Real Name: Dane Dorrance
Class: Human
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Affiliation: Sea Devils, formerly Forgotten Heroes
Known Relatives: John Payton Dorrance (Captain X, father), Capt. English (ancestor), Prof. Walton (father-in-law), Judy Walton (wife), Nicky Walton (brother-in-law)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Showcase #27 (July-August, 1960)
Powers: Dane Dorrance was an accomplished scuba-diver armed with a speargun. The Sea Devils used the Sea Witch, a ship equipped with a lasso gun, undersea bikes and diving equipment. They also used the high-speed hydrofoil Flying Fish, and the deep-sea submersible Crab. Their headquarters was a giant automated statue of Neptimus, the first skin-diver, that could be controlled as a robot.History: (Sea Devils #22 (fb, BTS)) - Dane’s father John Payton Dorrance was lost at sea during an oceanographic expedition. The young Dane never gave up hope that some day his idol and father would be found.
Dane wanted to win the respect of his father, a decorated WWII Frogman, and the swimming flippers he wore, which had been awarded to him for heroic action during the war. Dane became scuba diver, and met fellow adventurous scuba divers Judy and Nicky Walton and Biff Bailey. Together they formed the team the Sea Devils.
(Sea Devils #1) - Director Wendel Wales took Dane and the Sea Devils to Hollywood and offered them a starring role in his new film "The Octopus Man." He constructed a giant robot based on the legendary Octopus Man, and the first day of filming saw the Sea Devils battle it underwater. On the next shoot the real Octopus Man appeared, destroyed the mechanical one and threatened the Devils. They attacked him with a catapult from a sunken ship, and lured him into quicksand, defeating him, but unfortunately Wales was unable to film most of the battle.
(Sea Devils #1) - Dane and the Devils visited Mira Bedford, great-granddaughter of Captain Noah Bedford, and discovered his ship log. He hunted the Emerald Whale, a legendary sea creature that had a priceless emerald spear in its side. Bedford recounted his battle with Captain Shark, who sunk Bedford's ship and went after the whale. The Devils and Mira traveled to the location of the battle, and found Shark and the whale frozen in suspended animation. Shark revived and attacked the Devils, who held him off until the Emerald Whale became unfrozen, grabbed Shark's ship in its maw, and swam off with him.
(Sea Devils #2) - The Sea Devils helped the U.S. navy test an undersea engine-staller device, but a mysterious diver appeared and absconded it. The Sea Devils swam high and low, but found no sign of the device. They surfaced, and were about to give up when they found a nautical supply shop with what appeared to be a miniature version of the device in a bottle. They talked to the owner, Mr. Poseidon, who revealed himself as a spy, and shrunk the Sea Devils with the same ray he reduced the engine-staller device with. He placed them in the same bottle as the device, where the microscopic Sea Devils had to contend with threatening protists and plankton. They found the engine-staller, and used explosives to blast the cork from their bottle. Poseidon realized they were getting away, but he couldn’t see them, and trained his enlarger ray on them. The enlarged Sea Devils wrecked Poseidon’s scientific equipment, and handed him over to the authorities.
(Sea Devils #2) - The Sea Devils were called in by the army to measure the waters around an island target so no deployed troops would drown. The Devils knew they’d be being shot at, so to get the job done quickly they painted lines on their wetsuits an inch apart. When the army invaded they were soon cut off from supplies, so the Devils build an underwater rail system to bring in rations.
(Sea Devils #2) - The Sea Devils gave a charity performance with their trained seal Pappy. On the way to their next show a storm caught the Sea Witch, and Pappy was washed overboard. The Devils feared that a captive-born seal would be no match for the dangers of the ocean, so they dove in to rescue him. Pappy dealt well with every danger he encountered, and ended up being the one to save the Sea Devils from several threats, including a shark and a giant octopus. Pappy found a female, and fought his ay into becoming a leader in a school of seals. The Devils realized he’d found his place in nature, and left him to his own devices.
(Sea Devils #3) - The Devils took in a newsreel when they were approached by a government agent asking for their help in taking down a smuggling ring. Before he could explain more, smugglers that were following the agent kayoed him. The Devils agreed among themselves to start investigating the next day, but made time for a charity performance of their underwater skills. A representative of G. Nakko, a wealthy man who styled himself a modern Nero, approached the Devils, and offered to pay them for putting on a show for Nakko’s guests. They declined, and began their hunt for the smugglers. Nakko was so offended that he captured the Sea devils, and forced the male members to perform in underwater gladiator contests against his men. The events were timed, as Judy was in a glass case slowly being filled with water. The Devils triumphed, and used a swordfish to free Judy and return to the surface. They discovered that Nakko was the one behind the smuggling ring, and the coast guard took Nakko’s men down.
(Sea Devils #3) - The skipper called in Biff and Dane when a marine island mission went awry because desperately needed tanks got stuck in soft sand. The Devils were air-dropped onto the next island target to take sand samples, and assured the skipper tanks would function there.
(Sea Devils #3) - The Sea Devils were at a nightclub, and the men mocked Judy for cooing over a crooner. They berated girls as being capable of being professional, but when Circe Smith, glamorous singer, came out they all lost their heads. The next day the Devils went diving, with Judy bickering with the rest of them. They were caught in a maelstrom, and delivered to the underwater lair of the legendary Circe. Circe enraptured the men, who started fighting over her, and even Judy couldn’t get them to stop. Circe demanded the men bring her gifts from the deep-sea, with the best treasure being rewarded by a kiss. The men risked their lives to find treasure, and Dane won the contest with an antique mirror encrusted with pearls. Circe beckoned him for a kiss, and he removed his breathing mask and scuba tank, sealing his doom. Judy got a hold of him, and used the buddy breathing system to save his life. This heroism snapped the Devils out of their euphoria, and they fled. Circe was angered by the men leaving, and set a sea serpent on them, but their teamwork allowed them to survive. When they surfaced the men all claimed to have nitrogen narcosis and not remember their adventure. Judy said it was typical of men to act like idiots and then deny it.
(Sea Devils #4) - The Devils set out to explore the Sea of Sorcery, a remarkable stretch of water responsible for many nautical legends. They hoped to disprove superstitions of what existed there, but they dove and split up, and all returned with fantastical stories. Biff found a figurehead, and pulled it free, only for it to change into a mermaid that’d been under a sea troll curse. Judy found a sleeping merman, also cursed by the troll, and awoke him from endless slumber with a kidd. Nicky found a sawfish with a spear in its’ side, and after pulling it free it showed gratitude. Dane found nothing anomalous, and assured his friends they were victims of nitrogen narcosis. He dove again to prove them wrong, only to be ensnared with seaweed. The sawfish and mer-people rescued him, and he realized he owed his crew an apology.
