Real Name: Isabelle "Dizzy" Cordova
Class: Human
Occupation: Minuteman, former gangbanger
Group Affiliation: Minutemen
Known Relatives: Known- Hector (husband, deceased), Santiago (son, deceased), Bonita Cordova (mother), Emilio Cordova (brother), Lucy Cordova (sister)
Aliases: The Girl
Base of Operations: Chicago, IL
First Appearance: 100 Bullets #1 (August, 1999)
Powers: Dizzy was skilled with firearms, and a master of hapkido and jujitsu.
History: (100 Bullets #1 (fb)) - Dizzy grew up in a tough Chicago barrio, and was first arrested at eleven years old for shoplifting. That same day she was arrested again for trying to burn down the store that accused her of shoplifting. She spent the next four years bouncing between juvie and lockup for gang related crimes, and gained a rep. At 15 she fell for 16 year old gangbanger Hector. She got pregnant, and after she gave birth they were married and both vowed to leave their pasts behind. While hanging out with some girls she didn't know they were killed in a drivbeby, as was a bystander. The hitters died soon afterwards, and as the only survivor Dizzy took the rap, and was sent to prison. She dreamed of reuniting with her family, but Hector and her son Santiago were killed in a driveby, and she was told it was revenge by their former enemy the Vice Lords.
(100 Bullets #1-3) -Dizzy served her sentence and was released, but believed she'd never be free because her family was dead and she blamed herself, seeing their deaths as God's vengeance on her for past sins. On a train ride back to her old home Agent Graves sat down next to her, and took her off guard because he knew everything about her. He revealed that her family died due to a hit by corrupt police officers Swirski and Morgan, and handed her a briefcase with a dossier proving what he'd said as well as 100 bullets and a handgun. He told her she had cart blanche for revenge; he'd seen to it that noi law agency could touch her, and if the bullets were retrieved all investigations would cease. He warned her not to let the information in the briefcase fall into anyone else's hands or there would be severe repercussions. Dizzy caught up with her brother Emilio, and disapproved of him boosting cars for his boss Riza. He apologized for not visiting her, but her mother disowned her and forbid contact with her. Swirski and Morgan harassed her as a recent parolee, and after groping her found her gun and cuffed her. After dispatch ran her gun they were ordered to release her despite it being a violation of her parole. Dizzy went home, and started to believe Graves' story. Dizzy went back to her mother Bonita's house, and Bonita didn't like that she'd decorated her room with votive images, candles and pictures of her dead family. Bonita told her to stop living life like a funeral, and stay tough, but Dizzy said she had nothing left to fight for. She caught up with Emilio while he played a pickup game, and his friends kept bragging that he was a player in town, which was why Swirski and Morgan were harassing her. Dizzy met up with old girlfriends at the playground, and they all complained about their men working themselves to death or being in prison, and apologized when they realized that Dizzy was still mourning for her family. Police cars sped past they playground, and Dizzy followed them, finding Big Poppa's club, a shooting gallery, had been broken into and everyone inside shot dead. She saw Swirski and Morgan outside, and accused them of the murder, but was quickly arrested. Once again she was cut loose for no discernable reason, and was finally convinced Graves had told her the truth. Dizzy prayed in church, and was approached by Grave's associate Mister Shepherd. He was frustrated that she hadn't killed the corrupt cops, but confirmed that what she chose to do with the gun was up to her, and there would be no consequence for doing nothing. He told her to stop blaming herself for her families death, and as someone who believed in payback she should take care of business. The cops picked her up, and, assuming Emilio was the one keeping law enforcement away from her, revealed he was working with them. They apologized for her families death, and told her to have a chat with Emilio. Emilio confirmed that he was working with Swirski and Morgan, and he was the triggerman at Big Poppy's. He told her Hector was still a shot-caller when Dizzy was in prison, and called him an idiot for not working with the cops. Swirski and Morgan showed up, shooting Emilio in the knees, and telling Dizzy he helped set up the hit on Hector. They offered her a chance to work for them, but Dizzy finally had enough, and shot them dead. Dizzy called 911 for Emilio, and left the heroin he'd stolen from big Poppy's in plain sight so he'd go to jail, and told him he wa sno longer family. Shepherd picked her up in his car, and said they had much more to discuss.
