Real Name: Hector Sanders Hall

Class: (Silver Scarab) human technology-user (Sandman) human spirit (Dr. Fate) Lords of Order/Lords of Chaos hybrid magic-user

Occupation: Superhero

Group Affiliation: JSA, formerly Infinity, Inc.

Known Relatives: Daniel (Dream II, son), Carter Hall (Hawkman I, father), Hippolyta Hall (Fury II, wife), Shiera Sanders Hall (Hawkgirl I, mother, deceased), Helena Kosmatos (Fury I, mother-in-law), Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl II, cousin), Nestor Sanders (great-uncle, presumed deceased), unnamed great-aunt (presumed deceased)

Aliases: Silver Scarab, Sandman

Base of Operations: Fate's Tower, Salem, Massachusetts, formerly Los Angeles, California, Dream Dimension

First Appearance: (Silver Scarab) All-Star Squadron #25 (September, 1983), (Sandman) Infinity, Inc. #49 (????), (Dr. Fate) JSA #3 (October, 1999)

Powers: Silver Scarab wore a solar-powered suit of Nth Metal that gave him flight, superhuman strength, and fired solar blasts from its gauntlets. Sandman had superhuman strength, could fly and did not age. He could reshape matter in the Dream Dimension. He was armed with sand cartridges that put people to sleep and a hypersonic whistle that could transport people to and from the Dream Dimension, create vibrations, and gave him control over nightmare creatures. Dr. Fate possessed the helm and amulet of Fate, giving him vast mystic powers, including teleportation, the creation of destructive ankh-shaped bolts of mystic energy, and the power to alter the memories of others. The spirit of Nabu lived within these artifacts and constantly tried to influence and guide Fate. He could fly and was nigh invulnerable.

History: Hector Hall was the son of the golden age Hawkman and Hawkgirl. He felt neglected growing up, as they frequently left him with babysitters while they went on adventures. In college he made a suit of armor from Hawkman's Nth Metal. He met and fell in love with Lyta Trevor, daughter of the Fury. Together they became the heroes Silver Scarab and Fury and asked for membership in the JSA. They were turned down, so they joined Infinity, Inc., a team made up of legacy heroes like themselves.

Silver Scarab died during the course of an adventure, but his soul was snatched by nightmares Brute and Glob. They made him into the Sandman to fulfill their ambition of ruling the Dreaming while Dream was imprisoned on Earth. Sandman's soul was sent to its release by Dream when he found out about Brute and Glob's scheme.

Hector's soul was reborn in the body of the Fate Child, the offspring of Hawk and Dove. He embodied the balance in the universe as a child of a Lord of Order and a Lord of Chaos. He was given the raiment of Dr. fate, and was instantly aged to an adult. As Dr. Fate he joined the JSA.

(Day of Judgment #3-5) - The JSA went to Fate's Tower, seeing him as the only one capable of dealing with Asmodel, who'd usurped the Spectre-Force. Fate appeared to them and told them Earth needed a doctor. Dr. Fate charged the soul of Green Lantern Hal Jordan with mystic energy, and after Captain Marvel wounded Asmodel with the Spear of Destiny Hal took over the Spectre-Force. A new threat emerged when Neron possessed Superman, but Hal sent him back to Hell. Dr. Fate joined the Sentinels of Magic, to combat any magical threats to Earth.

(JSA #10) - Dr. Fate returned to JSA Headquarters and found it trashed. His teammate Wildcat explained that he had a rowdy brawl with the Injustice Society while the JSA was away.

(JLA #58) - Dr. Fate and a number of other heroes with sorcerous abilities created an oxygenated atmosphere on the Moon so that the JLA could create fire to use against the White Martians they were battling there.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1) - At Star-Spangled Kid’s insistence Fate and the JSA attended Young Justice’s Justice for All rally in Washington, as did Old Justice, the Titans and JLA. It was interrupted by Klarion, who magically de-aged Fate and most of the heroes into children. Doiby Dickles pulled out an extraterrestrial aging gun to return the heroes to their proper age, but another of Klarion’s spells intercepted his shot. The result was that the younger heroes present were aged to adulthood, but the other heroes remained children.