(Sea Devils #4) - The Devils joined a scientific research group in searching for the lost Condor Temple of the Condor Indians in South America. Theory held that the temple had been flooded, and was off the South American mainland. The Devils dove to investigate, and found Takal, a leader of the Condors, tied to a stake and threatened by piranhas. They rescued him and learned that his nemesis Katko had tried to kill him. Katko was vying for leadership of the Condors, and wanted to wage war on their peaceful neighbors. Takal could only be chosen as sole ruler if Katko was defeated in combat, but Katko refused to issue a challenge. Takal paraded the Devils before his people to gain their support; the Devils technology appeared to be magic to the Condors. Takal agreed to lead them to the Condor Temple, which was underwater in a volcano crater. Katko tried to kill the Devils, and ambushed them in the temple. He challenged Dane to personal combat after severing his air hose. Against all odds Dane defeated him, and the Condors chose to side with the peaceful Takal.
(Sea Devils #5) - The Sea Devils were getting restless and bored because they had no missions recently, so Dane had them take to the seas to test out new deep-sea diving equipment. They received the unexpected sight of spacecrafts landing on Earth, and were confronted by a giant alien who was amused by their attempts to fight him. The alien’s ship and his comrades sucked up the world’s oceans and took off, taking the Devils and a mass of ocean life ith them. The ships returned to their homeworld, and on the way the Devilps noticed an ice planetoid. The ships landed, and the Devils courageously battled sharks and cephalopods until the giant alien rescued them. He explained that climate change dried up his world’s oceans, so his race took Earth’s, as deemed by survival of the fittest. He rescued the Devils so they could be aquarium specimens for his race, but let them access his ship’s control panel, and told them if they found an alternate solution to his people’s problems he’d return the oceans to Earth. The Devils used the controls to magnetize the ice planetoid to the alien’s world, giving them an overabundance of water. The alien was grateful, but realized the excess water could flood his planet, so he returned Earth’s oceans and the Devils to Earth. The Devils realized they had enough adventure for a lifetime, and would never complain about being bored again.
(Sea Devils #5) - The Sea Devils traveled to South America to search for missing archaeologist Dr. John Brett, who disappeared while searching for an ancient Mayan idol in a sinkhole. The Devils explored the sinkhole and found the giant idol, along with Balchun, who claimed to be a descendant of the Mayans, and had a giant feathered serpent at his disposal. He told them they could search for their friend in the underwater temple of a hundred doors, but each door led to a sea monster, and each battle drained the Devils oxygen supply. Balchun revealed that he’d killed their friend, and had lured them into their own demise. The idol crumbled, and fell on Balchun, killing him. The Devils investigated, and found that Balchun’s sea monsters were mechanical constructs, and theorized that he was an inventive genius trying to usurp the majesty of the Mayans, and had paid for his hubris.
(Sea Devils #6) - Judy was busy redecorating the Sea Devils office when she wished they had some skin diving art, and a mysterious art dealer appeared, offering fine prints of ancient divers performing heroic feats. He had the Devils inspect his samples with a special magnifying glass, and each Devil to use the glass was transported through time and space to the scene of the art. Dane insisted that their visions were nonsense, and that they should think rationaly, but when he studied an art print, he and the Sea Devils were transported underwater where they had a ferocious battle with a giant three-headed seahorse over a rare treasure. Dane was shocked, but refused to believe his senses, and sent the art dealer packing. The dealer did leave behind his mystic magnifying glass.
(Sea Devils #7) - The Sea Devils witnessed a manned rocketship that was supposed to explore Venus crash into the sea after it lost contact with mission command. Biff and Dane dove into the sea to investigate, and asked Nicky and Judy to stay guard on the Sea With. The siblings balked at being kept out of the action because they were a woman and a teenager, but Dane told them not to question his orders. Biff and Dane found the ship, but no astronaut. They were assailed by the Human Tidal Wave, who explained that his people of the Water Planet captured the astronaut and sent him to Earth and sent him as a scout to see if Earth was worthy of colonizing. He couldn’t let Biff and Dane live after what he told them, so he tried to drown them, but they made their way back to the Sea Witch. The Tidal Wave destroyed the Sea Witch, and Dane warned his team that the Tidal Wave was a telepath, and they had to show teamwork and make plans to defeat him without thinking. Dane assured them they could trust him implicitly, and commanded they follow his every lead, and after several near-evasions of the alien they lured it near a volcano, where the intense heat turned it to steam.
(Sea Devils #8) - The Sea Devils took in a circus show as a break from work, and were stunned by Nurro, a merman and the circus’ star performer. Dane’s logic concluded that he was a fake, and the barker offered a challenge to prove his merman was real. He had Biff wrestle Nurro underwater, and Biff was forced to come up for air, despite being a world-class diver. Nurro contacted Biff telepathically, and asked to be saved from the circus, so he complied, even though his teammates thought him mad. Nurro revealed that he was once a fish, but when he tried to get treasures from a forbidden ship graveyard for his love Serra he was confronted by Neptune’s Giant. The Giant seized Serra and turned him into a merman, outcast on sea and land. The circus captured him, and he’d hoped for a rescue ever since. The Devils assured him they’d save Serra, but when they reached the ship graveyard Neptune’s Giant turned each of them into half-human half-fish. Biff became a manta ray, Dane a shark, Judy a mermaid, and Nicky a seahorse. The Giant tried to force them into gladiatorial combat for his amusement, but their half-fish minds were snapped into action when a shark, a swordfish, and an octopus imperiled the beloved Judy. The Devils used a floating mine to destroy Neptune’s Giant, turning them and Nurro back to normal, and allowing Nurro to reunite with his love.