(100 Bullets #12, 13) - Mister Shepherd told Dizzy Cordova she should talk to Mr. Branch, because they had a lot in common, and sent her on a trip to Paris. Branch was a slovenly gambler, and when he took her to dinner she said she had no idea what they had in common. Branch said they'd both received the briefcase from Agent Graves. He took her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and she wasn't impressed. Branch said the people below were the lucky ones, never having to make a momentous decision about weather or not to make things right. He used to be a reporter, so he'd begun asking himself why Graves chose who he did, and how he allowed them cart blanche for murder. Dizzy was staying with him, but a man he owed money to harassed him. Dizzy paid what he owed, but when he continued to threaten Branch she said she had no respect for that and took him down with a palmstrike. Branch creeped out Dizzy by trying to watch her change, but he assured her they still had plenty to discuss after they got some shuteye, revealing that he hadn't killed the target Graved had guiven him. Branch said he'd found the best food and culture in France, and that America was rotten at its' core. He suspected Shepherd sent her to remind him how easily he could be reached despite Dizzy's insistence he hadn't ordered her to kill him. He noticed she'd used hapkido to take down his friend Jacques, but Dizzy said she had no idea what that was. Dizzy also admitted she didn't know why Shepherd was keeping her so close, and Branch warned her that with the people she hung around with, ignorance could be death. He lured her into an ally, where a fighter attacked her, and she brutally put him down. Branch told her he'd set up the fight, having gambled on Paris' underground fight club recently, as a way to recoup some money he'd lost in bad bets and as a way to repay Jacques. He assured her she fought using hapkido and jiujitsu, and drew the Trust's insignia, asking her if she knew who they were.
(100 Bullets #14) - Branch told Dizzy about how he kept researching Graves until he ruffled the feathers of the Trust and they sent Lono to shut him up. He only hinted to Dizzy about how the Trust ran America since the country's inception, and realized they were being followed by Minuteman Cole Burns. He was convicned that Burns was going to kill them, but Burns said that when the Minutemen asked Graves for a repeat performance of what the Minutemen did to consolidate their power he refused them. Branch was taken aback, and told Dizzy to keep an eye on Shepherd but to stick with Graves.
(100 Bullets #24) - Augustus Medici called a meeting of the Trust in Atlantic City after learning from Mr. Shepherd that in addition to Agent Graves, Cole Burns of the Minutemen was still alive. Shepherd called a private meeting with Benito Medici, and introduced him to Dizzy.
(100 Bullets #28-30) - Deactivated Minuteman Wylie Times worked as a gas station attendant, and Mister Shepherd and Dizzy Cordova went to see him, asking him how he liked his life. He bemoaned the boring routine of the small town he lived in where there was nothing to do except drink and watch TV. Wylie went to the bar after work, and his buddy Doctor Dan said he and Hopper were onto a big score, and were about to meet their point man. Shepherd and Dizzy arrived at the bar, and when Hopper got fresh with Dizzy she sent him to the hospital. Dan panicked because his contact Eightball would only meet with him if Hopper was present. Without telling Wylie his plan he introduced him to Eighball as Hopper, who'd only ever talked to him on the phone. Eightball had stiffed Wylie on gas earlier in the day, and DDan claimed being a gas station attendant was his cover so no one would suspect he was a top criminal. Eightball said they'd ull the score the next night. Dizzy woke up Wylie, who'd fallen asleep drinking on his patio. He said he was going to drink the day away, and offered her a beer. she replied that her tastes were more expensive, and offered to take him out. Wylie was excited, but Dan pulled up, and pulled him away. Eightball sent them over the boarder to Juarez, and Shepherd and Dizzy shadowed him. He met his old friend Mik Kuchenko, who'd set up shop running criminal activities in Juarez, in a bar. He asked Mik to ask around for anyone who had Wylie Times working for them. Wylie was actually working for Mik, but he only knew him as Hopper. He gave him a car, told him to drive it to a specific border checkpoint and give the agent his name, and he'd be home free and would collect his pay from Eightball. Mir said not to ask what was in the car, but a young woman named Angelina was in the backset. Mir had promised her father to get her to the USA, and said he was doing a good deed. On the trip to the boarder they were stopped by gunmen and Dan was executed. The thugs pistol whipped Wylie, but Angelina pulled out a gun, shooting them all to death. Angelina said Mik gave her a piece to defend herself if Hopper got touchy. Shepherd and Dizzy watched the border, and when they spotted Wylie Dizzy hopped in. Wylie admitted he got sucked into the smuggling job and had no idea what he was doing. She said he was kind of stupid, and he said that's what he kept trying to tell her. Back in El Paso they couldn't resist seeing what they had smuggled, and the back of the car was filled with Conuras, rare parrots. They were confronted at gunpoint by Eightball, who'd run into the real Hopper, and demanded to know what Dan was trying to pull. Wylie said Dan was dead, and Hopper was visibly upset. Eightball recognized Dizzy from Chicago, and said people had been talking since she disappeared after her brother went down. She threatened to break his arm, but a distraught Hopper put an end to the confrontation by karate-chopping Eightball, saying he couldn't believe his friend died for parrots. The commotion caused the birds to fly off, and Eightball said he wasn't going back to Chicago empty-handed. Wylie handed over Angelina, who was starting to annoy him. Shepherd asked Wylie if he remembered meeting him last in Atlantic city, and Wylie had no idea what he was talking about. Shepherd didn't know the trigger word to reactivate a Minuteman, so he gave his contact information to Wylie and said to call him if he remembered who he really was.