(Sins of Youth Secret Files #1, Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1) - The de-aged Fate and JSA had a dispute with the de-aged JLA that resulted in them brawling for hours. Once they made up the JSA and Doiby Dickles went aboard the Steel Eagle so they could travel to Myrg so Doiby could find another aging gun to reverse Klarion's spell.

(Sins of Youth: Starwoman and the JSA (Junior Society) #1) - Fate, Doiby and the JSA battled Prince Marieb on Myrg, retrieved an aging gun, and returned to Earth.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2) - Doiby tried using his new raygun on Fate and the other heroes affected by Klarion’s spell but it had no effect. Since the heroes’ ages were skewed by a combination of magic and science, they would need Klarion’s cooperation to undo the transformation. The heroes attacked Agenda’s headquarters in Alaska, where Superboy, Superman, Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman were being held hostage. The hq was defended by the Junior Injustice Society, but the heroes prevailed, forced the Agenda to flee, and freed the prisoners. They then forced Klarion to team with Doiby and return everyone to their proper age.

(Martian Manhunter II #18, 19) - Fate and the JSA invited Martian Manhunter to their hq for a training session. Manhunter easily dispatched the new JSAers, and after their combat Kanto and a squad of Parademons attacked JSA hq. Kanto exposed Star-Spangled Kid to the living death, stealing her soul and leaving her body in a coma, and took the soul back to Apokolips. Martian Manhunter and the JSA went to Apokolips to reclaim the Kid’s soul, and allowed themselves to be captured by the Parademons while Manhunter found Kanto, bested him in combat and learned that Darkseid was using the Kid’s soul in the D.E.M., a technoorganic device that bonded with the Source Wall an used her soul to relay information back to him about the Source. Manhunter freed the JSA and Dr. Fate linked his soul with the Kid, allowing him to pull her from the Source and reunite her with her body.

(Martian Manhunter II #28) - Fate and the Sentinels of Magic battled the Demon, who’d een separated from Jason Blood and was tapping into the power of Stonehenge. At Phantom Strangers request Martian Manhunter joined the Sentinels in battle, and found Morgan Le Fay, who had Jason Blood trapped in a tesseract jewel. Manhunter shattered the jewel, freeing Blood, and ending the Demon’s threat.

(JSA: Our Worlds at War #1) - During the Imperiex War Fate, the JSA and the JSA reserves were given a mission by President Luthor to disrupt Imperiex’s link to his ship’s power supply. The JSA found that Imperiex’s ship was leeching it’s power from the planet Daxam, which Imperiex had pulled out of its’ orbit. Dr. Occult channeled the mystic energy of Fate and several others to send Daxam back into proper orbit, and Imperiex’s ship, no longer having a power supply, imploded.

(JSA #31) - Fate was at JSA hq when the team welcomed Power Girl as their newest member.

(JLA #68) - Atlantis, ancient and in ruins, appeared on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Fate and several mystics cast a spell on the JLA to send them to 1,000 B.C. and determine the fate of the Atlantis that Tempest had sent back in time during the Imperiex War.

(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - Fate attended the first annual JLA and JSA Thanksgiving celebration when the teams were called to Arusha, Tanzania to stop Doctor Bedlam from disrupting the Pan-African Conference on World Hunger. The JLA and JSA defeated Bedlam, but the attack was a ruse on the part of Johnny Sorrow to give him the opportunity to have Despero possess President Luthor, who was at the conference, and to have the Seven Deadly Sins possess members of the JLA and JSA. Fate was possessed by Sloth, and when the Seven Deadly Sins took complete control over the heroes they possessed they destroyed JSA headquarters and incapacitated the unpossessed JLA and JSA members. Under Sloth’s control Fate allowed Sloth to spread his influence on the citizens of Seattle, Washington. The other Sins also spread their influence across the globe. The JLA and JSA freed Fate and the other possessed heroes from the Sins’ influence, and returned the Sins to captivity in the Rock of Eternity. Fate and the others defeated Johnny Sorrow and freed Luthor from Despero. Luthor graciously built the JSA a new hq.