(Sea Devils #9) - The Devils went into action as para-medics to save an astronaut whose shuttle had crashed into the sea. This impressed the military, and they were given a top-secret mission to land an experimental atom bomb in a sea crater filled with old battleships to observe the effects. The mission went sideways, and the Devils found themselves trapped in the crater under the bomb. A strong current pulled them under the ground into a second sea beneath the Earth’s surface sea, where they met the Coral Creature, a demented alien refuge that wanted them to be his playthings. They warned him that an atom bomb was going to go off over their heads, but he paid no heed, demanding that each male member complete a task for him or face death. He promised that if they all succeeded he’d make Judy his queen, and she grimaced at the prospect. Nick fixed a whale’s toothache by injecting its gums with a painkiller. Biff tamed a flying fish and discovered a waterspout that led to the surface sea, and alerted his teammates. Dane found his way through an undersea maze with the help of a giant eel, and he rode the eel and his teammates into the waterspout, reaching the surface. The military picked up the Devils before the bomb exploded, and when they tried to relate their adventures, the military determined they were suffering from nitrogen narcosis.
(Sea Devils #10) - The Sea Devils applied for admission to the Deep Six Liars Club, where they had to come up with convincing tall tales, but each imaginary adventure they told was too much for the Club to believe. Neptune was sick of landlubbers scoffing at the tales of seafarers, and declared that any seaman’s tall tale would come true. Nicky’s tale was about pirates in an undersea ghost town, and when they Devils were called on to find a woman’s wedding ring in the lost lode dam, the dam was flooded by pirates seeking a hidden treasure underneath the town. The Devils prevailed, and were confident the Liars Club would have to take them seriously after the news media publicity. Judy’s tale came true next, when their old friend Pappy the sea lion rescued them from a marauding octopus. The Devils tested out their shark repellant when Biff got to meet the Martian Canal Liars Club that he thought he’d made up. The Devils recovered unexploded depth charges for the military, and Dane discovered Neptune’s realm, where the god had been struck by a charge and had another one stuck in the tines of his trident. Dane risked his life to remove the charge, and Neptune shook his hand in gratitude, fulfilling his story. The Devils applied from the Liars club again, but were turned down because their tall tales had all turned true.
(Sea Devils #11) - The Devils were hired to be part of a scientific experiment to see how long they could live in undersea housing without suffering mental or physical side effects. The Devils were grateful to be of service to science, but on their way to the undersea dome they were attacked by a manta ray and an octopus, and Biff wondered if their mission was jinxed. They initially enjoyed their housing, with Biff playing darts all the time, Nicky watching TV non-stop, and Judy knitting day and night. The pressure of their isolation made Dane emotional, and after too many calls from the scientific vessel monitoring them he severed the communication line. The Devils started hallucinating, and an electrical storm turned their hallucinations into actual monsters. A pterosaur severed the dome’s air supply and seemingly killed Biff, a giant dragon dispatched Nicky, and a giant shattered the dome, drowning Judy. Dane fought the beasts one by one with a surge of thought energy, and after overcoming his fears his friends were restored to life.
(Sea Devils #12) - All of the Sea Devils except Nicky were awarded golden Davys, the highest honor in the skin-diving world, for their acts of bravery. Dane was awarded because he saved a sunken bathyscaphe from a killer whale, and lassoed the whale to return the submersible to the surface. Nicky was ashamed and wanted to quit because he felt unworthy of being called a Sea Devil. His teammates reassured him that he was as capable as them, he just hadn’t had an opportunity to prove his heroism. They made him agree to stay on with them for 24 hour, searching southern waters for the Marine Museum. The Devils were determined to win Nicky a Davy, so Judy feigned being unconscious and at the mercy of a giant sea urchin. Nicky bravely rescued her, but when she quickly “recovered” he realized he was being put on. He firmly told them he’d win a Davy honestly or not at all. His friends ignored his protests, and Biff and Dane both tried to put themselves in harms way, but Nicky saw through their charade and said he was finished with them. There was an S.O.S. after numerous ships started disappearing, and the Devils, minus Nicky, responded. The found a colossal Magnetic Menace who’d arisen from a volcano and drawn ships into his body. The Devils’ oxygen tanks stuck them helplessly to the creature, and Dane sent Nicky an S.O.S. Nicky was sure it was another trick, but responded anyway. He fled into a wrecked sub before the magnetic pull affected him, and fired the sub’s torpedo, destroying the creature. Nicky was awarded his Davy, and lovingly polished it for hours.
(Sea Devils #13) -DC Comics decided to start publishing the Sea Devils adventures, and sent artists to record their exploits. The first artist to meet the Sea Devils was Joe Kubert, and he went on a trip with them to the wreck of the Dishonor, where Dane went to dive alone and brood. Dane’s ancestor Capt. English named his ship the Honor, but Black Shark and his band of pirates took the ship without a single shot being fired by English. The pirates painted the name Dishonor on the ship before sinking it, and the incident became a black mark in the Dorrance family history. Dane surfaced angrier than ever that there was nothing he could do to change the past. The Sea Devils spotted a nuclear pirate sub near the wreck, and Dane tackled it alone, because he refused to let his teammates see his family’s disgrace. A missile knocked Dane groggy, and he imagined he was Capt English. To avenge the loss of the Honor he grabbed one of the ship’s cannonballs, plugging up the sub’s missile hatch, and the next shot fired caused it to explode. Dane proudly erased “Dis” from the Honor. The Devils next met Gene Colon, who helped them investigate a sunken Greek ship. The Devils found a coin bearing their image, and entered a time tide that took them back to the day the ship was sunk. The Greeks were being attacked by the Persians, and the king begged for their help. The Persian fleet flung fireballs at the Greek towns, and the Sea Devils tied the ships anchors together, causing them to crash and burn. The king minted a coin to celebrate the occasion, and the Devils returned to the present. Judy thought it was none too soon, because the king’s daughter had developed a crush on Dane, and she didn’t want the competition. The final artists the Devils met were the team of Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. The Devils made a replica of the Marie Celeste, a ship that vanished without a trace in the 19th Century, and boarded it, hoping to find out what happened to the original. The ship was beamed aboard a gigantic alien ship, and the aliens placed the replica in the same giant fish tank they had the Celeste, using the ships as decorations. The Devils set a timb bomb on the Celeste, escaped the tank, and rode the ship’s tractor beam to Earth as the bomb went off and the U.F.O. exploded.
