Real Name: Katie (last name unrevealed)

Class: Human

Occupation: None

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed father

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, 1940s era

First Appearance: Green Lantern I #23 (December, 1946-January, 1947)

Powers: Katie was a pugnacious street-smart girl.

History: (Green Lantern I #23) - Cotton-Top Katie wanted to know what the local boys were talking about with Perfesser, a young chemist. They told her she wasn't smart enough to understand, and she snapped that girls were even smarter than boys. They dodged her by sneaking to their clubhouse, but she was waiting for them, and they agreed to let her watch the Perfesser make his secret formula. Perfesser only ended up causing a fire, so Katie tried her hand at chemistry. After being urged to mix everything on hand she created a huge explosion, but floated to safety with her umbrella.

(Green Lantern I #25) - Katie and Perfesser argued over who talked more, boys or girls. They bet a banana split to see who could stay silent the longest. A local tough asked them where they were going, and when they staid silent he tried to wail on them. Katie and Perfesser won the fight, but both got black eyes. Katie's father saw them, and when they wouldn't say how they got roughed up he thought they lost their voices and hailed a taxi to bring them to the doctor. They finally slipped and spoke at the same time, and Katie's befuddled dad hit the roof, losing his own voice.

(Green Lantern I #28) - Katie's dad rushed off on business, leaving her and Perfesser in charge of his office. Katie pretended she was a businesswoman, but the Perfesser had an idea about making real money. He started a babysitting service, but the children soon overran Katie's dad's office. To keep them in line Katie and Perfesser stored the children in filing cabinets.

(Flash Comics #88) - Mrs. Snortley went to have a meeting with the principal, and put Cotton-Top Katie in charge of the class, and not particularly trusting her, put Perfesser in charge of Katie. Katie and Perfesser argued, with Katie calling Perfesser a teacher’s pet and a snitch. Perfesser said hshe needed him to protect her from kids being unruly and threw a board eraser and chalk at her as an example of what could happen to her without him. Katie tossed erasers and chalk back at him, and the entire class started throwing things at each other. Mrs. Snortley returned and the whole class blamed Katie for the disruption. Snortley asked Katie why she misbehaved, and Katie repleid that someone else started it. Snortley said she’d take care of the trouble-maker, and Katie said she couldn’t count on Snortley because she couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a blackboard eraser.

Comments: Created by .Harry Lampert.

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