Real Name: Unrevealed
Class: Human mutate
Occupation: mother, adventurer, formerly performer at Oceanworld Seaquarium
Group Affiliation: formerly Forgotten Heroes, Black Lantern Corps
Known Relatives: Cerdian (son, deceased), Garth (Aqualad/ Tempest II, husband)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Atlantis, formerly Miami, Florida
First Appearance: Showcase #79 (December, 1968)
Powers: Dolphin possessed superhuman strength, agility, endurance, and her aging process was substantially slower than an average humans'. She could breathe underwater due to tiny gills in her neck, and she had webbed hands and feet that made her an expert swimmer.History: <WW II era> Japanese submarines sunk the Navy vessel Arabesque. Aliens abducted and performed experiments on all the shipwreck's survivors, but only one young girl lived through the experiments. The alien's underwater base was destroyed, and the young girl spent decades wandering the seas.
<20 years ago> The young woman met Chris Landau, who named her Dolphin.
(Action Comics #553) - Immortal Man gathered Dolphin and a number of other heroes and asked them to aid him in combating Vandal Savage. He told them they were Forgotten Heroes, but they could still make a difference. Immortal Man told them Vandal Savage infected Superman with time-seeds from the time pyramids. As the seeds dropped in Metropolis Park they turned it into a prehistoric jungle, which quickly spread to the heart of Metropolis. Dolphin and the Heroes investigated the pyramids, and then contacted Superman and let him know about Savage's plans. Superman flew into the sun to burn off the seeds, and then traveled back in time with Rip Hunter to the Big Bang to destroy the original time pyramid. He succeeded, causing the time pyramids to disappear from the present, but Superman was lost in the timestream, and Rip Hunter returned to the present without him.
Dolphin took up residence in the Florida coast, and befriended biologist Meredith Riley. Dolphin took a job performing at Oceanworld.
(War of the Gods #3, 4) -
(Justice League Task Force #7, 8) -
(Green Lantern III #63) - Dolphin asked Aquaman if they were returning to Poseidonis before trying to find who sent Deadline after them when Ganthet appeared and took Aquaman away to fight Parallax. Dolphin just shrugged her shoulders.
(Aquaman V #17, 18) - Aquaman took Dolphin to the lost Atlantean city of Hy-Brasil to bring it back into the fold. He had an Atlantean ship download information about the Hunter / Gatherers that populated Hy-Brasil into Dolphin's brain. Tens of thousands of years ago they came to Earth and ran down the resources, creating an ice age, but thousands of years later they realized their mistake and reclaimed parts of Earth, interbreeding with various specious, with the Hy-Brasilians choosing rays. They encountered the king of Hy-Brasil, who refused to align himself with Aquaman, forcing a battle that Aquaman won. In accordance with Hy-Brasilian tradition the king commited suicide and the queen demanded that Aquaman become her new king and defend Hy-Brasil, or she would have her subjects rend him limb from limb. Dolphin suffered a mental attack and lashed out at the Hy-Brasilians, so the queen called for her execution, telling Aquaman that law and order was her jurisdiction. A high seer interrogated Dolphin, uncovering her memories about being freed from the undersea lab where she was mutated. This unlocked hidden programming by Kordax, who freed her and placed a mental hold on her, making her kill him. Aquaman blamed the Hy-Brasilians for unleashing her dark side, and challenged any one of them to combat, but they all backed down. After the Hy-Brasilians killed their queen, they told Aquaman he had their support when he needed them.
(Aquaman V #19, 20) - Aquaman and Dolphin went to a lost Atlantean city in the Himalayas, and Dolphin professed her love for Aquaman. The city had been taken over by Ocean Master, who refused to negotiate, attacked the heroes and put them in a deathtrap. Garth came to their rescue, Ocean Master's people physically attacked the heroes, and when Aquaman's mind opened up his memories of Orm as his half-brother returned to Ocean Master. Driven mad by the flood of memories and the relationship he had with Aquaman he exploded his mountain stronghold in an explosion of power.
(Aquaman V #21) - Tempest brought Aquaman and Dolphin to the lost Atlantean city of Thierna na Oge. Aquaman met their queen Nuala Silverarm, who already knew of the threat to Earth and pledged her support. Garth told Dolphin he'd missed her every day he was away and kissed her. A skull-shaped Hunter ship approached Na Oge, discharging soldiers that the heroes defeated. During the battle Dolphin received a mental command to kill Aquaman, but she resisted it. Aquaman concluded that the skirmish was merely meant to test their mettle.
