Real Name: Boston Brand

Class: Human spirit

Occupation: Wandering spirit

Group Affiliation: Justice League Dark

Known Relatives: Barbara Brand (mother), Gary Brand (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, Prime Earth

First Appearance: DC Universe Presents #1 (November, 2011)

Powers: Deadman was normally invisible and intangible, but he could be seen and sometimes touched by other supernatural beings. Deadman could temporarily inhabit living bodies, taking complete control of that bodies’ actions. The consciousness of those possessed by Deadman went to sleep, unaware of his presence.


(Hawk & Dove V #1) - Hawk and Dove foiled a terrorist attack by Alexander Quirk and his techno-zombies on the Washington Monument, and Dove went to spend some time with Deadman. Dove accepted that she was tied to Hawk because they were avatars of opposing forces, but she wasn’t thrilled by it. She admitted to Deadman that she’d never told him her origins, which she only shared with Deadman because she cared about him, and Hawk had never questioned her. Deadman was surprised that Hawk didn’t know her relationship to his deceased brother, the first Dove, and she replied that it was for the best.

(Hawk & Dove V #2) - DC Special Crimes officer Washi Watanabe found one of Alexander Quirk’s secret labs, and Hawk and Dove helped him raid it, defeating another group of R.O.T. techno-zombies. Watanabe informed the heroes that Quirk had released a statement promising reprisal for destroying his lab. Deadman visited the scene, asking if Dove had time to talk, but she was irritated that he was interrupting her while she was working, and the rebuffed and annoyed Deadman left.

(Hawk & Dove V #3-5) - Hank and Dawn were attending a White House celebration honoring Judge Hall with a lifetime achievement award presented by President Obama. They were forced into action when avatars of war Condor and Swan attacked the president. Condor threatened to neuter President Obama, and while Dove tried to calm the situation down, Hawk leapt into battle, making a point of saying he didn’t vote for Obama, but he wouldn’t see him hurt. During the fight Condor bit the head off a secret service agent, and told Hawk he’d only threatened Obama to draw him and Dove out, and revealed that he knew Hawk’s secret identity and that Hawk was created for a war he knew nothing about. Dove and Swan paired off in battle, with Dove calling her opponent a cheap knock-off. Swan mentioned a war circle that considered Hawk and Dove a joke and told Dove she she was going to kill her and absorb her powers. Swan revealed the enchanted dagger she intended to steal Dove’s powers with. Deadman possessed Obama, helping Hall get to safety, and then tried to possess Condor, but instead of gaining control of him he was confronted my a monstrous winged creature that was part of Condor’s soul and driven out. Dove had taken care of Swan, and saved Hawk by stabbing Condor with the enchanted dagger. Condor was wounded, but not dead, and when his healing factor kicked in he turned back into his human form, that of a frail old man. Condor was taken into DCPD custody, and after Judge Hall pulled some strings Watanabe allowed Hawk and Dove to interrogate the prisoner. Condor was unresponsive, so Hawk told Dove and Watanabe to leave the interrogation room, and started threatening Condor with violence. Watanabe told Dove the good cop / bad cop routine didn’t work outside of movies, and asked how she knew Hawk wouldn’t actually hurt Condor. Dove said she made sure Hawk never crossed and lines, and Watanabe asked her who kept her from crossing lines. Condor threatened Hawk, saying he’d cut the avatar out of him and eat it alive, and said he wanted Dove dead because he didn’t understand avatars of peace, and said that what he didn’t understand deserved to die. Condor said Hawk was a fool because he associated with Deadman, as his ghostly presence made the avatars within them visible targets. He said that when Swan cut Dove with his enchanted blade Dove’s avatar was cut, opening an energy conduit that let Swan switch planes of reality. Deadman came to visit Dove, and his timing turned out to be awful, as Swan reappeared, physically grabbed him, and disappeared. Dove demanded Condor tell her where Swan took Deadman, and he said he’d use Deadman to track down the rest of the war circle and kill them, saving Hawk and Dove for last. An explosion opened a hole in the jail cell and Quirk’s men and R.O.T. zombies swarmed inside. Condor had contracted Alexander Quirk to free him, and he was flown off in a helicopter. Condor and Swan trapped Deadman in a chaos crystal and channeled his magic to open a gateway to the War Realm. Hawk and Dove contacted Deadman’s ally Xanadu, and she sensed the danger he was in, telling the duo to go to Salem and find a demon named gob. After Hawk and Dove roughed up the demon he relented and told them about the portal to the War Realm located in Harmony Theatres in Washington, D.C.. Hawk told Dove he was concerned with how hung up she was on her boyfriend, and wondered if it was worth it to save him. Hawk feared Deadman was inadvertently messing with their partnership and their connection to the gods of war and peace. Dove said nothing Hawk could say would change how much she loved Deadman, and he begrudgingly agreed to keep searching for him. At the portal to the War Realm they found Condor had sacrificed Swan to the war gods, increasing the power of his avatar and transforming him into a giant monstrous bird. He fought with Hawk and dove, eager to kill them and claim their power. He slashed Dove’s stomach, and light poured out from her, obliterating him. Hawk noted that Swan’s body had also disappeared. Deadman was free, but was upset that he’d been used by the war avatars to get at Dove. He said they had to end their relationship, and that it would be best for everyone involved.

Comments: Created by Arnold Drake & Carmine Infantino.

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