Real Name: Jeremy Tell

Class: Human magic-user

Occupation: Supervillain, formerly gambler, con man

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas

First Appearance: Flash: Iron Heights (2001)

Powers: Double Down's skin was composed of a deck of cursed playing cards, and he could peel cards from his skin. Double Down mentally controlled the cards torn from his body, using them as razor-sharp projectiles or to cover the mouth and nose of an opponent to suffocate them. The more cards he used to attack an opponent, the more his vital organs became exposed, making him very vulnerable.

History: (Flash: Iron Heights (fb, BTS)) - Jeremy Tell killed a gambler on a winning streak, but the murder victim was carrying a deck of cursed playing cards, which burrowed into Jeremy's body and merged with him. He became the villain Double Down, and was later sent to Iron Heights on murder and fraud convictions.

(Flash: Iron Heights) - After an outbreak of the frenzy virus at Iron Heights Double Down escaped his cell and battled Pied Piper, who was at the Heights to find a cure for the virus. Piper made short work of Double Down, who was returned to his cell.

(Flash II #192, 193) - Gorilla City gorillas tore apart the Heights and freed prisoners, including Double Down, in order to find Gorilla Grodd’s cell. Flash came to the Heights and was attacked by Down and the other freed villains. Their superior numbers had him beat when Gorilla Grodd appeared and claimed Flash for his own. Down and the others fled the prison.

(Flash II #210) - Penguin wanted to expand his criminal operations into Keystone City, and to this end he hired Girder and Double Down to act as his enforcers. Flash and Nightwing defeated the trio and handed them over to the authorities.

(Flash II #217) - Double Down and the Rogues held a funeral for Captain Boomerang in Avernus.

(Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004) - Maxwell Lord, impersonating Sarge Steel, hired Double Down, Captain Boomerang, King Shark and Killer Frost II to break into Belle Reve prison and kill Amanda Waller. The villains were defeated by Superman.

(Flash II #222-224) - Top mind-controlled Double Down, Girder, Murmur, Plunder and Tar Pit to act as his Rogues, an then challenged Captain Cold for the leadership of the Rogues. Cold killed Top for causing dissent among the Rogues while Top’s flunkies attacked Flash. Flash fought them off, and knocked them out but didn’t apprehend them because he had to deal with Zoom.

Comments: Created by Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver

Flash II #195 showed pictures of at-large Rogues, including Double Down, in the KCPD squadroom.

Double Down was pictured on the cover of Flash II #225.

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