(100 Bullets #37) - Dizzy told Mr. Shepherd she was going back to Chicago for a while, and he felt she wasn't ready to finish her training yet, so he let her go. Dizzy caught up with her friends Kimmy, Angie, and Droopy, who'd named her new daughter Isabelle after her. The women were resigned to accepting government checks or busting their backs working minimum wage to support their families. They asked if Dizzy had a man in her life, and she said she met someone older, but hadn't quite figure dout what business he was in, which her friends said sounded like trouble. She stopped by her mother's house to find a man she didn't recognize living there. He said he'd been in the house for a few months, and had no idea where her mother was, but he did keep all her mail. Dizzy cried when she read the mail and realized her mother had been evicted for failure to pay the rent. She had enough of chicago, and left.
(100 Bullets #51-53) - Wylie was visited by Graves and given the briefcase, including proof that Mr. Shepherd had killed the love of his life, Rose Madrid. He visited Rose's grave after a long night of drinking, and saw Dizzy and shepherd standing over him before he passed out. Shepherd brought him to his hotel, and left Dizzy to patch him up while he attended to business. Wylie went to get drunk, which Dizzy said was the last thing he needed to do, but eventually accompanied him. They started chatting near the water; Dizzy'd lost her family, and they both talked about how they processed grief. They saw a wounded girl fleeing the woods, pursued by men who threw a bear-trap at her. Wylie yelled at them and they fired, forcing Dizzy and Wylie to flee. Dizzy called up Shepherd, saying he'd know how to handle the men that shot at them, but Wylie said he didn't want Shepherd's help, and was splitting. He went back to the bar and rang up his old buddy Homer. Shepherd met with Trust member Anwar Madrid, warning him about Graves bringing the war to his doorstep. Anwar was still convinced that getting rid of the Minutemen had been good for the Trust, but Shepherd hinted that him siding with Augustus against Graves was for personal reasons, and Anwar reminded him he was talking to a dangerous and powerful man. Wylie woke up hungover at Homer's house. He complained to Homer about how crappy the world seemed to him, and Homer said if the world was being difficult, be difficult right back. He told Wylie he was a wise man, especially since he never snitched on Homer after their job, and when Wylie said he had some trouble Homer promised to fix it. Shepherd and Dizzy stopped by Wylie's hotel room, and he showed Shepherd the scene of the crime, although his anger towards Shepherd was palpable. Later Dizzy joined him at the bar, shouting that Shepherd was trying to help him, and singing his praises as the man who opened his eyes. Wylie just growled that he had proof of Shepherd's involvement in Rose's death. Graves had stopped by to see jazz player Marty between his sets, and he whispered the word 'Croatoa' to Wylie, reactivating him.
