Real Name: Don Hall

Class: Lord of Order

Occupation: Superhero

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Hank Hall (Hawk, brother)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: NYC, NY, Earth-31

First Appearance: The Dark Knight Strikes Again #3 (July, 2002)

Powers: By saying the word "Dove" in the presence of injustice Don Hall was transformed into Dove, with his mystic costume replacing whatever he was wearing. As Dove he had peak human agility and was a capable defensive combatant.

History(The Dark Knight Strikes Again #3) - Rick Rickard was elected President of the United States, pivoting the U.S. towards fascism. Rickard was actually a computer hologram controlled by Lex Luthor, the real power behind the government. He systematically imprisoned heroes he was worried might cause his downfall. Hawk and dove retired, living together on Christopher St. Batman, who’d faked his death after a fight against Superman three years earlier let the world know he was still alive and urged the youth to rise up against the government. Hawk decided he and dove should return to action, but Dove griped that when they were a team all they did was fight.

Comments: Created by Steve Ditko.

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