(Sea Devils #14) - The Devils met their latest DC artist Irv Novick and took him to the sea carnival, where an enormous crown would be awarded to the king of the sea who caught a sea serpent at large. The festivities were interrupted by the gigantic Neptune and Hercules, who rose up from the water, battling. They heard Hercules telling Neptune that Zeus promised to make him a god if he defeated Neptune by nightfall, and Hera had temporarily given Hercules the power to do so. The Devils knew the sea would fall into chaos if Neptune fell, but Hercules’ wounded pride would be just as bad if he were defeated, so they set about delaying the fight, roping Hercules, leading him into the tentacles of a man ‘o war, and rolling boulders on him from a seamount. Night fell, and the giants were at a standstill, so Hercules lost by default. Hercules vowed to destroy the Devils for costing him godhood. The sea serpent appeared and attacked the Devils, but Hercules easily dispatched it, saying the Devils belonged to him. The Devils awarded him the king of the sea crown, and he was so touched that he said he’d wear it with pride in Olympus.
(Sea Devils #14) - DC artist Jack Abel covered the Devils next adventure. The Devils met the Junior Sea Devils, kids who were saving up for skin-diving equipment to be just like their idols. There was an Atlantic underwater relay race with a $50,000 prize, and the Devils put the Sea Witch up as collateral to win the prize and donate it to the Junior Sea Devils. Everyone was impressed with the Devils’ altruism except for entrant Karpas, an evil ocean scientist whose racers were an octopus, a manta ray, a sea lion, and a merman. The judges cried foul, but he said the rules didn’t state the team had to be human. He provided midget subs for the Devils and himself to observe the proceedings. The Devils were getting trounced, with the sea creatures being more adapted to the environment, and with Karpas cheating at every turn. Judy was the last racer, and was set against the merman. The merman out swam her until he ran into an undersea net, and was threatened by an electric eel. Judy couldn’t let him die to win the contest, so she defeated the eel, and set him free. In gratitude the merman turned against his master and let her cross the finish line. Karpas planned never to lose, and had set a time bomb aboard the Devils sub. The Devils escaped, but an undertow caused Karpas’ sub to collide with the one he gave the Devils, and the resulting explosion killed him.
(Sea Devils #15) - Judy and Nicky watched their father Prof. Walton on television, preparing to lead an experimental sub on a voyage of the ocean’s trenches. He’d been accused of using unsound scientific methods, but promised he’d return the crew in one piece. Walton and his crew disappeared, and the public blamed Walton for leading his men to death. The Devils were determined to exonerate him, and after finding his notes they practiced techniques for surviving the deep-sea that let them exist under immense pressure, dive for longer, and communicate telepathically. Judy had a nightmare that the public would always hate her father, and that her teammates would be led to their doom because of her need to clear her dad’s name. The next day the Devils descended into the Kurile Trench. The Devils realized their minds had become more fish-like because of their training, and they started to forget about their mission until Judy was almost swallowed by a carnivorous sea plant, and they regained their senses. They found the Prof.’s sub, trapped in a giant spider web, but Judy was attacked by a giant starfish, and the Devils knew they couldn’t save her and the sub. Judy told them not to treat her like a girl, and save her father. She was dragged off as the Devils freed the sub from the web with concussive charges. The spider pursued the Devils, and they fled to a cave where they found Judy and the starfish. They used a floating mine to destroy both giants, and resurfaced, having cleared Prof. Walton of any wrongdoing.
(Sea Devils #16) - During a routine ship towing mission an island appeared from thin air, and a wave washed the Devils overboard before a magic wind swept Biff and Judy to the island and Dane and Nicky out to sea. Dane and Nicky swam back, obly to find an invisible wall preventing them from approaching the island. Dane used his pneumatic drill to dig up to the island where they found Biff and Judy had been crowned rulers of a race of ancient people. The monarchs no longer recognized their friends and put them to hard labor. After their shift Dane and Nicky entered the island’s Temple of Tibor, and learned that the wizard Tibor created the island to imprison his enemies, and that it would only appear on the earthly plane every 100 years, at which point two outsiders would replace two of the hardest working of Tibor’s enemies. The Devils knew they had to save their friends before the island vanished, but when they tried to kidnap Biff and Judy the royal guard attacked them. The Devils used a concussive grenade to crack open the mountain where the magic wind resided, and it carried all of them away from the island. With Tibor’s spell broken, the island would never appear again, and Judy and Biff had no recollection of the entire adventure.
(Sea Devils #16) - The Sea Devils were on vacation in the Mediterranean when they came across the island of Blisspotamia, where they saw the locals ready to cast a girl into the sea as a sacrifice. Dalliope’s father explained that thousands of years ago his people lost the giant golden head of their goddess Tyla-Ta under the sea, and the gods would erupt Mount Holocaust if a sacrifice wasn’t made. Judy stepped into the role, knowing the Devils could save her. She was flung into the ocean, and her waiting teammates suited her up in her skin diving outfit. The Devils discovered the treasure of Tyla-Ta, but were attacked by a number of mythological beasts, including an undersea griffin and a Chimera. A basilisk turned Nicky to stone, but the Devil’s used the giant diamond on Tyla’Ta’s head to reflect it’s gaze back atself, petrifying it. They brought the golden goddess’ head to Blisspotamia, saving the island, and Dalliope returned Nicky to life with a kiss.
(Sea Devils #17) - A sea quake jarred an old German sub, which released its torpedoes, and the Devils rounded up the torpedoes before any harm could be done. Dane saw the torpedo he was taking care of tuern into a gigantic monster, and his friends started to worry about his sanity. Dane was convinced of what he saw, and when the Devils went to rescue the crew of a sunken schooner he saw mermen attacking Judy, but they passed right through her. The Devils wanted to admit him to a sanitarium for his own good, but he fled, and when Biff swam after him he cut Biff’s air hose. Dane came upon a ship’s captain who gave him refuge, and asked him to help raise the unsinkable vessel he’d gotten trapped between two coral reefs. Dane enraged a whale shark until it rammed the ship free, and the captain revealed himself as the alien K’spoora, and the vessel as his crew’s spaceship. He needed Dane’s help freeing it, so he’d used a hallucination ray on him to separate him from the Devils. The aliens planned on selling Earth to the highest bidder and using the hallucination ray to subjugate all Earthlings. Dane tussled with the aliens, but was forced to flee back to the Sea Witch. His teammates were still ready to lock him up, but he produced part of an alien’s spacesuit that he’d ripped off in the fight. Biff apologized, and Dane was angry he’d ever doubted him. Biff and Nicky went on a head-on confrontation with the aliens, knowing to ignore the horrible disasters and monsters the hallucination ray produced, while Dane and Judy snuck up on them with a camouflage boat. Dane stole one of the hallucination rays and used it on the aliens, convincing them that the Sea Devils possessed advanced technology that could easily destroy them. The aliens fled, and Dane gloated.
