Real Name: Kimon Tanaka

Class: Human cyborg

Occupation: Supervillain, sea captain

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Tanaka (brother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Tokyo, Japan

First Appearance: (Kimon Tanaka) Aquaman V #4 (December, 1994), (Demon Gate) Aquaman V #26 (November, 1996)

Powers: Demon Gate's body was mostly machinery, giving him superhuman durability and speed. He wielded a cybernetic battleaxe that discharged electricity, and his gauntlet shot bursts of flamne.

History: Tanaka hunted dolphins, and was stopped by Aquaman, who commanded a group of sharks to tear him to shreds.

(Aquaman V #27 (fb)) - After the shark attack Kimon's brother from Raiden Industries recovered his near-dead body and performed cybernetic surgery on him. As the cyborg Demon Gate he swore revenge on Aquaman because he felt like a soulless freak, more machine than man.

(Aquaman V #26, 27) - To avenge himself on Aquaman, Demon Gate slaughtered a number of dolphins, including Aquaman's adoptive mother Porm. He used her blood to write the Japanese character for vengeance next to her body. Aquaman discovered Porm and wanted justice, tracking Demon gate in japan. Demon gate confronted Aquaman at Raiden Industries, telling him that if Aquaman hadn't found him he would have sought him out. After a battle Aquaman prevailed, but was detained by Japan's police force. The office of the Japanese Ministry refused to extradite Demon gate to Atlantis, or prosecute him for his dolphin slaying. Aquaman forbid anyone from Japan from going over the oceans or seas, his territory, and gave them 24 hours to hand over Demon gate before Atlantis declared war on Japan.

Comments: Created by Peter David & Marty Egeland.

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