(100 Bullets #54-58) - Wylie's memories came flooding back, and he punched a hole in the wall, causing Marty to pass out. Harry asked him to leave the bar and never come back, and Dizzy followed him. She said Shepherd changed her life, and he couldn't drop a bombshell like he did and walk away. He said he was going to do things his way, which he admitted would probably mean doing something stupid. They visited Homer for a few drinks, and his buddy Warren dropped by and asked him to talk outside. It hit Dizzy that Warren and Homer were the men that shot at them, and convinced Wylie to escape via the bathroom window with her. Wylie said before they did anything he had to return to his hotel room for his briefcase. Anwar Madrid saw him, and angered that yet another Minuteman was still alive, called all his muscle. Graves surprised Dizzy with a visit, and asked how Shepherd was treating her. She said fine, but was distracted by Anwar's forces gathering outside the Palm bar. Graves said he wanted her full attention, so he strode outside, and once Anwar got a look at him, he and his men burned rubber. Graves called Shepherd, and gave the phone to Dizzy. Shepherd told Dizzy it was time to go with Graves, and told her his first name. Dizzy said she wasn't going anywhere because she still had to help Wylie. Graves was disappointed, and said soon she would be too. Wylie decided to put Shepherd down. Shepherd was meeting with Anwar, who was horrified that Graves was in town, and made it clear he didn't trust Shepherd. Wylie arrived at Madrid's mansion, using his sharpshooting skills to kill every one of his men before confronting Anwar and Shepherd. Anwar thought Shepherd set him up, and asked Wylie not to kill him, saying he could replace Shepherd as the Trust's warlord. Wylie wasn't interested, and shot him in the head. Shepherd knew why Wylie wanted him dead, and wouldn't fight back when Wylie pistol whipped him. He brought Shepherd back to his room, and tied him up. He mulled over how to kill him, playing with a garrote and saying he actually wasn't a fan of gunfire because it made his ears ring. Shepherd wanted him to get it over with, and Wylie decided to show him that he'd kidnapped and tied up Dizzy. Shepherd kept apologizing for sending Wylie to kill Rose, but reminded him that she'd broke the rules of the Trust, and the Minutemen always did their job. Wylie was in tears, and Shepherd said Wylie knew if he hadn't sent Wylie one of the other Minutemen would have done it, and he would have had an even harder time living with that. Wylie forgave him, but couldn't forgive himself. He untied his hostages, and decided he had some final business before leaving Orleans. He met Harry at the bar, and told April he'd had his wife killed by Homer and Warren, warning her what happened to women once Harry was through with them. He told April she was Marty's muse, giving her his instrument, saying he'd made it big and wouldn't need it, but she knew in her heart he was dead. Wylie drove off with Shepherd and Dizzy, and Shepherd filled him in about Graves reforming the Minutemen. Shepherd, Wylie and Dizzy stopped at a gas station, and Shepherd filled in Wylie about the state of the Minutemen. Milo Garrett was dead, and Dizzy was to be his replacement, although she didn't know it yet. Shepherd said she'd be in a bad mood for a while because Graves had made it clear he was the one directing her destiny, and she felt as though she'd lost control. Shepherd asked Wylie what the triggerword was to reactivate Minutemen, and he told him it was ;'Croatoa.' Graves had programmed Dizzy, and when she heard the command word she shot Shepherd in the chest. He stumbled into his car and drove off, and Dizzy broke down in tears, having no control over what she'd just done.
(100 Bullets #63) - Cole Burns wanted Mr. Branch to go to Europe to retrieve the Trust's painting of their own founding from Echo Memoria. Cole said that if he needed anymore motivation he knew he cared about Dizzy, and Cole said she was in a world of trouble. If Branch didn't follow marching orders Cole would watch her drown. Branch went to the airport, and spotted Diz there.
(100 Bullets #67) - Dizzy went to Mexico to get away from everyone and everything. She lived in a shack in the wilderness, getting drunk and shooting bottles. Wylie realized he had strong feelings for her, and decided to track her down with the help of Mik Kuchenko. He knew it was a crazy and stupid idea, but couldn't help himself. Mr. Branch and Benito Medici had both come to Mexico looking for Dizzy as well, and Benito knew she'd killed his role model Mr. Shepherd. Benito threw around money, showing her picture, and Mik said he'd help. They spotted Branch staring forlornly at Dizzy's photo, and Mik knocked him out and put him in his car. Mik drove them to the desert and told Wylie that idf he wanted to be alone with Dizzy he'd have to take care of the two of them.
