Real Name: Gym'll

Class: Extraterrestrial (Jaquaan)

Occupation: Doctor

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Oaa Tseldor (Variable Lad, nephew, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Medicus One, 30th Century

First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes II #284 (February, 1982)

Powers: Dr. Gym'll was a skilled medical doctor with four arms.


(Legion of Super-Heroes III #2) - Lightning Lord formed a new Legion of Super-Villains, with each of them swearing a blood oath to kill at least one Legionnaire. Lightning Lord swore on his oath to kill his brother Lightning Lad, which he said had been his destiny since he was born. Element Lad tracked the resurgence of the Legion of Super-Villains across several planets, briefed his team, and realized he was in for a major test of his leadership.  Cosmic Boy checked in with the Legion Academy, and alerted Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl about the danger. They were on Medicus One, with Saturn Girl receiving prenatal treatment and her delivery date fast approaching. Lightning Lad worried about the safety of his sister, not knowing she was already in captivity. Zymyr opened a spacewarp that stole the polymer screen around Earth that served environmental functions and controlled space traffic. Element Lad, Lightning Lad, and despite everyone else’s objections, Saturn Girl, responded. Saturn Girl went into labor, and Tyr was disappointed to be fighting a pregnant woman, but contented himself with the fact that she’d be easy to kill. Zymyr ended the confrontation, warping his teammates away, and Element Lad and Lightning Lad rushed Saturn Girl to the Medicus One Maternity Ward. Dr. Gym’ll told Lightning Lad he’d been paging him, and that if he wasn’t planning on pulling any more moronic stunts it was time to get in the delivery room. Element Lad, who’d been pacing back and forth in worry, fainted.

Comments: Created by Paul Levitz & Pat Broderick.

Dr. Gym'll received a profile in Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #1.

Dr. Gym'll's appearance in Legion of Super-Heroes III #2 was reprinted in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #327.

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