Real Name: Jim Gordon

Class: Parallel Earth (Earth-Batman Year 100) human

Occupation: GCPD detective

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Commissioner Gordon (grandfather)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City, 2039 (Earth-Batman Year 100)

First Appearance: Batman: Year 100 #1 (2006)

Powers: Gordon was a skilled detective.

History:  (Batman: Year 100 #1, 2) - America was ruled by the totalitarian FCP, and Detective Gordon bristled at how they interfered in GCPD business. An AAPC soldier was shot in the subway, and the feds told him it was out of Gordon's jurisdiction. The FCP suspected the Batman, who's taken the mantle of the last masked hero to operate under the new tyrannical government. Gordon's grandfather worked with the original Batman in 1939, and Agent Tibble grilled Gordon, demanding to know why he hadn't warned his police force about the vigilante. Gordon, like the majority of the populace, assumed the original Batman was a myth, and he hadn't heard of someone in Gotham dressing like him. Gordon went toe to toe with the federal agent, but agreed that he was obliged to work under him and pull up any GCPD documents about Batman going back a century. Gordon found documents about Batman stretching from 1939 up to 1986, with two later appearances in 2005 and 2016. He said Batman had to be several individuals to have been operating so long, but handwriting samples and voice prints seemed to indicate it was one person. Tibble arrived for his report, and handed over his latest medical tests to prove that not a single aspect of anyone's personal life was out of bounds for the FPC. This intimidation attempt fired up Gordon, who told Tibble he hadn't been able to dig up anything about Batman. Tibble was infuriated, and demanded results in the next 12 hours. Gordon determined to investigate the AAPC crimescene, and forged a writ to gain access. He searched the scene, and found that the surveillance tapes had been erased. He found a digital backup that confirmed Batman was not the killer, but the AAPC, having found him out, beat him savagely. They savaged him until he gave his word to forget what he'd seen and cooperate with Tibble.

(Batman: Year 100 #3, 4) - The battered Gordon went to see his forensic scientist Goss, who patched him up, and he said he feared for his life. Years ago he worked as a warden in Arkham Asylum, and the FPC exterminated every last resident, calling it a solution to the supervillain problem. Gordon never breathed a word of what happened, so Agent Pravdzka of the FPC saw to it that he entered the GPCD and rose up the ranks, seeing him as a pawn he could use whenever he chose. Gordon was sick of the FPC, and fled Gotham before it was cordoned off because the Batman continued to cause the FPC problems. Gordon went upstate to his grandfather's cabin, and poured over his old photos and casefiles relating to Batman. He learned little, but found a laptop, and after racking his brain he failed to figure out the password until as a last ditch attempt he typed "Bruce Wayne." Gordon learned Batman's entire history, and believed the current Batman to actually be the original. Tibble used a holo call to demand Gordon meet him with what he had at the state park at dawn. Batman contacted Gordon with a holo call, and Gordon said he was assured that Batman had been framed. Batman revealed that he'd discovered the recipe for Fleshkiller, a doomsday weapon, in a superprocessor in the dead fed's tooth. Gordon told him where his meeting with Tibble was to take place. Gordon met with Tibble, telepath Mercer, and their boss Agent Pravdzka. Gordon gave them the official GCPD files, but not his grandfather'. Mercer used his telepathy to uncover Gordon's deception, and nearly forced him to reveal Batman's identity when the vigilante busted in. He easily beat down Tibble and Mercer, and showed Pravdzka that he'd uploaded portions of the Fleshkiller recipe online, so everyone could see what the FPC was up to, as well as the antidote to the doomsday weapon. He deduced that Mercer had tried to steal it from under his nose, and Agent Pravdzka told Mercer he'd hang. Batman said he expected all of them to be jailed, and when Agent Pravdzka asked who he was he replied that he was the thing that went bump in the night. Gordon handed over his grandfather's files to Batman, and said he wanted toi fight the FPC as much as he did. Batman fled into the night before the press and military arrived.

Comments: Created by Paul Pope.

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