Real Name: Habin bin Hassan

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Shaman

Group Affiliation: The Authority

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Bleed, formerly Palestine, Earth-50

First Appearance: The Authority: Revolution #9 (August, 2005)

Powers: The Doctor could call on the wisdom and power of his predecessors in the Garden of Ancestral Memory. Using his chaos magic he enacted change by warping reality, transforming matter, projecting energy, healing, using telepathy and telekinesis and stepping between dimensions, among other powers.


(Grifter & Midnighter #1-3, 5) - Midnighter was kidnapped by a mysterious group, brought to a lab, and forced to replay an endless VR scenario in his head. n the scenario the Authority were attacked by alien beings, and he was unable to save them from dying one by one until he himself died. The Authority freed him, taking one of the doctors present to interrogate, and returned to the Carrier. Midnighter was furious at himself for being captured, and angry that Apollo had to save him, telling his husband that he didn't like being the little wife. Midnighter kept seeing the VR scenario, and experienced hallucinations, so Jenny took him off active duty. She found an alien like the one's from the VR scenario in Doctor Argot's head, and it scuttled off, disappearing through a portal. Midnighter was in Paris protecting Prince Ydar Ibn Mahoud, who turned out to be a shapeshifter named Zee who claimed he'd been kidnapped so the group that was after them both could test his limits. They'd run into Grifter, and the trio fought the aliens from Midnighter's visions, fending them off. The Authority arrived to see the aftermath, discovering the holes the creatures had emerged from in Paris. Jenny scoured extraterrestrial literature, but only found brief writings about the creatures in Daemonite records. Midnighter handed the invasion himself, not wanting his teammates aid.

Comments: Created by Ed Brubaker & Dustin Nguyen.

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