mr. Branch, because they had a lot in common, and sent her on a trip to Paris. Branch had also been given a briefcase by Agent Graves, and he told Dizzy about how he kept researching Graves until he ruffled the feathers of the Trust and they sent Lono to shut him up. He only hinted to Dizzy about how the Trust ran America since the country's inception, and realized they were being followed by Minuteman Cole Burns. He was convinced that Burns was going to kill them, but Burns said that when the Minutemen asked Graves for a repeat performance of what the Minutemen did to consolidate their power he refused them. Branch was taken aback, and told Dizzy to keep an eye on Shepherd but to stick with Graves.

(100 Bullets #23, 24) - Augustus Medici called a meeting of the Trust in Atlantic City after learning from Mr. Shepherd that in addition to Agent Graves, Cole Burns of the Minutemen was still alive. Benito Medici played a private card game, and was almost beaten by Hank Kowalski, who desperately needed the money, but raised the stakes far beyond what he could play, forcing him to fold his hand, which was probably a winner. Hank was stalking Benito, and Cole Burns was observing him, happily telling him Benito's room number. Graves met Burns, and they agreed that taking out the Trust would be fulfilling, although Graves said they should wait for all 13 families to assemble before they acted. Graves reminded Burns that the Minutemen were targeted for death because Graves refused to let the Trust pull off another Croatoa, and Burns said he stood by him. Burns wanted to know how Shepherd figured in, and Graves said he'd be on his own during this.

(100 Bullets #25) - Once the 13 families arrived Augustus began the meeting, reminding everyone of how the Minutemen was created to keep them in check, to make sure no family turned against the other. He said they once they started trusting each other the Minutemen became obsolete, and an impediment to their success. He denied that Graves and any other surviving Minutemen were a threat, and Daniel Peres told him Graves would come after him first because they'd once been close friends. Peres got a call, and said he had urgent business to attend to, but since he insisted on leaving the meeting Augustus told Megan Dietrich to accompany him. She complied, but left him when she saw Benito Medici on a gambling binge. Peres' threat was given at the command of Agent Graves, who wanted to make sure he did as promised. Graves introduced him to Cole, thanked him, and then stabbed him to death.

(100 Bullets #34) - Graves approached deactivated Minuteman Milo Garrett with a briefcase, but when someone else killed the target Milo investigated and got involved in a dispute between Megan Dietrich and Lono. Cole met Milo at a bar, and said they both worked for Graves, something Milo objected to Cole Graves was worried that after Karl's death Milo was getting in too deep. Milo told him he could handle it himself, and it was none of Graves' concern.

(100 Bullets #38) - Cole went to see Sasha, bringing her oodles of flowers and hoping for a romantic reunion. She didn't forget he abandoned her, and said that after a year he couldn't just pick up where they left off. She'd wondered for many nights why he left, but came to peace with it and moved on. He tried to persuade her they could be great again, but all she wanted was for him to leave. She gave him back the engagement ring he left foir her before he ditched town, and told him next time he found love to hang on to it. In a foul mood Cole went to the Yankee Tavern to drink his troubles away. He walked into a robbery where the robbers were about to execute the patrons because one of their mask's had slipped. Cole stabbed them both with his stiletto, and the bartender let him take a liquor bottle for the road.

(100 Bullets #60-63) - After the deaths of Daniel Perez, Anwar Madrid and Mr. Shepherd the Trust called a meeting in miami. Megan Dietrich was relaxing at the pool when Cole Burns swam up to her. She warned him about trying to take her out in public, and he assured her that while he could, he had no intention of doing do, and warned her her life was in danger. Next Cole visited Mr. Branch, who Megan had called into the country, and told him they were going out for drinks. They got tight, and found they enjoyed bantering with each other. Branch said that he had a feeling returning to America would be the death of him, and assumed Cole was going to kill him. Cole promised him he wouldn't, and showed him a picture of Echo Memoria, who'd stolen Megan Dietrich's 16th Century painting of the founding of the Trust. Branch recognized her as a woman he'd thought was a prostitute, and realized she'd used him to gain access to his conspiracy wall with his research on the Trust. Cole said he was sending Branch back to Europe to find her, and that was an order, not a request. Cole said that if he needed anymore motivation he knew he cared about Dizzy, and Cole said she was in a world of trouble. If Branch didn't follow marching orders Cole would watch her drown. Branch went to the airport, and spotted Diz there.

