Real Name: Alex Sartorius

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Professional criminal, former physician

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Detective Comics I #469 (May, 1977)

Powers: Dr. Phosphorus' body was composed of organic phosphorus that burned on contact with the air, emitting poisonous fumes and glowing with a radioactive flame. Dr. Phosphorus was a sub-par fighter, but anything coming into contact with him burned. His primary weakness was deprivation of oxygen, since that nullified his powers.

History: (Detective Comics I #469, 470) - Dr. Sartorius was a wealthy member of Gotham City's exclusive Tobacconists' Club who invested his life savings with city council chair Rupert Thorne, who was constructing a private nuclear power plant in Gotham. The people of Gotham rioted, not wanting the plant in their backyard, and Thorne was forced to move the plant three miles offshore in the Atlantic. The builders cut corners on the project, and when Sartorius inspected it he noticed a crack in the reactor core. As it exploded he dove behind a pile of sandbags, causing millions of red-hot sand grains to be driven through his body. The radiation changed the sand from silicon to phosphorus, and Sartorius' body was mutated into a pure phosphorus form. His mind became unhinged, and calling himself Dr. Phosphorus he began a campaign of terror against Gotham City. Dr. Phosphorus soaked himself in the Gotham Reservoir, poisoning the water and causing dozens of people to fall ill in Gotham City. Batman’s butler Alfred collapsed and fell into a coma, and he had to drive him to the hospital in his Batmobile because there were no ambulances available in Gotham. The doctors told Batman 50 other people had fallen ill with the same mysterious sickness in the last hour. Commissioner Gordon was at the hospital, and presented Batman with a note the police station had received from Dr. Phosphorus. Phosphorus stated that the people of Gotham city had earned his wrath, and would pay for their sins against him with their lives. Batman returned to Wayne tower, trying to figure out the source of the illness, and realized it was the drinking water. It was still nighttime, and Batman feared that by morning most of Gotham would be sick. He called up Gordon, who told Batman he’d just drank some water and felt sick himself. Before passing out Gordon told Batman not to let him down. Batman traveled to the Gotham Reservoir, where he was confronted by Dr. Phosphorus. Batman and Phosphorus fought, and Batman had a rough go of it because he burned at Phosphorus’ touch. Phosphorus wrapped his hands around Batman’s neck, and they tumbled into the reservoir. Underwater Phosphorus no longer burned, and Batman was able to escape his grasp. Phosphorus told Batman he was a worthy for, and it would be a shame to kill him during their first battle, so he fled. Dr. Phosphorus visited Dr. Bell, who’d introduced him to the Tobacconists' Club, and said that while he’d have his revenge on the city council for having created him he’d spare Bell’s life if he kept Batman from interfering with him. Thorne was more than happy to go after Batman, he’d been trying to crack down on Batman for years, nervous of someone who wasn’t in his back pocket, but commissioner Gordon had always stood in his way. With Gordon in the hospital after drinking tainted water Chief O’Hara and the GCPD were ordered to have no further contact with Batman, and Batman was issued a subpoena to appear before a grand jury. Phosphorus visited the Sprang Memorial Arena during a rock concert, and allowed the toxic fumes from his body to get in the air-conditioning system. He sealed the arena exits, poisoning the hundreds of concert-goers. Dr. Phosphorus hid out in the offshore power plant, with Thorne providing longshoremen as security. Batman saw the entire city council was against him, and as Bruce Wayne he threw a yacht party, inviting Thorne and the rest of the council so they’d be distracted. Bruce slipped away from the party, changed into Batman, and confronted Dr. Phosphorus. The fight went badly for Phosphorus, who seemingly died after falling into the power plant’s rebuilt nuclear core.

(Batman I #311) - The rebuilt Gotham Nuclear Plant went critical for ten minutes, and Batman investigated, finding glowing footprints. He realized Dr. Phosphorus was still alive and a threat to Gotham. Batman told Commissioner Gordon what he’d discovered and met with Peter Curtis, the head of a group of anti-nuclear protesters set to hold a rally the next day. Dr. Phosphorus was skulking nearby and furious that anyone would try to close his plant. Batman went to Arkham to speak to Boss Thorne and see if he had any information about Dr. Phosphorus’ whereabouts. Batman’s presence triggered a psychotic episode in Thorne, who’d just been visited by Phosphorus, who burned through his cell wall to tell him his upcoming plan. Phosphorus outran Batman promising he’d burn Gotham like phosphorus burned when exposed to air and promised to reign over the city. Batman and Gordon attended the anti-nuclear rally where Congresswoman Barbara Gordon was a speaker, railing against the dangers of nuclear power. Gordon glowed at how proud he was of his daughter, and Barbara spoke privately to Batman about the Dr. Phosphorus case. Batman realized that when Phosphorus said he was going to reign over Gotham he meant he was going to poison rainclouds to produce phosphorus rain. Barbara missed working alongside Batman, and as Batgirl she joined him in a visit to the Gotham airport. Phosphorus was about to take off in a plane, but Batman foiled him by ramming it with the Batmobile. The impact knocked Batman unconscious and Batgirl was forced to engage Phosphorus in hand-to-hand combat. She couldn’t hurt him, but remembered Batman was wearing a special radiation-proof suit for the occasion, and grabbed his cape, wrapping Phosphorus in it and smothering his fire. Phosphorus ranted that he would have rained death on all of Gotham and she told him to knock off the melodrama. Batman was proud of how Batgirl handled the situation, and she said Gotham’s villains couldn’t compare to the danger of politics.

(Underworld Unleashed #1, Starman vol. 2 #10, 12, 13)-Dr. Phosphorus made a deal with the demon-lord Neron that vastly increased his powers in exchange for his soul. The newly empowered Phosphorus was hired by Mist II to kill Starman I, but the aging hero outwitted and defeated the madman.

(Batman: Battle for the Cowl: Man-Bat #1) - Black Mask broke Dr. Phosphorus and the rest of Arkham's inmates out in the chaos caused by Batman’s apparent death. Francine Langstrom went looking for Phosphorus, who was hiding in a power station to mask the energy he gave off. He captured Francine, and later her husband Kirk. Phosphorus found Kirk's Man-Bat serum and decided they were very much alike, both monsters and men of science. He just wanted to talk to Kirk, but Kirk fought and escaped with Francine, although Phosphorus destroyed his serum. Phosphorus followed and was ready to burn Francine to bring out the beast in Kirk. It worked, he transformed without the serum, and they struggled, falling into Gotham's harbor, with only Man-Bat emerging.

(Titans II #28-30) - Deathstroke’s Titans came to Arkham to liberate inmate Allegra Garcia on behalf of a client, and bribed a guard for the run of the asylum. After they double-crossed him he flipped a switch that released all the inmates. Phosphorus and his fellow inmates were looking forward to freedom, and attacked the Titans, not wanting them to stand in their way. Batman responded to the breakout, and Deathstroke had Allegra use her electromagnetic powers to disable the Arkham inmates security collars. Deathstroke told them they were free to play with Batman, and they allowed the Titans and Allegra to leave.

Comments: Created by Steve Englehart & Walt Simonson

Dr. Phosphorus received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #6.

Dr. Phosphorus had a cameo Detective Comics I #471, Shadow of the Batman #2.

Dr. Phosphorus' appearance in Detective Comics I #469, 470 was reprinted in Shadow of the Batman #1.

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