(Sea Devils #18) - The coast guard called the Devils after a group of fish men stole all the coffee from a cargo ship. The Devils investigated, and found a trail of coffee leading to an undersea cavern, where they spotted one of thwe fish men being chased by a giant marine reptile, and saved him. The fish man swan off, and they followed him to a subterranean land filled with supposedly extinct Pleistocene mega fauna. The fish men captured the Devils, who all turned into fish men themselves. They met the fish man leader Captain Jared Hood, a pirate they’d banished from the seas. He explained that his fellows had been cursed by a dark age wizard and banished to this prehistoric word. He found their civilization, and after turning into a fish man told them he had the power to change him back if they served him. He had them steal the coffee as a red herring, he wanted to lure in the Devils and put them on trial. The Devils escaped his clutches, and were almost out of the prehistoric world when a cage closed on them. The fish man they’d saved earlier freed Nicky and Biff, and promised to help them again when he could. Hood gloated at his victory, but Dane and Judy escaped and overpowered him, demanding to know what the cure to their condition was. He led them to a giant plant, claiming it was the cure, but it turned out to be a crusher plant that threatened the Devils lives. On shore Biff and Nicky found themselves human again, and realized there never was a cure. It was the cave’s fumes that kept men half-fish, and being away from them for a brief time reversed the effect. They returned to the cave, saved their friends, and turned the fish men against Hood. Hood used a grenade to kill most of his former allies, and when he lobbed his last grenade at the Devils it was the fish man the Devils saved who gave his life to shield them from the explosion. The Devils were furious with Hood, and told him he’d be spending the rest of his life in jail.
(Sea Devils #19) - The Sea Devils were testing government inventions, including a watercraft that could become airborne, when they had to respond to an attack on a ship by the diabolical Dr. Deep, who used a mind-transfer ray to switch the mind of a sea captain and an octopus. Dr. Deep was building a robotic army to conquer the world, and knowing he’d run into the heroes of the seven seas eventually, and had four robots in their likeness made up so their minds could be transferred into them and serve him. He put Biff and Nicky’s minds into his robots, but Judy and Dane avoided his beam. He commanded the Sea Devil robots to capture their former friends, but they failed, and the remaining Devils found Deep’s undersea hq. He transferred Dane’s mind into a thresher shark, and told them he was leaving to take Biff and Nicky’s human bodies from the Devil’s ship the Sea Witch. Dane, as a shark, and Judy tried to stop him, but he transferred Dane’s mind into a tiny fish, and assured himself Judy would cause him no problems. As he prepared to transfer Dane and Judy’s minds into his robots Judy got the drop on him, she’d disguised herself as one of his robots, and easily overpowered him. The Devils told him his dreams of conquest were over, and he’d only be another prisoner captured by the Sea Devils.
(Sea Devils #20) - The Sea Devils got a report of giant Reptile-Men attacking an oil rig, and investigated. They found the monsters, who tore apart the Sea With and dove beneath the surface. The Sea Devils pursued them, and found themselves teleported to the Reptile-Men’s underground world. They restrained the Sea Devils and explained that they were a prehistoric race that lived outside of humanity, using a molecular-transfer ray to create food and riches for themselves. Recently they’d been discovered by surface-men, who conducted a raid on their world, so they retaliated. Their talk was interrupted by the raiders, who stole the transfer-ray and made their way to the surface. The Sea Devils agreed to help the Reptile-Men retrieve their ray, fostering peace between the species. The raiders holed up on an island, and covered I with snowy slopes to keep the Sea devils at bay. Dane climbed a slope and used oxygen tanks as skis to sneak up on the crooks. He explained that their master plan of turning everything into gold and other riches was doomed to failure because it would only devalue gold. Their leader Lonnie saw the logic in Dane’s speech, and after Dane used some judo on him the crooks surrendered and the ray was returned to the Reptile-Men.
(Sea Devils #21) - The Coast Guard called the Sea Devils when an ammunition ship went down and they were unable to recover it. The Devils investigated using undersea bikes, and found a false section of sea-floor that was only transparent film. The broke through and found the ammunition ship. The villainous Dr. Quad had a hidden undersea lab nearby, and didn’t want the Sea devils or the coast guard to discover his nefarious inventions, so he hastily kidnapped Biff and used his transformation pills to pose as him. He tried to cause accidents as the Sea Devils worked on the ammunition ship, but they soon became wise to his scheme. He lured them into his lab and showed them his ultimate weapon, the moly-ray that could transform water into any object of his choosing. He transformed into an octopus to finish off the Devils, but they fought him off by jamming one of his tentacles into a power socket. Quad fled, but left them in a booby trapped room with crushing walls. The Sea Devils used steel rods to jam the walls’ motor, and pursued him. Quad used his moly-ray to create a sea monster, and transformed into Dane Dorrance, and fought the hero. Dane convinced his teammates he was the real deal by recounting how they’d escaped Quads lab. They destroyed the moly-ray, and with it gone the sea monster vanished as well.
(Sea Devils #22) - The Sea Devils created the International Sea Devils organization, dedicated to fighting injustice in the seven seas and bringing knowledge of life underwater to all mankind. The Sea Devils created a giant statue of Neptimus, first of the skin divers, to serve as a meeting place. Sikki, a member of the Indian Sea Devils team reported a battle between the mysterious Captain X and Man-Fish, who could transform himself into any type of aquatic life that threatened to rock the seven seas with terror. The American Sea Devils, accompanied by Sikki, headed towards Ceylon, the last place the combatants had been spotted. Dane watched his team, and worried that their flaws would tear them apart. Dane tried to give the team a pep talk when Captain X’s sub appeared, and he warned the Sea Devils to stay out of his business. He fired a steel net around their deep-sea submersible the Crab, but they were rescued by Man-Fish. Dane went off solo in pursuit of Captain X, and learned that he was his long lost father John. Radiation from his sub kept him from leaving it, and he’d accidentally given Man-Fish his powers. Man-Fish thought the coral jade belonging to sea monster Horro could restore his humanity, but X warned Dane that Horro would rain destruction down on mankind if awoken. Man-Fish convinced the rest of the Sea Devils to help him steal the coral jade from Horro. Biff idolized his confidence, and Judy fell for his rugged good looks and saw him as a perfect Hollywood co-star. Man-Fish woke Horro, who quickly defeated him and attacked the Indian coast until Captain X and Dane retaliated and forced him to flee. X and Man-Fish went their separate ways, but the Sea Devils were split in their loyalties. Dane wanted to find a cure that would let his dad leave his sub, and the rest of the team were still awestruck by Man-Fish.
