Real Name: Dalamar
Class: Elf magic-user
Occupation: Head of the black-robed wizards of high sorcery
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Wyreth Tower, Krynn, Earth-TSR
First Appearance: (DC Comics) Dragonlance #14 (December, 1989)
Powers: Dalamar was a powerful black magician.
History: (Dragonlance #14, 15) - Dalamar served as apprentice to the dark wizard Raistlin Majere until Raistlin died and Dalamar became head of the black-robed wizards of high sorcery. Myrella was chosen to undergo initiation into the council of high sorcery, and Dunbar Mastersmate, head of the white-robes, met her at the Tower of Wyreth. Her allies Goldmoon and Riverwind faded away, and Dunbar assured Myrella he had no idea what caused it. Myrella wanted to rescue them, but Dalamar appeared and told her to focus on her quest. Goldmoon and Riverwind found themselves in another dimension, summoned by Par-Salian and Ladonna, who warned that the banished Spyranus had taken control of the Tower and was planning to destroy Krynn. Justarius, head of the red robes, insisted on leading Myrella through her trial, despite the fact that Dunbar would normally shepherd a hopeful white-robe. Myrella found herself in another dimension, where she met Kalthanan, who helped her fend off Al-Araz-Zar and a group of Draconians. Al-Araz-Zar rejoined the council watching Myrella, and they mulled over whether or not Myrella could reconcile Kalthanan's competing good and evil natures to pass the test.
Comments: Adapted to comics by Dan Mishkin & Jim Janes.
Dalamar was a character from TSR's AD&D role-playing game adapted to DC Comics.
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