Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Sorcerer, would-be world conqueror

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Earth-The Wild

First Appearance: Batman / Dark Joker: The Wild (November, 1993)

Powers: Dark Joker was a powerful magician with hordes of demons at his command. He could control nature and surround himself in an impervious sphere of darkness.

History(Batman / Dark Joker: The Wild) - A dark magician who only found happiness in inflicting violence on others came into conflict with Majister, a magician of the light. Majister declared that someone who laughed at pain deserved a permanent mark and cast a spell turning the dark magician’s skin pale and gave him a hideous rictus, dubbing him the Dark Joker. Majister and his wife Lilandra imprisoned the magic essence of Joker’s darkness in a cask. Over the next hundred years Dark Joker’s power grew and his demonic army threatened The Wild, so Lilandra and Majister conceived a child they believed was destined to defeat him. They began to perform a magic ritual on the newborn, but Dark Joker and his demons broke into their castle, stabbing Lilandra and Majister to death before tossing the newborn out a window and burning the castle to the ground.  His parents magic hand changed the baby into a batlike creature, and he instinctually flew himself to safety. The child grew up by himself in the wilderness. Dark Joker continued and his army threatening to conquer every part of The Wild. Joker lived in a forest filled with corpses impaled on spikes and severed heads nailed to trees, and the gruesome sights always kept him in good humor. He was frustrated that he could never figure a way to use Majister’s stolen talisman to unlock the cask of magic that was once his. A mysterious woman warned a small village that Dark Joker threatened their town, and they sent their strongest hunters to confront him. They were slaughtered, with their corpses added as trophies to Joker’s forest. The townsfolk blamed the woman, and tried to burn her at the stake, but her protective magics saved her. Joker turned his eye to the village, using the forces of nature to destroy it, and the woman decided she must find the bat creature she knew lived in the woods to defeat him. The woman introduced herself to the Batman as Seressa, and promised to educate him and teach him the ways of the world. Batman learned of his heritage, and Saressa said to fulfill his destiny and defeat the Joker he’d need to complete the spell his parents started and bathe in blood in the moonlight. Saressa told him the blood would have to be hers, but Batman couldn’t stand the thought of a woman who’d showed him so much love sacrificing herself. Dark Joker opened the cask, and sought out Majister’s castle so he could unlock the full power of his talismna. White Batman was out hunting for food Seressa slipped away and confronted Dark joker, telling him his evil would come to an end. He scoffed at her, animated the bodies in his corpse forest, who mutilated her. Batman tracked down Saressa, and with her dying breathe she revealed that she was his older sister, and begged him to embrace his destiny. Batman, in grief and pain, bathed in her blood. Joker set his sights on Hightown, convincing a young boy to take the cask, warning him not to open it. When the boy felt compelled to ignore his warning the cask spilled out a monstrous horde. Batman approached the leader of Hightown, Jaymes, and warned him of the evil on his doorstep. Joker’s airships invaded the village and Batman helped the townsfolk fight the invasion off. Jayme’s council members were unsure of Batman, fearing he was a force for evil because of his monstrous appearance, and were skeptical when Batman asked them to come with him and finish off Joker. Batman said he’d go himself, but Jaymes convinced him to give him a day to convince the council he was a force for good. Council member Rath was against Jaymes and challenged him for leadership, but Jaymes defeated him in physical combat and convinced Hightown to back Batman. Batman and the villagers, using Joker’s own repaired airships, stormed Majister’s castle. After an intense battle Jaymes and his company beat back the demons and Batman wrested his father’s talisman from Joker. Batman tossed Joker from the castle, and he died being bashed against the rocks below, the same fate he had in store for Batman when he was a newborn. With Joker’s death Batman found that he could change into human form at will, and told Jaymes that if evil forces ever threatened Hightown again he would protect them.

Comments: Created by Doug Moench & Kelley Jones.

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