Real Name: Leonard Ruttman
Class: Human
Occupation: Actor, lunatic
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: five unnamed ex-wives
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Los Angeles, California
First Appearance: (cameo) Doom Patrol V #1 (October, 2009), (full) Doom Patrol V #2 (November, 2009)
Powers: Douglas was a skilled actor under the delusion that he was futuristic freedom-fighter Douglas. He was armed with the transphasic, multipronic distruptigun, a television prop that made shooting noises and had blinking lights.History: (Doom Patrol V #2, 3) - Leonard Ruttman was a classically trained actor who got his big break as the star of Douglas, Robot Hunter, a cheesy television series about a future war between man and machine. Ratings started to slip after nine years, but the studio decided to invest heavily in a season premiere. The show was blacked out when the Metal Men, who were trying to fix television satellites in space accidentally destroyed them. The studio let Leonard go, and he as outraged. He called his agent, but he'd been typecast as Douglas, and the prospect of doors opening for him was nil. Leonard toured the set one last time for nostalgia's sake, and when he tried to plug in Roboy, Douglas' loyal robot valet he received a severe electric shock. Leonard woke up believeing he was actually Douglas, Robot Hunter, and vowed to rid Earth of robots. Dressed as Douglas, and armed with his prop disruptigun he went to Glenview to find robots. He tied up Miss Romero, one of the residents, unsure if she was a robot, and used her home as a base to scout the neighborhood. His real memories started flooding back, but he was convinced it was robot brainwashing to make him give up his quest. He told Romero he was a romantic at heart, and if she wasn't a robot he'd marry her. The Metal Men lived in Glenview, and Copper stopped by Romero's to see if she could be a good neighbor and fix Romero's
fiber-optics. Douglas shot his prop at her, but she was merely confused as to what he was trying to do. He assumed she'd neutralized his weapon, and ran away, vowing to destroy the Metal Men.(Doom Patrol V #7) - Douglas saw Doc Magnus as a traitor to humanity who created robots to enslave humanity, so he broke into the Metal Men’s house and set up a series of explosives to destroy them. Hermann, the Metal Men’s robotic security system, put the house on lockdown, and prevented Douglas from leaving. Douglas panicked, but when he got a call from his agent Stan Morris, telling him Sy-Fy had picked up Douglas, Robot Hunter, he finally snapped out of his delusion, and remembered he was really Leonard Ruttman. He was overjoyed, but in his excitement he accidentally pushed the detonator, and his explosives destroyed him and the Metal Men’s house.
Comments: Created by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis & Kevin Maguire
Douglas, Robot Hunter was patterned after Gold Key / Valiant comics hero Magnus, Robot Fighter.
Douglas, Robot Hunter had a cameo in Doom Patrol V #1, 5.
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