(Sea Devils #23) - The Sea Devils attended the annual skin-divers ball, and for a laugh they went to a fortune teller that predicted they’d become outcasts of the seven seas. They took it as a joke, but were somewhat shaken by the prediction. The International Sea Devils called a meeting when an automated weapons control capsule ment to detect undersea earthquakes sunk off the British Isles had been tampered with, supposedly by maelstroms and a kraken. Molo and some other International members thought it was hooey, but the Sea Devils had experienced legends of the sea and weren’t able to discount sea monsters being responsible. The Sea Devils and the International team made their way to the Hebrides Islands on the Flying Fish hydrofoil to investigate, but a maelstrom sucked them into the underwater lair of shipping magnate Aristides Krono. He explained that he followed all the superstitions of the sea, and felt his business success was due to his ancestor Neptimus, the first skin diver, whose wrecked ship had been undisturbed until the weapon capsule landed on it. He’d created the kraken and maelstrom to keep anyone from disturbing the wreck, and locked up the Devils in a prison. They escaped, but as they swam away krono shot yellow mist at them that made them believe their worst fears were coming true. Dane thought he lost his precious ability to command, the ability that made him feel like a man. The Devils panicked, thinking they were now outcasts of the sea, and let the International team fall back into Krono’s clutches. The Devils were too afraid to return to sea, but they started arguing bitterly with each other, and realized destroying their bond was actually their worst fear. The Devils rescued their International team, and animated their headquarters, the giant statue of Neptimus, to speak to Krono and convince him to stop following superstitions.
(Sea Devils #24) -Dane used a radio frequency to contact Captain X, wanting to spend time with his father, but X told him he was being pursued by Man-Fish. Dane told the Sea devils he was off on a solo mission, not wanting to reveal his relationship with X. Judy was angry that he wasn’t spending time with her, and threatened to jilt him for Man-Fish if he didn’t stop neglecting her. Dane discovered Captain X’s sub had been flooded, and there was no sign of his father. He thought Man-Fish must have killed his dad, and promised vengeance. He called a meeting of the International Sea Devils, and they agreed to help him hunt Man-Fish, but didn’t understand his burning need for revenge. The used X’s sub to travel, and found Man-Fish entering a coral cave, and despite Judy’s objection that Man-Fish deserved a trial Dane collapsed the cave. A giant crab monster emerged, and the Sea Devils mistook it for Man-Fish in one of his guises. They clashed repeatedly with the monster, and Dane made it clear he’d sacrifice his friend’s lives to kill it. The Sea Devils were ready to revolt, so Dane pulled a gun on them, but Biff socked him and wrestled away the firearm. The Sea Devils all abandoned ship except for Dane, who refused to leave. He discovered Captain X in the sub’s torpedo, he’d hidden there to duck Man-Fish. The sea monster had been hounded by Dane long enough, and tried to destroy the sub, but the real man-Fish appeared and battled the monster, with their fight plunging them both into a deep-sea canyon. Dane bid his father farewell, and apologized to the Sea devils for his madness. They forgave him, telling Dane they were nothing without him.
(Sea Devils #25) -The Sea Devils helped a young man who was being chased by a skin-diver with a spear gun. The boy was Jose Cantral, who was fleeing El Supremo, a fascist leader of a small South American country bordering his own. Supremo was trying to steal his country’s oil rights, and he came to the Sea devils seeking help. The Sea Devils were unsure about engaging in international politics, but they assembled the International Sea devils, and put it to a vote. The International team sided with Jose, so they made their way to South America inside Neptimus. As they drew near Nicky took Jose out scuba-diving, being thrilled that he had someone his own age to talk to. El Supremo attacked them with crocodiles with land mines around their necks, and the resulting explosions knocked out Nicks, and he washed ashore in South America. International Sea Devil Miguel, from El Supremo’s country, seemingly betrayed the Sea devils, and handed control of Neptimus over to Supremo. Jose’s people decided to make Nicky the leader of their revolution, but when the Sea Devils met up with him they asked for a chance to peacefully resolve the conflict, not wanting to start all-out war. They used the Crab to sneak into Supremo’s country, but were captured and placed inside Volcano Man, a giant statue that filled up with lava when a nearby volcano erupted. Miguel saved them, he’d only pretended to betray them to gain Supremo’s trust, and together they overthrew the dictator and united the people of both nations. Nicky thought being a revolutionary was swell, but he knew he belonged with the Sea devils, so he handed over the reigns to Jose.
(Sea Devils #26) - Dane continued his telegraph communication with Captain X, and Judy complained that he hadn’t spent time with her in months. He blew her off, and she sobbed that even though she was a Sea Devil, she was also a woman. She went diving to forget her problems, and met her secret crush Man-Fish, who was looking for someone to share his tragically existence with. Judy resisted, so he hypnotized her into following him. Dane pursued, but was captured by the Gamester, a villain seeking the location of the legendary magnetic warp that could supposedly restore youth. He knew Captain X knew where it was, and had been monitoring Dane’s communications with X, so he deducced that they were related. He invited Man-Fish and the hypnotized Judy to help him and gain vengeance on X, and Man-Fish accepted. Gamester broadcasted to X, threatening Dane’s life, but Captain X refused to give up his secret,. Hoping Dane would find a way to win the day. Gamester let Man-Fish take Dane away, and he tied Dane to a target in a naval firing range. Captain X followed close behind, and with the help of the Sea Devils he saved Dane. Man-Fish was furious that the naval torpedoes didn’t blow Dane up, so he took him elsewhere to dispense punishment. Captain X broke down and agreed to lead Gamester tpo the magnetic warp, and Gamester followed Dane and freed him. Man-Fish felt betrayed, so when Gamester approached the warp he attacked his submersible. The warp created an explosion that seemingly destroyed Gamester, and the blast restored Judy to her senses. Judy half-joked that if Dane didn’t start paying attention to her now she’d leave him for Man-Fish.
