Real Name: Dekker

Class: Angel

Occupation: Angel

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, formerly Heaven

First Appearance: Swamp Thing IV #7 (November, 2004)

Powers: Like all angels Dekker was immortal and could access the power of the Abrahamic God.

History: (Swamp Thing IV #8 (fb), 7, 8) - The angel Dekker had a theory that humanity constituted an elemental force, and Archangel Michael branded him a heretic, banishing him from Heaven until he renounced his heresy or proved it. Dekker spent millennia in vain searching for men who would prove the embodiment of his theory. He failed to find his man in nobility or warriors, and later drifted to the fathers of the American Revolution, but was let down by them as well. He then sought out the more base members of humanity who had a will to power such as Adolph Hitler and decades later Charles Manson. Dekker met the sorcerer Arcane, and although. Arcane was not his man he impressed Dekker because he'd once left his human form behind and gained the power of Swamp Thing for a brief time. Dekker thought that a man who conquered an elemental would prove the human element, and chose big-game hunter Max Ramhoff to serve under, convincing him to hunt down Swamp Thing. Max funded cryptozoologist Coleman Wadsworth to locate Swamp Thing without telling him about his true intentions. After an encounter with Swamp Thing Wadsworth was awed but fled into the swamp after the elemental told him he desired solitude. Dekker and Ramhoff ran into him, and thanked him for his service before confronting Swamp Thing themselves. Swamp Thing was with his daughter Tefe's friend Columbia, and when she started flirting with Ramhoff he lost interest in trying to shoot Swamp Thing, which would have been a futile gesture anyway. Dekker raged at his failure, and when Wadsworth came running in to warn Swamp Thing Dekker killed him. Swamp Thing was devastated that he couldn't save a man trying only to help him, and Dekker told him a life of unending failure and frustration was what he lived with every day, and vanished.

Comments: Created by Will Pfeifer & Richard Corbin.

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