(100 Bullets #76-79) - Branch took Benito to a cockfight, and surprised him by cleaning him out. Dizzy still couldn't forgive herself for Shepherd's death, even though Wylie didn't hold her responsible, and she was giving serious thought to killing Graves. Wylie called Graves up, telling him to stay away from her. Lono and the Minutemen were partying at a motel when Wylie called Victor, telling him he was with Dizzy, and Victor quickly told Lono, who wanted her dead. Lono called Megan Dietrich, who'd learned of Mia Simone's death, and her attempt to put him in his place were met with vulgarity. He knew Augustus was pleased that another Trust house was gone, even though Graves was responsible, and said to keep up appearances as warlord he was going to Mexico to find Graves, knowing he wouldn't be there. Lono and the rest of the Minutemen made their way south of the border, and all of them were howling for Dizzy's blood. Cole told Graves he had no problem taking out Dizzy and Wylie if they wouldn't go with Graves' plan, and Graves said he wanted Wylie to go with them willingly. Wylie was a natural leader according to him, but Cole was his right hand man because he actually trusted him. Wylie told Mr. Branch the Minutemen were coming, and they could use Benito Medici as bait. Graves sent Wylie's old friend Kuchenko and his criminal friends against Wylie, who killed every one of them in a hail of gunfire. Wylie talked to Dizzy, asking her if she missed her family, but she was firmly focused on killing Graves for forcing her to do something she'd never do of her own free will. Victor arrived at their place ahead of the other Minutemen, saying Wylie could use a friend.( Victor and Wylie had a sit-down about why Graves and Shepherd had chosen Lono as the Trust's new warlord. Victor said Lono was perfect because he'd never had any true allegiances, and told Wylie how Lono had him and Loop shoot but not kill Megan Dietrich so Lono would be needed by the Medicis. Wylie resolved to have a talk with Graves, and Victor promised to keep Dizzy, Branch and Benito safe. Wylie told Branch the plan was still on, and as soon as he left Victor announced he had a job to do, and none of them were safe. He threatened to execute them and asked Branch for a beer. Branch found a handgun in the beer cooler and pointed it at Victor. Wylie met Graves, Cole and Remi, who were disappointed in him for not bringing Dizzy. He claimed Graves was working for the Trust, believing an old lie, and was involved with Dizzy because of a mistake he'd made long ago. Remi didn't want to hear his elaborations and shot him dead. Branch couldn't shoot Victor, who cut one of his fingers off before brutalizing Dizzy and Benito. He left Benito behind for Lono, Loop and Jack to find, and drove off with Diz and Branch.
(100 Bullets #80) - Lono took Benito to a cheap motel and locked him in an adult booth, demanding to know why he was alive. He said Graves would probably kill his father, and Lono would probably kill Graves, but Benito should have been out of the picture the moment he met Wylie. Victor delivered Dizzy to Graves, who said he wanted a private conversation with her. Victor was not pleased with Remi for killing Wylie, and when he protested that Wylie had drawn a weapon Victor said Wylie was a better shot than him, and if he'd wanted to kill Remi he'd be dead. Branch was only being kept alive as leverage against Wylie, so Victor told Cole to clean up his mess. Cole got Branch alone, and said he should have gone to Italy when he had the chance. Graves told Dizzy, who reiterated that she was going to kill him, that Shepherd and Wylie had died not to protect her, but to keep the two of them apart. After a longer conversation Graves introduced Dizzy to Victor, Cole and Remi as the newest Minuteman.
(100 Bullets #81-83) - Graves took Dizzy to a jazz club, saying it was always one of Shepherd's favorite activities. Graves said he recognized game, and even though Dizzy thought she knew Shepherd she didn't, so he told her about how they first met and was recruited to be the Trust's warlord. He said he regretted Shepherd's death and as a final tribute to his friend Graves spread his ashes on one of the ballcourts he used to play on in Hell's Kitchen.
(100 Bullets #87) - Joan D'Arcy was next on Graves list, and he had Remi hit a number of properties D'Arcy owned, killing her security. Remi met Graves and Dizzy at a restaurant, complaining that the job was not the cakewalk Graves made it out to be. Graves said he wasn't seeing the big picture before getting up and leaving.
(100 Bullets #89) - Graves, Diz and Victor celebrated with some champagne, and Dizzy told Graves it seemed out of character for him. He assured her he was a happy person, despite appearances, and was pleased his plan to bring down the Trust was almost at fruition. He called Cole, who he'd tasked with Mr. Branch to meet Ronnie Rome, who'd brought the painting of the Trust's founding back to Italy. Branch was killed by Echo Memoria, and when Graves called Cole he refused to answer, handing his phone over to some homeless men with instructions to tell Graves goodbye. Graves was not pleased, but believed he could handle the situation. Cole met Jack Daw and Loop with the painting.