(JSA #52) - Dr. Fate told Dove she could stay with the JSA, but she knew that it was her destiny to find a new “Hawk.” Fate offered to find the new Hawk, but she told him it was something she had to do herself.

(Dr. Fate III #1-5) - Nabu gave Fate a number of tests to see if he was worthy of his mantle, having him protect Salem, Mass from a number of threats from the forces of chaos. Fate also had to shield the town from knowing the forces that were at work there. After defeating a group of Chaos Beasts he returned to Fate's Tower to observe the activities of magicians around the world using scrying windows. Nabu continued to tell Fate his doubts about him, when he sensed the arrival of the Curse and vanished. Fate was greeted at the Tower by Professor Bolling and Anita, one of his Wiccan coven members. They welcomed Fate to Salem and told him they appreciated his work. They warned him of the arrival of more forces of chaos. The Curse summoned Skynts to test Fate's meddle. Fate defeated the beasts, and discovered Nabu in Fate's favorite coffee shop, the Java Man. Nabu told Fate he'd imprisoned the Curse thousands of years ago, but was never able to destroy him. Fate summoned dark forces to Salem, and sealed it off from the rest of the world, so Fate's attempts to teleport in the JSA failed. He confronted the Curse by himself, but the Curse defeated him and impaled him on a mystic blade. Fate's soul retreated into his helm because he was too close to death. Nabu told him he was a failure, and to give up. Fate came back by hitting him and using magic to repair his body so he could rejoin the fray. Bolling and his Wiccans held off the Curse's Skynts and zombies, but suffered heavy losses. Fate held back Curse's army, then went to Fate's Tower, which Curse claimed on his own. He'd kidnapped Caitlin, the ex of his human host who had a crush on Hector Hall. Fate saved her and imprisoned Curse in a sphere that had a complete lack of order. Although Curse fed off chaos, chaos needed order to keep it stable, so the sphere exploded, killing him. Fate took his disembodied head to the Tower for safekeeping, and erased the memories of the people of Salem, except for Bolling and his allies. As Hector he asked Caitlin out, and she eagerly accepted.

(JSA #54) - Fate, the JSA and JSA celebrated Thanksgiving at JSA hq. Kulak and the Warlord of Ys ruined the Thanksgiving meal, but were quickly defeated by the heroes. The JLA and JSA settled for ordering out, and had pizza for Thanksgiving.

(Hawkman IV #23)- Fate and the JSA attended a party for Hawkman in St. Roch, but the celebration ended when they heard a news report about Black Adam's conquest of Kahndaq.

(JSA #57, Hawkman IV #24, JSA #58, JSA #65 (fb))- Fate and the JSA traveled to Kahndaq in the Steel Eagle with the intention of taking the members of Black Adam’s superteam, their former allies, back home before Adam completely turned them into villains. During the flight Nabu summoned Fate into Fate’s amulet and told him he’d served with Adam during Egypt’s 15th Dynasty, and believed whatever Adam had planned for Khandaq, he had the peoples best intentions at heart. Nabu didn’t want Fate fighting Adam, and Fate promised to consider Nabu’s words. Black Adam destroyed the Steel Eagle, and the team was scattered across Kahndaq. Northwind and the Feitherians attacked some of the JSAers, and the fight ended when Dr. Fate transformed Northwind and the Feitherians into hawks. Nabu took control of Dr. Fate, and turned Northwind and his fellows back to normal, enabling them to resume fighting. Fate also joined in the battle against the JSA. Inside Fate’s amulet Hector Hall met up with the previous Dr. Fate’s, and was reunited with his wife Fury. They determined to have a talk with Nabu, and worked together to immobilize Fate’s body and bring Nabu into the amulet. Fate reassumed control of his body and freed Fury from the amulet. Together they aided the JSA in fighting Black Adam. Atom-Smasher and Captain Marvel brokered a peace pact between Black Adam and the JSA. The JSA promised not to interfere further in Kahndaq as long as Black Adam and his team remained within the country’s orders and didn’t try conquering any surrounding nations.

