Real Name: Doctor Zaxton Regulus

Class: Human mutate / technology-user

Occupation: Scientist, supervillain

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, 30th Century

First Appearance: Adventure Comics #348 (September, 1966)

Powers: Regulus possessed solar energy powers, enabling him to generate heat and light in immeasurable quantities. These powers needed to be occasionally recharged by exposure to the artificial Arion Star. He employed technology using radioactive gold as a power source, including starships and robots.

History: Dr. Regulus worked in a nuclear power plant and experimented in multiplying solar energy through the use of radioactive gold isotopes. One of his experiments went awry, resulting in an explosion that destroyed the lab, killed an assistant,, and injured Regulus and Dirk Morgana, son of the plant owner. Regulus was fired, and shifted all the blame to Dirk, constructing robots that attacked him and left him for dead in the core of the planet's reactor. Dirk survived, gaining superpowers and becoming Sun Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Regulus became a criminal, continuing his experiments and choosing the Legion as a target for his misguided bitterness.

(Legion of Super-Heroes III #15) - During the Daxamite invasion of the Great Darkness Dr. Regulus escaped Takron-Galtos. He made his way to an asteroid populated by sentient beings of fire called the Burning Ones. They shared their power and technology with Regulus, and when Legionnaire Wildfire took the latest Legion recruits on a training mission Regulus blasted their ship with a solar flare and captured the rookies. The Legion assembled a rescue team, and Regulus threatened to kill his captives unless Sun Boy agreed to face him in one-on-one combat. Regulus’ quest for vengeance had driven him near madness, and he still blamed Sun Boy for costing him his job. The Legionnaires left Sun Boy to his confrontation with his nemesis, and although Regulus had the upper hand with the Burning Ones at his side Sun Boy slipped his Legion flight ring on Regulus, causing him to fly upward and knock himself out against a cavern wall.

Comments: Created by Jim Shooter & George Papp

Doctor Regulus received a profile in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #7 and Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #2.

Dr. Regulus' appearance in Legion of Super-Heroes III #15 was reprinted in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #340.

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