Real Name: Andrew Prism

Class: Human

Occupation: Importer, criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, 1940s era

First Appearance: Green Lantern I #18 (Winter, 1945-46)

Powers: Dandy was a cultured criminal mastermind and expert on the finer things in life.

History: (Green Lantern I #18) - Andrew Prism was renowned for his exquisite taste, and import companies relied on his taste to select the finest goods. In his spare time he was the criminal mastermind Dandy, and amassed a fortune with his gang. When some of his gang wanted to retire, he coerced them into one more heist, robbing a still-life painting from Mr. Hurlington. He put mysteryman Green Lantern on their trail, giving out unliscenced Green Lantern costumes to children, and claiming they were from Hurlington's residence. GL investigated, and Dandy made off by throwing iron fillings at him. His gang realized he's set them up so they'd need him for protection and have to pull more crimes for him. He quieted them by giving them a $5,000 share apiece, but had coated the money with mercury fulminate, which exploded in a fire when it heated up. GL apprehended them, and they were more than happy to rat on their boss, but said they didn't know his real name. They did know he used Trichinopoly snuff, and Doiby went to Exotic Imports, the only place it was sold in Gotham. He recognized Dandy as the importer, and the criminal tied him up. GL soon checked in on his friend, and Dandy kept him busy shooting at Doiby and throwing a knife at him. GL blocked his attacks with his power ring, and Dandy was excited to have a nemesis. He threw tear-gas at GL, and said they'd meet again soon. He allowed the heroes to track him to a sculpture robbery, eager for another round, and knocked out GL with a chair. He prevented his men from shooting them, and when GL recovered, he and Doiby finally rounded up the gang at the Egyptian museum, with Dandy surrendering. He wanted a brand new experience, and savored his time in jail eating frank and beans.

Comments: Created by Edmond Hamilton & Martin Nodell.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Dandy lived on Earth-2.

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