Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Professional criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Annie (sister), unnamed father (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Batman I #330 (December, 1980)

PowersCowboy was an unerring shot with throwing knives and pistols. His holsters were rigged to fire the guns they held with a touch.

History(Batman I #330) - Cowboy hated Batman for putting away his pappy when he killed the Cooper Clan during a blood feud. His pappy died in prison and Cowboy swore revenge, spending years training until he became a deadeye with a pistol or a knife. Death row inmate put a ten million dollar bounty on Batman, the man who put him away, and Cowboy told his sister he knew it was time for vengeance. Several would-be bounty hunters went after Batman, and Cowboy got in a confrontation with “Big” Mike Frawley and his men, who didn’t appreciate outside competition. Cowboy coolly gunned them down. Batman was worried about civilians getting caught up in the crossfire, and announced that he was going to be on Grosvenor’s Island, waiting for any and all would-be bounty hunters who wanted him. Batman fought several criminals, including Blackjack and his biker gang on the island, but had to leave when a transmitter he’d placed on gang member Ronald Watkins, who was trying to blow up the Wayne Foundation, went off. Cowboy tried to get the drop on Batman and Robin at the Wayne Foundation, but his normal unerring aim was useless against their acrobatics and they defeated him.

Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman & Irv Novick.

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