(100 Bullets #73, 74) - Agent Graves went to Cleveland, and paid a homeless man to find Remi Rome and write 'Croatoa' in the snow. The man found Remi after his brother Ronnie found him and was going to kill him for screwing over his mobster boss, and the reactivated Remi pulled his gun. Remi and Ronnie made up, and Graves welcomed Remi back into the fold, planning their next move with Cole, Loop and Victor.

(100 Bullets #76, 77, 79) - Remi Rome killed Mia Simone, tossing her out a window and destroying another house of the Trust. Graves applauded his abilities as a buttonman, but told him and Burns that repercussions would be severe, and one of them might be the next to go. He reminded them Lono worked for the Trust and Wylie and Dizzy weren't affiliated with anyone at the moment. Dizzy wanted to kill Graves for making her murder Shepherd, and Wylie called Graves up, telling him to stay away from her. Lono and the Minutemen were partying at a motel when Wylie called Victor, telling him he was with Dizzy, and Victor quickly told Lono, who wanted her dead. Lono called Megan Dietrich, who'd learned of Mia Simone's death, and her attempt to put him in his place were met with vulgarity. He knew Augustus was pleased that another Trust house was gone, even though Graves was responsible, and said to keep up appearances as warlord he was going to Mexico to find Graves, knowing he wouldn't be there. Lono and the rest of the Minutemen made their way south of the border, and all of them were howling for Dizzy's blood. Cole told Graves he had no problem taking out Dizzy and Wylie if they wouldn't go with Graves' plan, and Graves said he wanted Wylie to go with them willingly. Wylie was a natural leader according to him, but Cole was his right hand man because he actually trusted him. Wylie told Mr. Branch the Minutemen were coming, and they could use Benito Medici, who was with them, as bait. Graves sent Wylie's old friend Kuchenko and his criminal friends against Wylie, who killed every one of them in a hail of gunfire. Victor and Wylie had a sit-down about why Graves and Shepherd had chosen Lono as the Trust's new warlord. Victor said Lono was perfect because he'd never had any true allegiances, and told Wylie how Lono had him and Loop shoot but not kill Megan Dietrich so Lono would be needed by the Medicis. Wylie resolved to have a talk with Graves, and Victor promised to keep Dizzy, Branch and Benito safe. Wylie told Branch the plan was still on, and as soon as he left Victor announced he had a job to do, and none of them were safe. He threatened to execute them and asked Branch for a beer. Branch found a handgun in the beer cooler and pointed it at Victor. Wylie met Graves, Cole and Remi, who were disappointed in him for not bringing Dizzy. He claimed Graves was working for the Trust, believing an old lie, and was involved with Dizzy because of a mistake he'd made long ago. Remi didn't want to hear his elaborations and shot him dead. Branch couldn't shoot Victor, who cut one of his fingers off before brutalizing Dizzy and Benito. He left Benito behind for Lono, Loop and Jack to find, and drove off with Diz and Branch.

(100 Bullets #80) - Lono took Benito to a cheap motel and locked him in an adult booth, demanding to know why he was alive. He said Graves would probably kill his father, and Lono would probably kill Graves, but Benito should have been out of the picture the moment he met Wylie. Victor delivered Dizzy to Graves, who said he wanted a private conversation with her. Victor was not pleased with Remi for killing Wylie, and when he protested that Wylie had drawn a weapon Victor said Wylie was a better shot than him, and if he'd wanted to kill Remi he'd be dead. Branch was only being kept alive as leverage against Wylie, so Victor told Cole to clean up his mess. Cole got Branch alone, and said he should have gone to Italy when he had the chance. Graves told Dizzy, who reiterated that she was going to kill him, that Shepherd and Wylie had died not to protect her, but to keep the two of them apart. After a longer conversation Graves introduced Dizzy to Victor, Cole and Remi as the newest Minuteman.

(100 Bullets #88) - Cole had given Branch a pass, and told him that since he'd turned the job down he'd sent Ronnie Rome to Italy to get the painting of the Trust's founding. They were to meet in Atlantic City, and Branch shadowed Ronnie to make sure he was alone. Cole met with Ronnie and thanked him, but said his brother once killed a man Cole respected, and he felt obligated to kill Ronnie in return. He put a gun to his head and Ronnie said he honestly thought his brother was an awful person. Branch was surprised outside by Ronnie's lover Echo Memoria, who he recognized as the streetwalker he'd met in Franc. He realized she'd only been manipulating him to learn about the Trust, and she thought it funny that he was mixed up in Trust business, becoming his own obsession. Cole returned from his meeting to find Branch dead, shot through the neck.

