Real Name: Donald Hall

Class: Lord of Order 

Occupation: Superhero, high-school student

Group Affiliation: formerly Titans West, New Titans West

Known Relatives: Henry Hall (Hawk / Monarch / Extant, brother, deceased), Irwin Hall (father), Rae Penfield Hall (mother), James Penfield (uncle)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Elmond

First Appearance: Showcase #75 (July, 1968)

PowersBy saying the word "Dove" in the presence of injustice Don Hall was transformed into Dove, with his mystic costume replacing whatever he was wearing. As Dove he had peak human agility and was a capable defensive combatant.

History: When the Halls' father Judge Irwin was in peril a Voice spoke to them and granted them the power of Hawk (Hank Hall) and Dove (Don Hall) to save them. The Voice was T'Charr and Teratya, representatives of the Lords of Order and Chaos, doing an experiment to see if those forces could learn from one another.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #1) - Hank and Don were at a social event with Judge Hall when it was robbed by the Drop-Outs. Hank turned into Hawk, but Don stuck to his promise to never again become Dove. Hawk did well, but was outnumbered and received a beating. This event led Judge Hall to publicly denounce both the Drop-Outs and hawk, whose vigilantism he despised. Hawk kept looking for a rematch with the Drop-Outs and finally caught up with them. Don had no choice but to become Dove to save his brother's life, and together they took down the gang. Dove told his brother he'd only use his powers to save Hawk from criminals, and to save criminals from hawk, who he thought was too rough on them.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #2) - Hank and Don accompanied their dad to work and saw him lay out a heavy sentence. Hank believed the justice system was about punishment, but Don saw it as a chance for rehabilitation. The Hall family went on vacation to their uncle Jim's farm, but cons led by Harker and Davis had just busted out of jail and terrorized the family. Hawk and Dove scattered the cons, and Hawk waylaid most of them with his fists. Dove confronted Harker, and told Hawk not to get involved, that he'd capture him without violence. Harker pounded Dove, but he managed to subdue Harker without hurting him by tying him up with his own belt and shirt.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #3) - Cat committed a series of cat burglaries and deftly avoided the police. Hawk confronted him at a job, and they battled but Cat escaped. Hank and Don went to the coffee shop, and both had their eye on the same girl, Linda. A thug harassed Linda, and Don didn't know what to do because he abhorred violence. Hank had no compunction about slugging the thug and forcing him to leave. Linda was far more impressed with hank, and told Don to stop being a wimpo. At another burglary the police had Cat trapped and were ready to fill the apartment he was in with tear gas, Dove misread the situation and feared the cops were going to shoot to kill, so he distracted them long enough for the Cat to flee. An officer on foot shot the Cat down, and Dove blamed himself for the Cat's death.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #3) - Linda's father Dr John Kieves was found beaten in an alley and Hawk and Dove wanted answers. Hawk recognized the attackers from their description in a newspaper report, tracked them down, and beat them until they told him Kieves owed money to gangland boss Karl Casimer. Linda suspected Casimer, and when her brother Mark found out he went to Casimer's house with a gun. Dove stopped him, not wanting to see him throw away his life, although Mark thought he was protecting the mobster. By the time Hawk arrived at Casimer's the police were there, and apprehended Casimer.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #4) - Don saw his artist friend Warren Savin gunned down and reported it to the police, while Hawk tried to stop the robbery of an art museum but was knocked out. He gave an anonymous call to the police, but the next day he read an article in the paper about the police getting his tip, investigating, and finding no signs of robbery. Hawk and Dove investigated the events and learned that mayoral candidate Frank Heinsite had the paintings stolen and replaced them with forgeries painted by Savin. Savin's conscience was getting to him, and when he was about to go to the police Heinsite had him killed. Hawk and Dove brought Heinsite and his goons to justice.

(The Hawk and the Dove I #5) - Judge Hall's old friend Sam Hodgins, who'd once saved his life, was accused of robbery, shooting a police officer and running over a boy in the getaway. While Hodgins was out on bond Hawk and Dove were determined to prove his innocence. They located Johnny Randall and Stan McGuire, the witnesses that identified Hodgins to the police, and found them planning to start a stolen car ring with hood Jack Malden. Hawk and Dove busted up the crooks, and Hawk tried to beat a confession out of Randall, but he swore that Hodgins was the man he saw. Unconvinced the heroes let him leave, but followed him. They lost sight of him when someone pulled a robbery and stole a getaway car. They followed the car, assuming it was Randall, and the chase led to a shipping dock, where the thief knocked a crate down on Hawk, injuring him. Dove pursued the crook and found that it was Hodgins. Dove was worried that Hawk would die, and he went into a rage, forgetting his pacifistic outlook and beating Hodgins into submission. Hawk and Dove changed to their civilian identities and Don rushed Hank to the hospital. Hank had a concussion, but the doctors determined there'd be no permanent damage. Don was troubled by his actions and talked to Hank, who reassured him that anyone would have reacted like he did when a loved one was badly hurt. Two weeks later Hawk and Dove chased a thief and ran into the Teen Titans.

(Teen Titans I #21) -

(The Hawk and the Dove I #6) - Judge Hall was attacked and Hawk and Dove frightened off the attacker, but feared he'd strike again. The attacker returned the next day and kidnapped Hall, so Hawk and Dove investigated. Hawk beat up underworld characters until he got some clues, while Dove looked through his dad's files and found one on Karl MacArthur, who'd died in jail, and noticed a resemblance to Arthur, who used to be the Halls gardener. They both went to Arthur's house and found their dad in a cage. Arthur was MacArthur's son and blamed Hall for his father's death. Hawk and Dove defeated Arthur and freed Hall. The next day Judge Hall lectured his sons about how Hawk and Dove were menaces, and that he would have talked Arthur down if the vigilantes hadn't arrived and brutalized the young man. Hank and Don both agreed that they weren't doing any good as heroes and that they should retire from crimefighting.

(Hawk and Dove III #17 (BTS)) - Don Hall's weakness made T'Charr and Teratya rethink their choice for him to be Dove, and they took away his powers. He died saving children from a collapsing building during the Crisis.

(Hawk and Dove III #5) - Dove’s spirit appeared to his replacement Dawn Granger, who apologized for his death. Dove told her she was far exceeding him as Dove, because he never explored his own talents and tried to be too much like his brother.

(Teen Titans III #30, 31) - Brother Blood found Kid Eternity in Limbo and bit him, gaining some of his powers over life and death, and chained him to the opening of the door between life and death. He took advantage of the opening of the door, which had been cracked open ever since Superman returned from the dead, to escape from Raven's soul self and free an army of demons from Hell that attacked Los Angeles. He raised Omen from the dead to act as his surrogate mother and raised the deceased Titans Kole, Hawk, Dove, Aquagirl and Phantasm to act as his agents, calling them the New Titans West. The Titans West attacked the Teen Titans, and the battle was a stalemate until Raven freed Kid Eternity, who returned the New Titans to the afterlife.

(Blackest Night: Titans #3) -The Black Lantern Corps repeatedly tried to resurrect Dove as a Black Lantern, but failed because he was at peace. Hawk rose as a Black Lantern and attacked Dove Dawn Granger. Dawn found that her connection to Order destroyed Black Lanterns, and Dove's spirit appeared to her, telling her never to give up.

Comments: Created by Steve Skeates & Steve Ditko

Dove received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #10.

Dove had cameos in Blackest Night: Titans #1, Hawk and Dove II #1 and Hawk and Dove Annual #1.

Dove was pictured on the cover of Titans #24.

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