Real Name: Cargill

Class: Human

Occupation: Mobster

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Capitol City, 1940s era

First Appearance: Plastic Man #14 (Quality) (November, 1948)

Powers: Concrete possesed superhuman strength and invulnerability. He needed regular doses of Doc's serum to retain his powers.

History: (Plastic Man #14) - Mobster Cargill was contracted to provide concrete for an interstate bridge, but provided an inferior product, and the bridge collapsed. Plastic Man and Woozy Winks came to arrest Cargill, but he escaped thanks to his underling Doc. Doc invented a serum that would turn a human into concrete, and used the frightened Cargill as a test subject. Doc was impressed with the results, and dubbed his creation Concrete Cargill. Concrete showed up at the F.B.I. office, and gave Plas a beating. Plas disguised himself as F.B.I. secretary Miss Duff, whom Concrete showed an interest in, and showed up at his hq. As Duff he got close enough to Concrete to replace the premium concrete in the solution he used to retain his superpowers with the inferior grade the mobster gave the state. The weakened Concrete was easy pickings for Plas.

Comments: Created by Joe Millard & Jack Cole

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Concrete lived on Earth-2. Concrete, like most characters from the golden age Plastic Man stories, may or may not be a part of post-Crisis DC continuity.

Concrete was originally a Quality Comics character, which DC obtained the rights to in 1956.

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