(100 Bullets #89) - Graves, Diz and Victor celebrated with some champagne, and Dizzy told Graves it seemed out of character for him. He assured her he was a happy person, despite appearances, and was pleased his plan to bring down the Trust was almost at fruition. He called Cole, who refused to answer, handing his phone over to some homeless men with instructions to tell Graves goodbye. Graves was not pleased, but believed he could handle the situation. Cole met Jack Daw and Loop with the painting.

(100 Bullets #90) - Benito met with Lono, saying he wanted to celebrate his father's upcoming marriage with something special, bringing him one of the Minutemen. Lono asked alive or dead, and Benito said one alive and one dead. Lono reminded him not to treat him like hired help or he'd regret it, as Benito hadn't paid for his loyalty. Loopo, Jack and Cole met in a diner, and Cole said he'd defected from Graves because things had gotten out of control. Jack said he decided against working with Graves because he'd given him an attache with himself as a target, and Cole agreed that was messed up. Lono called and learned that Cole had the painting of the Trust's founding the Medicis were eager to own, saying he was willing to negotiate. Lono asked for Loop on the phone, and told Loop to shoot Cole in the head right away.

(100 Bullets #91, 92) - Former Minuteman Will Slaughter killed Mr. Rothstein, a man with connections to the CIA and FBI that supplied Graves with his attaches of 100 untraceable bullets. Slaughter informed D'arcy that Graves game was over, and they'd see how he'd react. Augustus was furious, and called Javier, suspecting him of the hit. Javier said he was happy to see Graves' power taken away, but he wasn't the one responsible. Loop reached for his gun, and Jack instinctively attacked him. Cole and Jack threw him in the trunk, and drove him out to the woods, with Cole saying they were both masterless now. Instead of shooting Loop Jack gave him a head start and let him run while he fired. Cole asked why he let Loop go, and Jack knocked him out with a roundhouse, taking the painting for Graves.

(100 Bullets #96-100) - Cole woke and found Loop, assuring him he was kidding and wasn't ever going to kill him, but Loop didn't trust him. Lono called Loop and Cole answered, saying he'd be coming for him. Cole asked Loop why he was involved with the Minutemen, and Loop said he was doing it for his father, and he resented the fact that Cole and his friends knew his dad better than he did. Cole said the life of a Minuteman could only end in death, and Loop replied that everyone dies so the ride might as well be fun. Loop and Cole were on the road when they saw Jack's car parked outside a motel, and found him in bed with Echo Memoria. Cole shot Echo in the head, and a furious Jack demanded an explanation. Cole said she'd killed his friend Mr. Branch, a little guy with a lot of heart. They discussed peace with the Trust, and Cole had a feeling Augustus and Graves had been playing them since the beginning. Lono called up Loop and gave him the triggerword 'Sunny Days.' He heard Victor bust in on Jack, Cole and Loop, and they all pointed guns at each other. Lono screamed that if they killed each other they were only giving the Trust exactly what it wanted, and the situation deescalated. The Trust brokered peace, with Benito as new head of the Medici and Graves in control of the former house of Vasco, and Lono stormed the Medici compound. Cole, Jack and Loop buried Echo in the swamp, with the Trust's painting wrapped around her body, and decided to crash the Trust's meeting. Megan strangled Benito to death, and when Crete found his body Graves named Dizzy as the new head of the Minutemen and told her to investigate. The Minutemen stormed the compound, killing dozens of security, and Victor met up with his father Will Slaughter, who'd decided to stop working for the Trust because he didn't want to fight his son. Loop said he had no idea why he was still doing the Minuteman thing, and said he was out, hotwiring a car to get away. Jack Daw and Crete fought, with the battle spilling over into Augustus' alligator pond. Cole stabbed Tibo and strangled D'arcy to death, filled a room with gasoline, and waited for Megan. Lono ambushed Graves, but Dizzy shot him a number of times, and he fell out the window. Graves talked to Augustus, realizing he planned for the Trust to murder his son and Dizzy to kill the other heads so the only ones standing would be him and Graves. Graves shot Augustus dead, and the shot surprised Cole, who dropped his lighter, blowing up both himself and Megan. Dizzy said Graves moved against another member of the Trust and pulled her gun. Graves said Augustus was the one who ruined his life, compromising his principles, but allowing him to pass those principles on to others, and he pointed Dizzy's gun at his own head.

Comments: Created by Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso.

Cole Burns had a cameo in 100 Bullets #20, 26, 50.

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