(Aquaman V #22) - Aquaman, Dolphin and Garth went to the lost Atlantean city of Basilia, which was already under the control of the Hunters. Aquaman freed Spought, a Hunter that was on the side of Earth, and Atlan appeared to help him escape the Hunters. Spought operated the cities controls, causing it to rise in the air, and turning it upside down to shake the Hunters free of it, and they flew off.
(Aquaman V #23-25) - Dolphin and Aquaman traveled to Tritonis, where Kordax had possessed Atlanteans to slaughter most of the city. Dolphin recognized Kordax as the man that freed her from experimentation, and as the voice in her head. Kordax had Koryak under his control, and chose him as his champion to battle Garth, with the life of S'Ona, queen of Tritonis at stake. Garth prevailed, and Aquaman used his psionic abilities to free the Atlanteans from Kordax' control. Kordax told Aquaman to leave, and that a reckoning would come. Aquaman brought his allies together, including the guardian of Hy-Brasil, Nuada Silverarm, the Sea Devils, Power Girl, Tsunami and Deep Blue, so they could plan a defense against the Hunters. The Hunters launched their attack against each city of Atlantis, but were repelled by the heroes. Aquaman raised Poseidonis into the air, propelling it using the Annunake ship underneath the city, and flew it to Washington with Tempest and Dolphin. The Hunters had come to Washington, D.C. and asked for a meeting with Aquaman. They told Aquaman they only attacked because he would not listen to them, and promised a golden age of peace on Earth, but they needed his help. The Hunter’s former ally Tiamat and his pawn Kordax attacked Washington. Kordax made one last bid to force Dolphin to kill Aquaman, but she resisted his programming, aiming a gun at him and shooting. Kordax deflected the bullet back at her, hospitalizing Dolphin. Accord, leader of the Hunters, unlocked Aquaman's potential power, allowing him to mentally dominate Kordax, who, fearing Aquaman's power took his own life. Aquaman banished Tiamat from the Earth with help from Atlan. Accord admitted to Aquaman that the golden age would begin with a harrowing of humanity, and Aquaman broadcast his comments with Atlan's portal, ensuring that the Hunters offer would be refused. The Hunters left Earth, but promised to return when humanity destroyed itself.
(Aquaman V #26, 27) - During the Final Night the Earth's oceans froze, and Aquaman, Dolphin and Koryak flew Poseidonis to save Porm and the other dolphins dying as the Earth's oceans froze. Aquaman broke up the ice floes threatening the dolphins, but he found Porm slaughtered, and the Japanese word for vengeance written in her blood. he cradled the dolphin and swore revenge. Aquaman and Dolphin attended the dolphins' funeral service for Porm, and followed the trail of Porm's killer to Japan and Raiden Industries. They were confronted by Demon Gate, thge former Kimon Tanaka, whose brother had made him into a cyborg after the shark attack Aquaman made him suffer. After a battle Aquaman prevailed, but was detained by Japan's police force. The office of the Japanese Ministry refused to extradite Demon gate to Atlantis, or prosecute him for his dolphin slaying. Aquaman forbid anyone from Japan from going over the oceans or seas, his territory, and gave them 24 hours to hand over Demon Gate before Atlantis declared war on Japan.
(Titans II #15 (fb)) - After months of searching, Tempest found the bodies of Dolphin and Ceridian buried in the rubble of Atlantis. Tempest mourned, and erected a monument for them.
(Blackest Night: Titans #2, 3) - Tempest, Dolphin and Aquagirl were resurrected as part of the Black Lantern Corps on Hero's Day, a day of remembering fallen heroes. They were charged with ripping out the hearts of those emotionally affected by their resurrection, gathering their emotions and using them to help Nekron return and end life in the universe. They attacked the Teen Titans and Titans, and were winning until Dove used her lifeforce connection to permanently destroy most of them.
Comments: Created by Jay Scott Pike.
Dolphin received profiles in Aquaman Secret Files #1, Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #7 and Who's Who in the DC Universe #6. Dolphin received a profile in Who's Who in the DC Universe #8 under the Forgotten Heroes entry.
Aquaman Secret Files #1 recounted Aquaman's history from the Atlantis Chronicles, and featured Dolphin.
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