(100 Bullets #91-93) - Former Minuteman Will Slaughter killed Mr. Rothstein, a man with connections to the CIA and FBI that supplied Graves with his attaches of 100 untraceable bullets. Slaughter informed D'arcy that Graves game was over, and they'd see how he'd react. Augustus was furious, and called Javier, suspecting him of the hit. Javier said he was happy to see Graves' power taken away, but he wasn't the one responsible. Graves arranged a meeting with Javier Vasco, and Lono and Augustus planned on attending as well. Remi called Graves saying he was shadowing D'arcy's safehouse, waiting for her to emerge and kill her, but he soon got a call from his aunt saying his mom'd had a heart attackj. He panicked and said he was on his way, deciding to storm the front of D'arcy's safehouse. He slaughtered her security, and she fled inside with her bodyguard Coop. Remi shot them both, but Coop was hooked up to an oxygen tank, which exploded, and Remi's hands were blasted off.
(100 Bullets #94) - Augustus found Graves choking Javier in his compound and made him stop. Javier again denied responsibility for Rothstein's death, and they discussed the old days and their alliance to change the Trust and it's old ways. Graves revealed that Javier offered to reinstate the Minutemen if Graves didn't interfere in his hit on Augustus, but that isn't why Graves helped stop it. Javier knew Augustus had no use for him anymore, and said that's why he was still alive. They bemoaned the new Trust being the same old same old and agreed that the Minutemen helped the Trust because conflict was their lifeblood. Only the heads of the Trust and Graves knew about Rothstein, so it had to be an inside job. Dizzy and Lono chatted outside, and Lono told her he was with Shepherd when he died, and his last words were say it wasn't Dizzy's fault. Dizzy said she still blamed herself, and Lono said he blamed her too, picking her up by her throat. They had a fierce battle, and Lono grabbed a gun from one of Javier's guards.
(100 Bullets #96-100) - Lono gunned down Javier's men and grazed Diz in the head with a bullet. He bound her, put her in a car and drove off, calling Graves soon afterward to tell her he had his girl. Graves reminded him he was with Augustus and could easily kill him if Lono harmed her, but Lono said he didn't care because he was with Benito Medici now. Lono called Loop, and was shocked when Cole answered, and Cole promised to come for him. Lono called Graves back and said he still wanted revenge for shepherd, and Graves said Shepherd's death was his own fault. He was supposed to finish Dizzy's training as a Minuteman, and if Graves had been the one to activate her by saying 'Croatoa' he'd still be alive. He told Lono he had a triggerword that could calm him down and make him much less violent and unpredictable. Lono called him a liar, and Graves said he'd already given him the trigger. Lono hung up, and Augustus was devastated at the idea of his son working with Lono. Lono delivered Dizzy to Benito, but he became furious when he saw the battered and bloody Dizzy and shot Lono in the face. The injured Lono fled, and Crete organized his men to find him, while Benito tended to Dizzy's wounds. Lono ran from the Medici compound, and suffered several dog bites, but made it over the wall and to freedom. Megan, Tibo and D'arcy arrived at the Medici compound to broker a peace, and Benito said he wasn't going to be in on the meeting on his father's orders. He checked in on Dizzy to see how she was recuperating, and she said she wished his aim was better, because Lono being alive worried her. Victor, Cole, Jack and Loop buried Echo in the swamp, with the Trust's painting wrapped around her body, and decided to crash the Trust's meeting, and Lono had the same idea. The Trust took Augustus' vote away, so he resigned as head of his family, giving it to Benito. The Trust demanded Graves step down as head of the Minutemen, but said he could pick his replacement. He balked, but came around when they offered him the former house of Vasco and a membership in the Trust. Benito relaxed in the pool and was approached by Megan, who said her engagement with Augustus was off, and tried to seduce him. Megan strangled Benito to death, and when Crete found his body Graves named Dizzy as the new head of the Minutemen and told her to investigate. The Minutemen stormed the compound, killing dozens of security. Jack Daw and Crete fought, with the battle spilling over into Augustus' alligator pond. Cole stabbed Tibo and strangled D'arcy to death, filled a room with gasoline, and waited for Megan. Lono ambushed Graves, but Dizzy shot him a number of times, and he fell out the window. Graves talked to Augustus, realizing he planned for the Trust to murder his son and Dizzy to kill the other heads so the only ones standing would be him and Graves. Graves shot Augustus dead, and the shot surprised Cole, who dropped his lighter, blowing up both himself and Megan. Dizzy said Graves moved against another member of the Trust and pulled her gun. Graves said Augustus was the one who ruined his life, compromising his principles, but allowing him to pass those principles on to others, and he pointed Dizzy's gun at his own head.
Comments: Created by Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso.
Dizzy had a cameo in 100 Bullets #20, 26, 50.
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