(Flash II #209) - Fate and the rest of the world forgot Flash’s secret identity thanks to the Spectre. Flash wanted the heroes he knew and trusted to know his identity, so he unmasked for Fate and the JSA.

(JSA #59) - Fate took a leave from the JSA to spend time with his wife. He promised Fury he’d never again be Nabu’s puppet and looked forward to restarting their life together.

(JSA #63, 64) - Nabu broke his chains inside the Fate amulet, and Dr. Fate entered the amulet and transferred his power to the other residents of the amulet. Nabu revealed that he cast a spell on Fury to keep Fury away from Dr. Fate, feeling love would e a distraction to him. Fate told Nabu he wanted him to learn compassion, and entrusted the job of teaching him to the other spirits in the amulet. Dream contacted Fate and let him know that Sand’s astral self was trapped in the Dreaming and needed to be reunited with his body. Fate and the JSA linked minds with the help of Brainwave, Jr. and entered the Dreaming. They encountered Sand, who’d come under the control of Brute and Glob and become their new Sandman. Sand attacked the heroes, but Dr. Fate disposed of Brute and Glob, allowing Brainwave to undo the brainwashing they did on him. Fate and the JSA left the Dreaming and Sand’s mind was restored to his body. Fate’s encounter with Brute and Glob reminded him of how often he’d been made into a puppet, first by them, then by Nabu. He was pleased to finally be coming in to his own.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Fate was among the number of heroes who attended Sue Dibny’s funeral. Afterwards heroes broke into teams to look for suspects in Sue’s murder, and Fate and the JSA went looking for Dr. Phosphorus.

(Green Lantern: Rebirth #4) - Ganthet summoned Fate and the JSA and a number of other heroes to battle Parallax, who’d completely taken over Hal Jordan. They weakened him enough for the Spectre to separate Hal from Parallax, allowing Hal’s soul to return to his body, resurrecting him. Parallax possessed Ganthet, spreading fear throughout the world, and only Hal was able to stop him.

(DC Countdown #1) - When someone broke into a Kord warehouse and stole the kryptonite stored there Oracle called in favors to Dr. Fate, the JSA, and a number of other heroes to investigate the crime scene, but the investigation turned up nothing.

(JSA #74) - Fate started memorizing spells he’d previously relied on Nabu to whisper in his min. Fury told him he was working too hard, so they got ready to spend some couple time. The Spectre-Force attacked Fate’s Tower, injured Fury and sent Fate and Fury to Hell.

(JSA #77-80) - Fate woke up in an arctic mountain range in Hell. Fury was still unconscious from her battle with Spectre, and when a group of demons attacked Fate he battled them savagely, promising he would never lose his wife again. He beat back the monsters, but they severely wounded him and he collapsed just as Fury awoke. Dream II offered his parents sanctuary, and as they died he took their souls into the Dreaming.

Comments: Created by Denny O'Neil & Alex Saviuk.

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Silver Scarab lived on Earth-2.

Silver Scarab received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #21. Sandman received a profile in Who's Who Update '88 #3. Dr.Fate received a profile in JLA-Z #2 under the Justice Society of America entry. Dr. Fate (as Li’l Fate) received a profile in Sins of Youth Secret Files #1 under the Junior Society of America entry.

Dr. Fate was pictured on the cover of JSA #28.

JSA #38 showed a promotional poster of Dr. Fate and the JSA in J.J. Thunder’s room.

A photo of Silver Scarab and the rest of Infinity, Inc. was shown in Fury II’s home in Sandman Presents: The Furies #1.

A photo of Fate and the JSA was seen in Atom-Smasher’s room in JSA #66.

JSA #76 showed that Atom-Smasher kept a picture of Fate and the JSA in his jail cell.

JSA All-Stars #7 showed a photo of Silver Scarab and other members of Infinity, Inc. hanging in the office of Director Bones.

Titans #17 showed a poster of Dr. Fate IV in Damage's room.

Dr. Fate had a cameo in 52 / WWIII Part Three: Hell Is For Heroes #1.

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