Real Name: Deacon Dark

Class: Extraterrestrial

Occupation: Deacon

Group Affiliation: Eternal Light Corporation

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Thanagar

First Appearance: Mystery in Space II #2 (December, 2006)

Powers: Deacon Dark was an immortal energy being, and he possessed the powers of mind control and telekinesis.


(Strange Adventures II #1, 2) - With the absence of Synnar, running the Eternal Light Corporation fell entirely in Dark's hands. He wished to familiarize himself with the Abberant Six, because they would play a role in his lord's future plans, but his assistant Coriolus criticized him for messing with the affairs of gods. Dark cast a spell to summon Hawkman for an interview, but Coriolus' 'clumsiness' wrecked the spell and sent Hawkman into another dimension. Dark gave Coriolus a mystic talisman and demanded he retrieve the warrior. An unforeseen event caused Lord Synarr to recorporate into the physical plane in Weird's body and he contacted Deacon Dark via satellite. Dark was pleased to report that he continued to spread his word on Thanagar and continued to build up a military. Synnar asked him about the whereabouts of the Aberrant Six, and Deacon told him he had no idea where they were

Comments: Created by Jim Stalin & Shane Davis.

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