(Sea Devils #27) - Dane rescued a young scuba-diver after she’d been poisoned by a zebra fish. He told Judy it was a shame that those new to the sport didn’t understand all the safety precautions, or have their knowledge. She proposed they do something about it, so they started the Sea Devil Scuba School, and had many eager applicants, who they dubbed the Tadpoles. The top Tadpole was Petey Eldridge, and the Sea Devils considered making him a part of their International team, especially after he saved Dane from a giant angler-fish. The Devils inducted him, and showed him their secret treasures, including a sub-sea museum of ancient shipwrecks, and a depository of rare minerals that they gave to countries according to need. The Sea Devils were soon attacked by a sub that stole the minerals, and later contended with the Micro-Monsters, plankton grown to titanic proportions, and Dane wondered if Petey was connected to these events. He followed him home and learned that he’d been feeding information to his brother Roy Eldridge and his boss Von Shlager. Roy had convinced Petey that he’d once fought Dane and survived an explosion that scarred his face, and desperately needed money for plastic surgery, which was how he convinced his kid brother to infiltrate the Sea Devils. In truth he needed money for Shlager, who used the minerals to construct a plankton-expander that created the Micro-Monsters, and he planned to use his beasts to ransom the seaports of various nations. Shlager shot at Petey when he learned he’d been duped, but Roy took the bullet for him. Shlager fled in his sub, and used his Micro-Monsters to attack an English Liner. Petey joined the Sea Devils and the Internationals team, and Petey, hating his betrayal of his friends, risked his life to injure a giant diatom that almost killed Dane and Judy. The injured diatom lashed out and destroyed Shlager. The Sea Devils blasted away the last of the Micro-Monsters, and for his bravery and repentance they let Petey stay in the International team.
(Sea Devils #28) - Man-Fish landed a movie role using his power to transform into sea life as a special effect, but only accepted after the director promised Judy a role as well. Judy was overjoyed, and Man-Fish hoped he’d win her away from Dane by helping her movie career. The rest of the Sea Devils aided Professor Rend in a scientific expedition, sinking a deep corer to find fossil remains of the Manosaur. They seemingly recovered the Manosaur, and when Judy caught up with her teammates, it came to life and abducted her. Judy found herself in the underwater lair of Professor Rand, who’d become obsessed with the Manosaur’s powers of adaptation, and hoped to find a way to bestow those powers on himself. He’d created the Manosaur robot that the Sea Devils found as a red herring. He’d previously found an embryonic Manosaur that went down on a shipwreck, and wanted the secrets of its powers for himself. Rend took Judy and the Manosaur robot to the shipwreck, but the embryo fully matured, and was in a rampaging mood. It destroyed the robot, and turned against Rend and Judy just as the Sea Devils and Man-Fish arrived to save them. Dane risked his life to save Judy, and was carried off by the Manosaur. Man-Fish promised Judy he’d save him, but secretly planned to let Dane die so he’d have no competition for her affections. The Manosaur proved too much for Man-Fish, but the timely arrival of Captain X allowed Dane to go free, and the Sea Devils used underwater grenades to kill the Manosaur.
(Sea Devils #29) - The Sea Devils and an oceanography professor investigated a newly formed fissure in the sea floor when their bathysphere was attacked by a gigantic humanoid. The Sea Devils kept him from destroying the bathysphere, but a flick of his wrist knocked Nicky unconscious, and he fell to the sea floor. A sea craft appeared, and trapped the remaining Sea Devils and the giant in bubbles, and brought them aboard the ship, where the giant returned to normal size. He told the Sea Devils his name was Lucas, and he’d been transformed by the owners of the craft, a technologically advanced race that lived in an undersea kingdom. After being examined by the science council they were presented to the Golden Goddess, the queen of the society, and she chose Dane to take the test of the kings to see if he was worthy of her. Judy became furious with jealousy, and Dane wanted no part of it, but she forced him into a tank to fight the dragon-like monster Valdo. Dane tossed a spear into the monster’s mouth, wounding it, and it fell into the tank’s spikes, impaling itself. The Goddess told Dane he’d passed, and she’d give him time to say goodbye to his friends before she executed them and made him her king. Dane talked to the Sea Devils, and Lucas told him the Golden people used gold to extend their lifespans, and were fearful of surface-dwellers stealing their gold. Dane promised to save his friends, but the Goddess was eavesdropping, and decided Dane would die alongside the rest of them. In the nick of time Nicky arrived with the International Sea Devils and Neptimus. The Sea devils escaped, and the fissure opening up to the world of the Golden people closed. Lucas started dying, and confessed that the reason the Golden people had transformed him and were so hard on surface dwellers was because he had indeed tried to steal the secrets of their gold process.
(Sea Devils #30) - An oceanographic team put Caesar, a trained chimp, in a bathyscaphe to see if a human could survive a mile deep plunge into the ocean, and the Sea Devils were on hand should anything go wrong. The bathyscaphe exploded, and the Devils responded, only to find that Caesar had been transformed into a giant possessing human-level intelligence. He attacked the Devils, blaming humanity for his predicament, and they were forced to retreat. They ran into Man-Fish, and wondered if he was the one who took on the shape of a giant ape to torment them. He denied this, but after they explained who Caesar was he got an idea to team up with him. The Sea Devils tackled Caeser and Man-Fish again, but were captured. Man Fish didn’t want to see Judy hurt, even if it ruined his plans to have Caesar help him destroy Captain X, so he set them free. It was revealed that Caesar was actually safe aboard an alien spacecraft, the monster was an energy image created by aliens who wanted to see how vulnerable Earth was to an attack. The Sea Devils and the International Sea Devils chased off the aliens and saved Caesar.
(Challengers of the Unknown I #51) -
(Sea Devils #31) - Te Sea Devils were going for a swim when the water surface turned diamond-hard separating Biff on the surface from his teammates. The surface cracked and created a ,maelstrom that sucked Biff to the sea’s depths while the rest of the Sea Devils rode a water spout into the city. The seas went wild, with tropical waters freezing, molten rain hitting coasts, and whales appearing in cities. Biff found the golden rock, the cause of the chaos, and it transformed him into a monstrous sea monster and demanded he obey it. The rest of the Devils went diving to uncover why the seas were disturbed and ran into Biff. He resisted the rock’s urgings, and tried to explain the situation to his friends, but he had magical powers that kept buffeting them. The Devils concluded that he was the cause and asked a group of scientists for help in destroying the monster. The scientists gave the Devils a heavy-water cannon, and they confronted the Biff monster again. He couldn’t articulate his plight, and they fired. Biff survived, but the blast opened up a deep sea chasm that swallowed the golden rock. Biff returned to human form and his friends took him to the hospital. They wondered exactly what the rock was, and why it caused so much trouble, but they realized they could only speculate.
