Real Name: Rigoro Mortis
Class: Human technology-user
Occupation: Mad scientist
Group Affiliation: Science Squad
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Oolong Island
First Appearance: House of Mystery I #165 (March, 1967)
Powers: Mortis was a brilliant scientist and inventor.History: Dr. Rigoro Mortis was a mad scientist who once battled Robby Reed. Years later he was recruited into the Science Squad.
(Doom Patrol V #11, 12) - The DP captured super villain Porcelain Doll, and the Science Squad constructed a special cell for her. Rigoro Mortis and his compatriots were all eager to examine her, her organic porcelain body being most unique. Chief balked, but IQ reminded him that according to Oolong President Veronica Cale he now answered to the Science Squad. Porcelain Doll managed to escape captivity, but she left behind the extra dimensional M.S.E. workers that continually repaired her body. Chief offered Mortis a chance to examine them.
(Doom Patrol V #19) - The criminal organization C.R.U.S.H. wanted Oolong as their new secret hq, and sent the Secret Six to dispatch the DP, as well as ignite a dormant v0olcano on Oolong. Science Squad members Rigoro Mortis, Bug Baron and Doctor Cyclops showed uncharacteristic bravery in going after the Six with laser blasters, even though Veronica Cale would have preferred they staid on base to make a plan to stop the volcano. President Veronica Cale had DP member Elasti-Woman divert the volcano s lava to an uninhabited part of the island and saved the day.
Comments: Created by Dave Wood & Jim Mooney
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