Real Name: Drabny (first name unrevealed)

Class: Human technology -user

Occupation: Criminal, would-be conqueror

Group Affiliation: League of Challenger Haters

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mordania

First Appearance: Challengers of the Unknown I #8 (June-July, 1959)

Powers: Drabny wore glasses that let him see the distant future and wore a helmet that gave him power of mind over matter. His Star Car shot gravity beams and disintegration beams.

History: (Challengers of the Unknown I #8) - June Robbins' friend Maria inherited a castle in Mordania, and she discovered a scroll describing the treasures her alchemist ancestor had hidden in a secret vault in the castle. The Challengers were interested in investigating, and after uncovering the vault they opened one of the alchemist's boxes, only to be hit with a youth serum that turned Ace and Rocky into children. The villainous Drabny had been sneaking around the castle, and after following the Challs into the vault he stole the alchemists other creations, including glasses that let him see the distant future and a helmet that gave him control of mind over matter. After using the helmet to subdue the Challs he took control of Mordania, declaring himself a monarch. Prof. and Red tried to sneak up on him in his workshop, but he used his helmet to throw them in jail. June, Rocky and Ace posed as tourists to free their compatriots, and after the youth serum wore off they were all able to fight their way past Drabny's guards. The fallen Mordanian military confronted Drabny, who'd built a number of futuristic Star Cars, which he used to disable them. In the heat of battle the Challs exposed him to the youth serum, turning him into a child and causing his helmet to fall off. Drabny was deposed and sent to prison.

Comments: Created by France Herron & Jack Kirby.

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