ClassParallel Earth (Earth-AD) animal mutants

Known Representatives: Murk, Satrap

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mexico, Acapulco, Earth-AD

First AppearanceKamandi #36 (December, 1975)

PowersCrocodile Men were intelligent evolved crocodiles. They possessed sharp claws and teeth and had very powerful jaws. They were accomplished swimmers and could last for a long time underwater without needing a breathe.

History(Kamandi #36) - In the aftermath of the nuclear Great Disaster most of humanity perished, and the majority of survivors devolved into feral savages, while animals evolved intelligence. The Crocodile Men were one such group of animals to evolve. Human Kamandi and his companions Pyra and Dr. Canus discovered the Resort, a pre-Disaster hotel, and Kamandi decided to relax by taking a swim in the pool. He was grabbed by Crocodile Men, who dragged him underwater and beneath the pool to some cavernous corridors. Satrap, the leader of the Crocodiles was furious that a human was fouling their water, believing humans to all be disease carriers. Kamandi started a fight with the Crocodiles, but it was broken up by the Director, a Jaguar Man who ran the hotel. He brought Kamandi back safely to Pyra and Canus, saying the customer was always right. The hotel, which he called Resort was a shelter, and he served the guests, but the guests only kept their rooms as long as they could fend off attacks by other groups trying to displace them. They witnessed a group of Wolf Men evict the humans that were staying on the second floor, brutally attacking them. The Director said he served all guests and it was his duty to stay neutral and stay out of fights. Kamandi asked him about the rights of the weak, and the Director replied that he wasn’t a philosopher. Kamandi attack the director, and after tussling for a bit Kamandi demanded possession of the second floor for himself. Canus said he wasn’t getting involved because humans, as a rule, weren’t worth helping since they were responsible for the Great Disaster. The director led him to a room full of weapons and warned him that killing anyone on property grounds was strictly forbidden. Kamandi mixed some chemicals and put them in a tank with an attached hose, and the Director alerted the Wolf Men that someone was seeking to evict them. Kamandi was outnumbered, and the wolf Men fought dirty, with one of their number trying to kill him with a knife, but Kamandi’s sticky spray left them covered in a foul-smelling mess. They jumped in the pool to clean themselves, and were immediately beset by the Crocodiles, who dragged them underwater. The Director said the floor belonged to Kamandi, who chose to hand back possession of it to the evicted humans.

Comments: Created by Jack Kirby.

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