(Sea Devils #32) - The Sea Devils came across two scuba-divers who were looking for the time capsule the Devils recently helped bury in the ocean. They claimed they were doing a photo layout, but when the Sea Devils led them to the spot they attacked with futuristic weapons, and escaped to a spaceship. The Sea Devils followed, and found themselves in the year 2166. They escaped their captors and found the ship of Luv-El, who explained that she knew of the legend of the Sea Devils. The men who teleported them to the future were slaves of the Outsiders, an alien race that had enslaved Earth and were in the process of liquefying the atmosphere so they could terraform Earth. One of Luv-El’s double agents reported that the Outsiders wanted the time capsule because eit contained the planet-stone. The planet-stone leeched salt from the sea, and the Devils had included it in the time capsule in case salt levels on Earth ever got dangerously high. The Outsiders were draining the seas to liquefy the atmosphere, and needed the planet-stone to complete their plans. The Devils and Luv-El broke into the Outsiders throne room, and blasted their tyrant. The Devils took back the planet-stone and used a timewarp to return to their own time. They had a rocket ship take the planet-stone off world so the Outsiders couldn’t use it against the human race in the future.
(Sea Devils #33) - The Sea Devils came across a luxury yacht being robbed by Sea Wolf and his band of pirates, the Wolf-Pack. They’d used a paralyzing fog-gas to disable the passengers, and when the Sea Devils boarded Sea Wolf gave them a dose of the gas before escaping. The passengers and the Sea Devils recovered, and the Devils had to have a passenger develop the photos he took to prove to the suspicious crew that Sea Devil really did rob them. Sea Wolf wanted to put an end to the Devils, so after robbing a gold carrying liner he had the captain radio the All-Nations Undersea Lab with his challenge to the Devils. The Devils never backed down from a challenge, but once they reached Sea Wolf’s undersea hq they were captured by Manchine, the sentient computer that dictated Sea Wolf’s plans. Sea Wolf kept bragging about Manchine’s abilities, and showed them the wrecker beam that destroyed anything to get to the precious gold of ships. This gave Judy an idea, and she tossed a gold earring at Manchine, and the computer fired the beam at itself. Manchine was destroyed, and the Devils apprehended Sea Wolf.
(Sea Devils #34) - The Sea Devils responded to a report of sea monsters threatening a cargo ship, but they discovered the “monsters” were disguised buoys created by the trouble-making hippies the Sea Angels. The Devils disapproved of them, but admitted they didn’t own the ocean and had to let the Angels be on their way. Dane promised the kids he’d be keeping an eye on them. The Angels found a message in a bottle telling them how to control a sea monster imprisoned by a medieval sorcerer, and they used the monster to scare the Sea Devils for giving them a hard time. An identical monster started robbing cargo ships, and the Sea Devils demanded an explanation. It turned out that there were two monsters trapped by the sorcerer, and they’d been discovered by the villainous Professor Steed,. He sent the message to the Sea Angels so they’d take the blame for his monster’s piracy. The Sea Angels had grown attached to their monster, but agreed to lend it to the Sea Devils to help take down Steed’s monster. The beasts clashed, but the Angel’s monster died when Steed shot it with a piece of the magic seaweed that kept them imprisoned for centuries. Dane dove into the water, retrieved the seaweed, and used it to kill Steed’s monster. The Sea Angels weren’t having fun anymore after seeing their monster die, and the Devils conceded that deep down they were okay kids.
(Sea Devils #35) - The Devils rescued the crew of a cargo ship that hit a landmine, and Dane dove in the water to sweep for other mines. He discovered a glowing patch of water and disappeared within. Moments later a sea monster emerged, and the Sea Devils believed the glowing water had transformed Dane. The monster wrecked havoc on the sea lanes, bringing down ship after ship until the military intervened. The Sea Devils asked for a chance to bring back the monster unharmed, but the Pentagon nixed them. The Sea Devils made a go of it anyway, shooting the monster with sleeping pellets, but that didn’t stop the military from destroying the monster with torpedoes. The Devils mourned their loss, but more monsters soon appeared, and Biff enterd the glowing water only to find a group of the monsters constructing a giant machine. He also found Dane, who explained that the monsters were from another dimension, and keeping him hostage. The machine they were building required steel from ships, and would generate an electrical charge that would make them invincible. Biff freed Dane, and the Sea Devils managed to destroy the machine wiby attaching a number of mines to it. The resulting explosion also killed the monsters.
(Action Comics #553) - Immortal Man gathered Dane and a number of other heroes and asked them to aid him in combating Vandal Savage. He told them they were Forgotten Heroes, but they could still make a difference. Immortal Man told them Vandal Savage infected Superman with time-seeds from the time pyramids. As the seeds dropped in Metropolis Park they turned it into a prehistoric jungle that quickly spread to the heart of Metropolis. Dane and the Heroes investigated the pyramids, and then contacted Superman and let him know about Savage's plans. Superman flew into the sun to burn off the seeds, and then traveled back in time with Rip Hunter to the Big Bang to destroy the original time pyramid. He succeeded, causing the time pyramids to disappear from the present, but Superman was lost in the timestream, and Rip Hunter returned to the present without him.
(Aquaman V #23-25) - Dane and the Sea Devils were on a cruise when a battle between Aquaman and Kordax caused psychic backlash in aquatic life, and panicked whales sunk the Devils ship. Aquaman enlisted the Sea Devils to help him in his battle against the Hunters, who had designs on Earth. The Hunters launched their attack against each city of Atlantis, but were repelled by the heroes. The heroes were unable to save the Atlantean city Brasil, destroyed in another assault. The Hunters went to Washington and offered humanity a golden age, but Aquaman exposed their plan to harrow humanity to achieve their end goal, and the Hunters left Earth after being rejected.
Comments: Created by Robert Kanigher & Russ Heath.
Dane Dorrance received profiles in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #20 under the Sea Devils entry and Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #8 under the Forgotten Heroes entry.
Dane’s appearance in Sea Devils #3 was reprinted in Action Comics I #443.
Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated a comic book titled “The Unknown Challenges of the Challengers of the Unknown” featuring Dane and the Sea Devils in Bizarro Comics #1.
All characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © DC Comics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please visit The Official DC Comics Site at: http://www.batman.com